What happened to us

Our eyes (extra story)

THIS IS NOT MY STORYLINE.  I read it on Tumbler somewhere and loved it to death so i wrote an alternative ending XP. I'm not claiming anything except the major part of the letter and a few twists here and there. I'm a complete er to love dramas so kudos to the author :)

In the story (i won't copy it here cuz i'm not sure if im allowed), Bom hates the word and herself for her blindness. Her boyfriend Top is the only one who she can find love and understanding in and promises that if one day she can see, she will marry him. Someone donates a pair of eyes to her and she can finally see the world. And her boyfriend, who Bom realises is blind as well. In shock and rage she refuses to marry him and he leaves. Bom later finds a letter from him saying to take care of his eyes and that he would always love her.

Top left crying a few hours ago and Bom finally summons the courage to read the letter. She realizes that he had written it in Braille for her.

Take care of yourself (doesn't want to say new eyes because he knows how delicate that topic is) I will always love you.

Bom throws away the letter, disgusted. How could he still act like he loved her when he knew that this entire time he was lying to her blind face? All that talk about beautiful landscapes and pictures, he must had read them out of a book. She couldn't believe how he tried to trick her into marrying him, thinking that no one would donate eyes. That must have been why the happiness in his voice when she had told him the news had been so heavy. She decides to go home and see what her parents look like, on the way marveling how clear the world was.

Her parents' faces show their age and tiredness that their voices didn't and for a long time they all cried together. She had hated them for being so cheery, for not understanding her cage. How stupid she had been. Her tears blocked her newly found sight and she decided not cry from then on, because even if it was blurry for only a few seconds, her heart selfishly screamed for crystal-clear surroundings and light. She decided to make herself feel better and take her mind of her aching heart by thanking and gifting her donater and/or it's family. At the hospital they told her that a man called Choi Seunghyun had donated them and left a box for her. In the box there was a beautiful ring and a letter.

Bom. I know that you will eventually try to thank your donater because your heart is so warm and I'm sure you will be much happier with your life now. I loved you so much, and I couldn't bring myself to tell you what I was planning because I never wanted to darken your smile ever again. When you opened your eyes they said they were the brightest they had ever seen. I guess that's my only regret, that I will never be able to see them.

Bom's tears started again and this time she felt them as jewels, realizing that they were Top's tears. Her hands trembling, she continued reading.

They didn't want to let me donate my eyes at first, but I managed to convince them. This way maybe we can imagine we're looking at the same place and at least in that sense we can be together. The ring I have put together with this letter was your wedding ring, I know I won't be able to aks someone else to accept it. My love lies forever with you, Bom. As as I accept this darkness I fully realize your pain and I cry as I think of you, how much you suffered. I can only see in my dreams now, night is day for me. Bom, you know I want to be a rapper, so I have gone to search for a way. I think I will be able to express my feelings better now. I am content knowing that you are happy. To your happiness, Seung Hyun."

Bom runs outside and cries into the downpour that is falling. She's only brought pain and dead ends to the one who loved her most.

maybe, in the future, they will meet as a singer and a blind rapper?

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Marianations #1
Chapter 1: Oh... I had read the prequel of this. I think that story is posted here in AFF...

Nice alternate ending by the way ! Keep writing :)