Behind the scenes: the making of "Lucifer"

Behind the scenes: the making of "Lucifer"

"Today, I will be making a music video! So I can text you, but it will be hard for me to call you. I promise after the video shoot I will call!"


I heard her cute little voice on the other line. "Ok Taemin! I'll be waiting!"


The phone clicked as I hung up on my lifelong friend. Her name is Minnie. She and I were best friends since we were both in diapers. I remember having so many play dates with her! She's my longest and closest friend!


I smiled at my phone. It is always great to hear her voice....


"Yah! Taemin! Time to go!" I heard Key yell. 


"Oh! Coming!" I yelled back, running to the front door. 






On the van ride, I texted Minnie the whole time. We talked about what she will do today. 


"ooooo Taemin!"


I looked over at Onew, who sat next to me. 


"Is that your girlfriend?" Onew began to laugh


"uh.....of course not!" I tried to put my phone away, but Onew grabbed it.


"Who is Minnie?"


"A friend!"


I snatched my phone from Onew, only for it to be taken away from Jonghyun, who was in the seat in front of me. 


"Minnie? Funny how your girlfriend's name is similar to your nickname! Is that where you got it from?" He began to laugh.


I turned bright red. "No! I I mean no!" I tried to grab my phone, but Jonghyun held it away from me, only for Key to grab it.


"I want to meet her! I want to see if I approve of her!" Key said like he was my mother.




I leaned over the van seat to grab my phone, but Key held it so far away from me I couldn't reach it. I groaned as I tried my hardest to reach, but with no success.


"Please, Taemin. It's obvious you have a thing for this girl!" Minho turned from the front seat and look at me with a serious look. "You text her everyday. You even call her everyday! Also your nickname is based off of her! You are hiding her from us. And You wallpaper on your phone is you and her. Looks like a couple picture to me!"


Minho grabbed the phone from Key and showed me the wallpaper. I blushed 1000 shades darker and I looked away, out the window. Never thought I would fall for Minnie.....maybe the guys are right.


"y-yah.....please give me my phone...." I calmly said as I reached out my hand towards Minho. 


"Ok fine, here" 


Minho reached the phone towards me. I reached out to grab it, but I heard a vibration. Then, Minho pulled is arm back.


"It's a text from Minnie!" Minho yelled as he flipped my phone open.


"Y-YAH! DON'T READ MY TEXTS!" I screamed as I tried jumping over the seats to Minho. 


Jonghyun and Key laughed as they grabbed me and pushed me back to my seat. I continued to try to jump to Minho, but Jonghyun and Key are too strong! They keep pushing me back!


"It says 'I hope you have a great shoot today! I will except a phone call after the shoot! No matter how late. Oh and if you need anything, don't hesitate to call.'" He closed my phone. "that sounds like love, Tae....MINNIE!"




I smacked Jonghyun and Key out of the way, not caring if it hurt. Jonghyun yelled as he rubbed his face and Key fell over in pain. I jumped over the seat and grabbed my phone. Minho looked at me shock. "STOP IT!"


I jumped back to my seat and put my seatbelt on. I quickly sent a reply text to Minnie and I shoved my phone in my pocket. The van went silent as I stared out the window, filled with anger. 


"Taemin......we were just joking around with you....." Key quietly said as he rubbed his nose from my slap. 


" harm in that." Jonghyun rubbed his red cheek.


"No need to hurt anyone." Minho said. "But in all seriousness, you two seem like a couple. Like in love."


"WE AREN'T!" I crossed my arms. "We......we aren't........are we?" 


The guys shrugged their shoulders and looked at each other with blank looks. Then they all looked at me.


"I think it is love, Taemin." Onew said. "I know I wouldn't dare to act like that to a friend that's a girl. Not like how you treat Minnie."


I stared at Onew with a shocked look. Then I looked towards the floor of the van. Maybe I do........






Once we made it to the set and we got out costumes and make up finished, I entered the main set, where most of the dance of the music video will be performed. My hair extensions pulled on my real hair, making a slight sting. I bit my bottom lip, trying to hold in the pain as I stretched to be ready for the dance. 


"Everyone! Positions! and...........ACTION!"


I began dancing to our single, "lucifer." I dance with power! I danced with skill! After all, I AM the best dancer of SHINee! But today....I kept stumbling over my feet! I was off tempo! I couldn't do anything right!


"Sigh.......Taemin. Pay attention!"


I wiped the sweat off my head as the stress took over me. I took deep breaths, trying to calm down. But Minnie was on my mind. Ever since the car ride.......I look at her differently than before! not as a friend, but more as a girl I love. Why didn't I realize it before?!


"Are you okay?" 


I looked over at Jonghyun, who looked at me with concern. "Is it because we are doing the y concept?"


"N-........y-yeah. It's different than being a cute boy....." I lied. 


Jonghyun raised an eyebrow at me. "It's fine don't share it. But feel better, okay?"


I bowed to my hyung as he walked away.






I lip sang to the camera for my close up parts of the music video. But as I acted, only one thing was on my mind....Minnie. I pretended the camera was her and I sang to her, with such energy and power! 


"Good, Taemin! good!" The director yelled from behind the camera. "fantastic!"


I bowed to the director after my camera time and I sat down with a water bottle. break time! As I watched Jonghyun do his camera time, I pulled out my phone. 


3 messages


3? I opened my inox and saw Minnie's name 3 times. I felt my heart race and my face burn. I opened the first message.


Wow this music video is taking a long time! I'm waiting~ ^_^


I smirked as I opened the second one.


Taeminnie~~~ Minnie is waiting! :)


I smiled a big smile. I opened the third one.


I'm sorry if I'm bothering you with all these messages. But I wanna talk to you! I hope my phone call is soon!


I pushed reply and smiled as i typed.


Hey Minnie! Sorry this shoot is taking longer than expected. But I promise to call you when I finish. I want to talk to you. I love to hear your voice.


I pushed send, only to get an arm wrapped around me by Onew.


"So.....not love, huh?" Onew winked at me. 


"What are you doing reading my messages?!" I said annoyed. "This is private!"


"Just admit you love her. Then the teasing will stop." Onew smiled as he walked away. 


That's it! I'm tired of the teasing! I'm tired of them reading my messages! I stood up from my chair, hands forming fists on my side. I stared as Onew walked away. Then I took a deep breath.




Onew froze in mid step. Jonghyun stopped his lip singing and stared at me. The cameramen stared at me. The director even stopped and stared! Onew slowly turned around, looking at me with shocked eyes. In fact, everyone had a look of shock on their face. As I looked at everyone, the room grew silent. Not a single sound was made, except the beating of my heart. 


"What are you looking at?!" I yelled. "Haven't you seen a man in love before?!"


I stormed off outside, where I tried my best not to cry. The shoot wasn't over and I can't mess up my make up. I rested my hands on my hips and I looked up towards the sky. I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. 


"Now what?" I whispered to myself. "You love her. What will you do now?"


I took out my phone, only to see a message from her, 


I will stay up as late as you need me to. I really want to talk to you. 


I reread the message many times, thinking about whether or not she loves me back. I don't know! What if she doesn't?! What if I told her how I felt and she rejects me?! But......what if she does?

"taemin.....I"m sorry."


I turned around to see Onew, who looked guilty. He slowly walked towards me. "I'm really sorry. I was just playing around. We all were! We'll stop. I'll tell them to stop and I'll stop. Just forgive us and come back inside and finish the shoot."


I couldn't do it.....I felt tears run down my face. I walked up to Onew and gave him a hug. "thank you, Onew....."






Finally! The shoot was finished! I ran to the make up room, where I went to wash my make up off. But the door was locked. "Where's the make up artist? I need to take my makeup off!"


"She's gone. She left an hour ago. Take it off at home." The director said. "Ok everyone! Leave now! I don't want to pay for another hour here!"


We all packed our stuff and went in the van. It was time to go home. 


I sat in the same spot as before. I decided not to talk to the guys. They were singing to a hand held camera Key brought. They were singing weesung and Kesha. I just wasn't in the mood. 


"Come on taemin! Show us a dance!"


I put on a fake smile and did a small hand dance. They chuckled and pointed the camera at themselves. I sighed, looking out the window. Only one thing was on my mind. Minnie. I needed to speak with her! I picked up my phone to call......but then I had an idea.


"driver! Please go to the Huggy Bunny cafe!" I yelled. 


"What? Why?" The SHINee members and the driver asked.


"I want to get coffee. It's close to the dorm I'll walk home." I said. 






Minnie lives close to the cafe. I pretended to walk into the cafe as the van drove away. Once it wasn't in view, I ran! I ran to Minnie's apartment!






"Oh! Taemin!" Minnie was shocked to see me. 


"I wanted to see you." I smiled.


"Sure! Oh! come in!"


She moved out of the way so I could come in. I stepped into her living room, where I turned around and smiled at her. "You wouldn't mind........helping me wash the make up off? And getting these extensions off?"


She giggled. "Of course. 


We both walked into the bathroom, where I sat on the closed toilet. She dragged a chair into the bathroom for her to sit. She had a wash cloth in her hand.


"This might hurt a little." She said as she began tugging at my hair.



"Ow! That hurts!"


I moaned in pain as Minnie giggled. 


"Sorry, Taemin. I just want to get these out of you before you leave to go home."


I patiently waited as she tugged the hair extensions out of my hair. She also got a wash cloth wet in a nearby sink to wash my make up off.


"Why do you always ask me to clean you up?" Minnie smirked. "Why not Minho or anyone else from SHINee?!''


"becuase I lo-"


I froze in my sentence. My eyes grew wide.....I hope she didn't hear me......


"Because what?" She asked. 


What should I say?!


"Because......I love.......the way you fix me up! You get it all out!" I covered my stumble. 


She looked at me weird, then back to my hair. "Oh......"




After my make up was off and my hair was back to normal, I smiled at Minnie. "Thank you. You always do a great job!" 


"My pleasure." She said. She smiled, but it was a fake smile.


"Are you......okay?" I asked.


"Oh's just......there's this guy I love......and he might not feel the same way." She said as she fumbled with the wash cloth in her hands.


"Who is it?"


"No one!"


"Well........" I rested a hand on her shoulder. "Whoever it is, you should ask him if he loves you. What's the worst that could happen? A rejection?"


"i guess....."


"ask him. I bet he feels the same way." I smiled as I walked towards the door. 


My smile was fake. She loved another guy. Not me.....I tried to hold back my tears as I opened the front door.


"Do you love me?"


I froze. Did I hear her right?! I slowly turned around, to see Minnie standing there with a scared look on her face. 


"Because I love you" Minnie looked at her floor with shyness.


I can't believe it! She....loves me? I walked up to Minnie and pulled her into a hug. She was hesitant, but I felt her arms wrap around me. 


"Of course I love you. I've loved you for some time now."


I felt her squeeze me. 


"I'm glad."


We held each other. In an embrace only two people can give.....when in love.




Ta da! All done!


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Sarang Hae!

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Chapter 1: awww cute!!!