Behind Those Nerd Glasses

L.Joe's POV

I caught Min Ah right on time, I heard her say 'off' as she landed safely on my arms.


I looked down at her, her eyes were shut. I looked at her with familiarity. 

Hmmm.. I think she looks familiar, not that I don't know her, she looks like someone I know, in the showbiz world, I just can't point the person out. My thoughts were interuppted when I noticed that she started opening her eyes.

Your POV

"See? It wasn't that frightening." He said as he put me down. As his hands left my waist and legs, I felt a little bit of emptiness, and It's not a good thing, well, for me.

"It WAS that frightening." I answered. He playfully rolled his eyes. 

"Whatever. Let's just go." He said and left, while I was still standing like a dull person. I quickly coped up with him.

We arrived at the bus stop both hands on our knees and panting for air.

I sat at the bench, near the waiting shed, exhausted from all the running.

L.Joe sat beside me.

"What are we doing here?" I asked him.

"What else? To catch a bus." 

"Why do we need a bus?"

"Do you want to run again?"

"No." I shook my head. "Where are we going though?" I asked again.

"To SM." 

"You're kidding right?"


"Woah. Seriously?! I haven't been there for like, years." I whispered the last part, but L.Joe must have heard, because he turned to me with a questioning look.

"Years?" He asked.


"Why?" He asked. 

I can't tell him that I'm busy cause he'll question me what keeps me busy. BRAIN.PLEASE.WORK. Then a lie came into my mind, well, I know lying is bad, BUT IT'S FOR A GOOD REASON. Okay?!

"My mom won't let me go." I lied.

"And why won't she let you go?" He asked, raising a brow.

"Because... She wants me to have a good grades, and will not be disturbed by other stuffs." I answered, but it came out like a question.

"Are you sure?" He asked again. I nervously nodded my head. Sighing, he turned back to his front, waiting for the bus.

After it felt like hours, the bus finally arrived. We stood up and went to the bus.

The door of the bus opened and I waited for L.Joe to step in first, but I think he was also waiting for me too because nobody stepped in first.

Sighing, I went in with L.Joe behind me and looked for a seat. Sadly, there weren't any available seats anymore, so we have no choice but to stand up. 

Oh yeah, did I mention to you that L.Joe was wearing a cap that can cover half of his face? No? Well, now you do. :]

I grabbed a pole near me to avoid myself from tumbling down.

L.Joe was near the other pole, so, we weren't that close now. I mean the distance. 


L.Joe's POV

I checked on Min Ah and found her with 2 guys who were sandwiching her, I could tell that she felt uncomfortable cause she kept wiggling.
I tried to ignore the sight but I just can't.
I decided to help her, so, I pulled her away from those two guys and brought her closer to me.
Her head was on my chest. I felt uncomfortable with this position, and I think she was too. I looked down at her and she was like avoiding my gaze. YEP. SHE WAS UNCOMFORTABLE.
She unexpectedly looked up at me, and our eyes automatically met. My heart was like babump-babump. I DON'T LIKE THIS FEELING. I DON'T LIKE THIS FEELING.
She was the one who pulled away from the gaze first. I secretly sighed in relief as she pulled away, well my mind was reliefed, not my heart. :/ THIS IS BAAAD. -_-"
A/N: Hey guuuuys :). Okay, tell me people, what am I writing right now? XD I can't figure out my own story. -_-" HAHAHA. I'm a weird author alright. ;D
Anyway, I'm gonna tell you in advance that I'll be writing another story, entitled - Lucky Fan. But don't worry, this story is my first priority and the other story is my second priority, so forgive me if sometimes, I won't update daily. Well it's not just that... SCHOOL is another reason. I hope you understand. <3 
FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER ---> thank youuuu. :) <3




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hey guuuuuuys. I'll be updating tomorrow, so don't ya worry :)


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Chapter 17: Update!!!!!!
Miss_KpopGurl #2
Chapter 17: Please Update!! ^^
Chapter 17: Update soon
_StarryEyes #4
Aaah, please update soon!
Threewannabes #5
Chapter 17: Awesome story!! Pls update soon!!^^
Love it!!
OMG. L.Joeee..
Awww cute!!! <3 please update soon author nim! :))
Awww they're getting close!
Me loves a nerd story feature Teen Top members. :DD
Update soon!!
chubbymorie #10
the 2 are starting to get close..