My Angel ~

Angel In My Dream (Re-Write)


I sat on a bench at the top of a small hill that I always go. I looked up the bright, blue sky. It's so peaceful here . I've been thinking, will an angel come down and make my life happy and bright like before? Yes, I'm so lonely. I just have a twin brothers who live in Korea right now .. I take a deep breath and stand up . I walked while day-dreaming.

"ouch!" Suddenly I bumped onto someone and fell on the ground. I looked at the person I bumped. He looked so angry . I quickly stand up and bowed to him.

"I'm sorry ! I'm very very sorry !" I looked at him slowly. He still glared at me.

"Next time, watch ur step !!" He said suddenly then walked away while glance at me. I pouted.

"Mian....hae.." I whisper "So.... arrogant" I sighed .


I walked slowly to a game store . I enter the store and looked around. Suddenly I saw someone.

"He look fimiliar.." I walked to him "You!!" I pointed to him as he turn to look at me. He glance at me and look at the game back. I pouted again .

"Did he don't have a voice to speak? But he yell at me yesterday" I whisper alone. I stand beside him looked at all the game infront of us. That boy just looked at a game.

"Maybe he liked that game.." I thought.. "You like that game? Can I buy it for you?" I asked him slowly. He turned to me.

"Geez!! Annoying girl !" He glance at me and looked back at the game ..

'Aigoo, this boy !" I walked around and looked at another game. I turned back to look at him but.......he's gone !! Where is he?!! I ran outside the store and looked around. He's not here or everywhere . I sigh and walked back home. I don't know why, I keep thinking about that boy. He looked very mystery and that make my heart attracted to him.


The next morning, I decide to go to a nearby cafe to take my breakfast. I walked outside my house and suddenly saw that mystery boy standing infront of my house. I looked at him and he gave me  warm smile. I shocked and happy.

"Annyeong~!" He wave " Sorry for make you feel annoying yesterday. I'm Woohyun.. You?" He offer his hand for a handshake. I accept it and shake his hand.

"It's okay.. I'm Hana.. Hurm, How did you know this is my house?"

"I saw you enter this house yesterday, so I make a conclusion that this is your house ." He smiled again . I melted.

"Where are you going?" he asked me suddenly.

"I want to go to the nearby cafe to take my breakfast.."

"Ahhhh~! I want to follow you! I'll pay for your breakfast! kajja!" He grab my hand and hold it . I smiled. Suddenly I realize something, why his hand so cold? Maybe it's because the weather .. We arrived at a nearby cafe and take a seat. We spend our time there until we said goodbye to each other . He make me happy. I never smiled like this before.

The next day, i walked up to my favourite hill. I saw Woohyun standing under a big tree. I jogged happily to him.

"Woohyun-ssi" I hugged his arm. He looked at me and glance. I shocked.

"E-eh?" What's....wrong?" He glance again and pull his hand harshly. He walked to a bench and sit down. I bite my lips and sighed. I take out my handphone and sit beside him. i take a picture of us together. My handphone's camera make a flash and that make Woohyun feel annoying.

"Aish Jinjja!!" He stand up and walked away quickly.


"Better you go home and prepared for your class tomorrow !!" He shout back and I looked at him until he disappeared.

"Hurm?" How did he know I have a class tomorrow? Aish ! He's so mystery!"

That night, after I take my bath, I open my bag and take out my handphone. I open the folder to take a looked at the pic I took with him this morning. When I opened it, I shocked . My handphone was dropped off from my hand. He's not in that pic ! It's just me on that pic ! I started to feel uneasy. The next day, I can't focus to my study. After the class over, I stand at the coridor infront of my class. Suddenly a boy walked along the coridor at the second block across my block. He looked like Woohyun but I ignored him. Suddenly I looked at a park at the ground floor. A boy looked at me and wave. He asked me to come down.

"Woohyun-ssi....Ah! Okay!" I quickly take the stairs and go downstairs. Once I was there, I find it so chaos. People run away everywhere like they saw a .... ghost?! I walked around and found Woohyun standing at the park and people run away from him..... Eh?!! What' wrong?! I stopped not far from him. His face look so pale . He stepped forward to me and I just stand there, froze. I can't move anymore..

"My time already over, I have to go " He give me a smile. From what he said, I know... That the last smile he will give to me.


"Goodbye" I try to catch him but I can't. My hand go through his body. My eyes teary. He kiss my cheek softly and it's so cold.. I can feel it on my skin. 


"Saranghae" He whisper slowly before he disappeared slowly into a dust.


I open my eyes slowly and get up.

"Eh?!" I looked around "Am I....just dreaming?" I rub my cheek, it's still cold .. I sighed. Suddenly my phone ringing. It must be my twin brothers, Lee Taemin and Lee Sungjong. I accept it.

"Yoboseyo? Ah ! Nae, Sungjong Oppa! waeyo?"

"I want to tell you that you have to comeback here. Eunhyuk hyung want you to stay with us. He worry about you."

"W-what?! ah, arraseo.." 

"Pack ur things, Eunhyuk hyung already prepared his private jet for you.

"Okay" I hang up and place my phone on my table. I walk to the window and look outside. I still remember his face clearly. 

"Woohyun---oppa...If I can meet with u once again , I just want to say, don't ever leave me even you're dead .."


Don't worry, it's not over yet ! I will continue it ~ :p

Here ~ "I Love You ! Okay?!"

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nice. ^^