Beast brief Introduction

love begins with friendship


I became a humapus
[Your POV]
Appartment (meeting time)
The train began to move up the surface of the beach, leaving me with all the living animals under the sea. Suddenly the sea creatures began to have arms and feet and everything else a human has, the only difference was that they were different colours of skin, they had gills etc... (like avatar but different). 
Slowly, my skin turned purple, my hair turned into the tenticles of the octopus, it was then when I realized that I turned into a human octopus...I became a humapus. 
***Your phone ringing (ringtone: Black and white by G.NA)***
There was a faint sound, it became louder and louder, the image in my head slowly vanished. It was just a dream...
My eye slowly opened, but I was still half asleep. I grabbed my phone and answered. 
"YAH! Where are you?" The voice over the phone sounded impatient, how could someone shout early in the morning. 
I slowly realised that it was already past one! "Umm... well, I kinda overslept?" I said in a tone as if I was asking. "I know...I know... yup...ok. Bye" I jumped out of bed and tidied it. I noticed a sticky note on the mirror, 
"Miss Yumi, Sorry I left without saying a word. I am very thankful for everything you've done for me, I really appreciate your hospitality, I'll return your kindness in the near future. thank you very much you're a true friend!.... Love Seo hee"
A small smile crawled on my face, I felt warm inside, I was happy to know that she considers me as a friend. The treasuable moment of my happiness ended quickly as I saw the time. I ran to my closet, picked my clothes and whized to the shower. One of my maids cooked some breakfast even though I told my parents I wouldn't need any of the helpers cause I want to live like a normal 18 yearold. 
After I got dressed ( I got out of the bathroom, the voices of the guys travelled to my ear as I walked closer and closer to my room. I quickly fixed and styled my hair, added eye liner above my eyelash, and lip gloss to my lips. I don't really put on a lot of make up, I like to go for the natural look. I took my first step into the living room and stopped as I was surprised to see Doojoon again and three new faces. The guys looked over and all six pairs of eyes were fixed on me. Doojoon and Kikwang walked over and they both gave me a very warm and welcoming hug, I missed them so much!
"Long time no see shrimp!" Doojoon stretching my cheeks in different directions, I could just about to feel my cheeks turning red, so I pushed his hands away, and a small chuckle came out from his mouth. Kikwang grinned and ruffled my fringe, trying to fix me hair, over the two guys' shoulder Junhyung and the three guys were sitting on the couch, staring at us. Kikwang and Doojoon noticed I was looking at the other four, so they walked over, followed by me. The four guys stood up from the couch. We greeted eachother and Kikwang introduced each of them to me. "Mi-mi, these are all the members of beast, Yoseob, Dongwoon, Hyunseung and you've met Junhyung, guys, Yumi" Kikwang pointed them out, as he called each of their names, I shook hands with them and displayed a friendly smile. We stayed in my appartment for a few more minutes to have a little chat, getting to know more about them.  Kikwang and Doojoon haven't changed one bit, I missed them so. 
In that little time, I got to know them a little bit more.
There's Dongwoon, the maknae, and he's teased a lot by the members.
Yoseob thirs youngest, from the look of it, he looks like he's the visual maknae. 
Hyunseung, the second oldest in the group, I can tell that me and Hyunseung will be very good friends, he's the wierd one, who lives in his four-D world.
Junhyung, little by little I begin to notice that he's the one who likes to wined up the other members for fun. 
Doojoon is the leader of the group. I've known him for a long time too, not as long as Kikwang but all three of us were good friends. He's still immature. 
Kikwang also haven't changed one bit. He's still the clumsy gullible kid from before. 
All of them are very open, they put on a friendly atmosphere, and it feels like we've been together for so long. 
Feelings like this, I would never experience if I had stayed in that house of prison. 
We finally gathered in the car. There was atleast three guards  who were behind, tracing the car I was on.
Just when I was feeling like a normal teenage girl, they appear and destroy everything. But I decided that I won't let them take out the fun I'm about to have.
[Seo Hee's POV]
I see all six of them are present...Even better. I took a few shots of them before they went inside the car. I tailed them inside a taxi from behind the guard's vehicle. When they reached their destination, I hid my self, so I'm not visible. As I was instructed, I phoned Hyoyeon and told her the exact directions of their where about. 
I suddenly had a feeling that someone was watching me, I looked around, and saw a guy in disguise from a distance, only his head and half of his body were showing as the other half of him was behind a wall, I know he was looking at me. I squinted my eyes trying to make out his face through his scarf. He also knew I was looking directly at him, he turned away and disappeared behind the wall. Some one suddenly tapped my shoulder. I stiffened.
Hmm sorry... this is all I could think of for this chappie! I'm completely drained from school! 
I'll update tomorrow since its FRIDAY! :P Wohooo!!!
(also excuse the image above, it's my 2nd one, so I'm still developing with my techniques and stuff)
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f-dowg #1
omo!! Joon!!
MinJiOh #2
Update SOON~~! XD
@helloimse<br />
Yupp! Joon and Hyohyeon are going out XD both are up for a big surprise later on!! XD
@XiaoRizz<br />
i've always wanted to have 2 sisters and 2 brothers..but i ended up having one of each! ahah :P so in this story im making it come true :P hehehe<br />
I'll try and update more since I'm gona be finishing school in two weeks! WHOOO :P <br />
<br />
thank you guys for commenting! please continue to support me :D
its been a long time you've updated this, ahaha its good to have u update again! thanks :) and my goshh all 5 siblings' names starts with "y" LOL ooooohhh lee joon from mblaq?! whoa interesting! aha cant wait for next chapter!