
Identity Uncovered





You woke up freezing cold,You felt your head throb,You looked around and it was so cold,It was an ice room,and you got up your feet and looked at the thermosat,there was one,It was at 18 dc.


You tried to twist the knob but it was glued firmly to the wall,The was another switch outside the door,the door was made of metal and you banged it was there was no reply,you panicked and a tear slipped down.


*oppas will come find me right?*



Suddenly you heard beeping sounds and saw the thermosat going down.


You was dressed in your school uniform only and your bag was gone,!&,16,15,14,13,12,11,10.

It stopped at 10dc.



you froze.*im not going to die here am i*


You started crying,You banged at the metal door,only making your fists bleed and hurt and your hands were already freezing,YOur cried and huddled against a corner and cried... There was a small camera up the wall but you didnt noticed it.





The boys were at their boss's office when a message came in from the boss's computer,He clicked and a video appeared. a live streaming of what was happening to you,Suddenly a scream from the computer could be heard,everyone froze,it sounded strangely like you.




L.Joe was the first to move but stopped by The boss "Everyon out except for the leaders"

L.joe continued to make his way towards the computer and he too,let a tear fall,the camera zoomed in =to the thermosat,10degrees celcius.


He stared at the screen and felt his heart break into tiny pieces,as if someone was clawing his insides out,sure enough everyone gathered when they saw L.joe's tears,Kai Balled up his fists and stormed out of the door,Crashing sounds could be heard,then Kai came back in"Where is She?" He asked.



for the first time,The Boss didnt know how to answer.


Everyone wanted to find you and panicked.



The beeping sound could be heard from the screen and everyone's attention whipped to the screen. IT flashed at a dangerous 0 degrees..




Myungsoo Roared.



L.Joe was torn apart.



The screen buzzed and the sentence appeared.  JIMIN?SHES AT MY OFFICE"S ICE ROOM,SAVE HER.... IF YOU CAN.




No one can last in such a temperature with such clothing!


"i get easily cold,But im okay"  The words repeat in L.Joe's mind.




L.Joe Burst out of the door and Ran out into the streets,He ran Like crazy,Tears falling down from his Face,The boys were shouting too,Running after him.


wait for,me, wait and hear me say I Love You



He was tired but he still ran pushing passer-bys out of his way.

He reached the main building the security blocked him but he punched them,more security came,soon the boys came and helped him out.







You felt your eyelids close,'Byunghyun,Lee byunghyun" you whispered.





Ricky shouted,across the chaos.



Kai wanted to run and find you too,but when he saw L.Joe tears,He knew he couldnt match up to him.



L.Joe didnt think twice and ran up,He ran up the stairs and came to the metal door,he held the door and it was cold,he aw the thermosat outside it and quickly twisted it to 30 degrees,He couldnt open the door,He leaned in and banged the door,"JI MIN,ARE YOU THERE?REPLY ME JI MIN!"

He heard a faint whisper'"byunghyun ah,lee byunghyun"



He cried more when he heard your voice,he banged harder. suddenly the door clicked open,he looked behind to see Tablo laughing.


He rushed in and saw your limp body,Your face ahd turned so pale and your lips were frozen, he hugged you to his body and cried,"JiMin ah"



Footsteps were heard and the rest of the boys arrived they saw L.Joe holding Ji Min's body and the first to break out in a rage was GD,He lunged for Him but was tsopped when a gun was pushed to his head, he then took another gun and gestured ljoe to leave you,"Do you want your hyung to die?"He asked when L.Joe refused,He looked at Tablo with anger and carefully put you down.




Tablo walked over to you body,"Poor thing,so beautiful yet its dead,so white" He said, JiMin's pale face.

"DONT TOUCH HER" Tao yelled. 

tablo tsked and Looked to them " I like red.Its a beautiful colour,He used his second gun and shot your lifeless body,Before Gd could reach him.



After taht it was all chaos. THey left the room with JiMin in L.Joe's arms and a dead Tablo in the room.





A year later.....




Dandelions surrounded JiMins grave and it was a sunny day,Ljoe holding a black plastic bag in his arm walked over and leaned against the grave,"Jimin-ah" He spoke.Then smiled sadly,"its my birthday today". But then struggled to smile,"I brought wine,Lets enjoy?He chuckled then took out two wine glasses out of a box from the plastic bag and a small bottle of wine,He filled the two glasses and placed a glas by your grave.




'Cheers!" He yelled. and sipped form the glass. he let out a sigh and started telling you how he ditched everyone on his birthday to visit you. he then laughed and a small tear escaped.



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i shall love you all


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graciawong #1
Chapter 31: omg.. why did she dieee.... shd shldnt have died.. make it all a dream----
Chapter 32: WTH SHE DIED !?!??!!? THIS IS SO SAD !!~~~~~~ TT^TT
RoxyKimRyan #3
Chapter 6: Yay bubble tea^^
Liyanamyssha #4
Chapter 25: Please continue updating. I would like Myungsoo to be with Ji Min.
marjv98 #5
Chapter 25: Please update!!!
dwi1996 #6
Chapter 25: Please update soon i have waiting for your updates
marjv98 #7
Chapter 24: New reader here~~~ Please update!!!!! :DDDD
chachu #8
Chapter 23: pls update
chachu #9
Chapter 21: awww!!! so cute
chachu #10
Chapter 5: omo omo exo m is not complete :((
lay where are you