Strong on the Surface Not All the Way Though

Strong on the Surface, Not All the Way Through


Key is strong, confident, flawless


Kibum is insecure, scared, lonely


Key is funny, desirable


Kibum is weak, terrified


People love Key


Key’s fans shower him with praise


But no one knows Kibum


Kibum has no fans


Kibum receives no praise


Kibum doesn’t deserve it anyway


Key does


Key is everything Kibum ever wanted to be


Key is perfect


Kibum is not


But sadly, Kibum is real


Key is simply a protective shield


A figment of Kibum’s imagination


A defense mechanism


A ruse


Fake smile


Fake personality







However, Kibum is real


Real and fragile


Key can brush off insults, standing tall and proud no matter what


But Kibum is real and he lays awake at night crying over petty words


Petty words directed at Key


Because Kibum is Key


But Key is not Kibum


The insults are for him


For Kibum


Always for him


Only for him


Kibum wishes he was like Key, wishes he were strong

He wishes that his impenetrable armor would last


But as soon as the cameras are off, Key slips away and Kibum is more alone then ever


Alone to be haunted by the words Key so effortlessly brushes off








Because he is just Kibum


Weak, insecure Kibum


Just Kibum






Well that was a little depressing


I have no idea where that came from

And yay for sentence fragments!  Oh and punctuation apparently.  Seriously, I have no idea what this is.  I promise I know how to write in complete sentences! 


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flrite #1
Chapter 1: Ohgosh this was strong
I think that maybe that is still true but what i really love abt key/kibum is how strong he has become. I like to think that he is so much more comfident and happier now
eskulapka #2
Chapter 1: Ok, that was strong. And I believe to some extent true. It's obvious that Key is Kibum's public persona, and he has this duality in him - confidence and fragility, sometimes visible at the same time. I have a feeling that a lot of his confidence comes from members' and fans' support, however as a public person, an idol and just a sensitive person, he gets a lot of criticism that he takes very personally. Fics like this one make me wonder how strong he really is.
Chapter 1: Wow.. This is beautiful. Key an kibum. I love both
Chapter 1: Very moving, this is one of those things you read sometimes that hit really deep.
Chapter 1: well that was nice c;
Chapter 1: Linkin Park. Kibum's insecurities. Thanks. I love Linkin Park so this was a PERFECT story. I know something about insecurities and being depressed so yeah, thank you. <3 :')
pilikpoplove #7
Chapter 1: Oh that's my favourite linkin park song!! *now it's stuck in my head* I like the double personality issue, they probably do have a celebrity character that it's not completely what they are...