I’m falling… FOR A LIE

My Stupid English Teacher is a Chinese


“Are you trying to avoid me?” Kris asked as he blocked your way from walking towards the gate. It was already an hour after dismissal time and you still hadn’t made it back home.

“Whatever you think.” You murmured and tried to walk past him. “And stop blocking the goddamn way!”

“Look, I don’t really know what happened to you but—“

“Oh my, you really have no clue, do you? That’s good, you can keep distance from now on.” You said.

“What do you mean, ‘keep distance’? I don’t know what you’re trying to tell me.”

“I’m not trying to tell you anything. Just… just stay away from me.” You said. “And stop hovering over me!”

“I don’t understand.”

“Of course you don’t, why would an insensitive man like you understand the situation you’re not even in?”

“C’mon, tell me.”

“I don’t want to strain myself by telling you. I know it doesn’t even matter.”

“It matters to me. It’s already three days and you hadn’t gone to the tutorials.” He still had the time to care about the tutorials.

“That’s what you think, Kris. But no, I don’t mean that way. You… you don’t look at the bigger picture. All you see is yourself. You will never get to understand. You will never know.” You said and shoved him away. You narrowed your eyes and immediately walked away. You will never know my heart.


Kris watched you leave until your shadow faded from his sight.

You’re wrong, because all I can see is you.



One week has already passed. You had the habit of avoiding Kris in the hallways, and putting on your headphones during his class. He, calling your attention didn’t stop you from going against him.

Today was an exception though, you were bored with the songs on your iPod so you turned down the volume and began to listen to class instead. One student, you did not really care who, maybe it was Sulli or Luna, raised her hand and said something very dumb. But you found yourself listening closely, though you pretended that you weren’t really interested.

“Sir, let’s stop talking about literature. Let’s talk about your love life!” She exclaimed. The students roared in unison.

“My love life?” he asked.

“YES!” All the female students answered.

“Is English. Now, let’s get back to class.”

All girls groaned in response and Kris gave in. “Okay, what do you want to know?” he asked as he set the book on the table.

“Your first love sir!” One answered. You kept your head down and scribbled on your notebook.

“I’m not really sure yet if she’s the one.” He muttered.

“Just describe her to us.”

“She’s very pretty. She knows how to carry herself despite how much I torment her with my stupidity.” I’m glad to know that you know you’re stupid.

‘Ooohh.’ You heard majority of the class answer.

“What else, sir?” another one pried.

“She wears less make-up.” He answered and you could feel him smirk. I knew it, he’s talking about Jessica.

“Now. Let’s get back.” He continued on. The whole class went silent.



You distracted yourself from the thoughts of him every day though it kept tormenting you every night, when you’re all alone.


“You’re doing really well in math.” Jessica said after the class.

Now that Miss Jessica has mentioned math, you remembered him again. Every second, minute and hour spent with him. You remembered it all perfectly.

“Thanks to someone.” You mumbled. “So, I’m not going to fail math?” You asked her.

“Who says you’re failing math?” she asked, smiling at you.

“I thought I was.” You clarified.

“You’re not going to fail math honey, I know how much you hate it but your scores are perfect.”

“Wait, wait. Even before November?” You asked her. You started the tutorials during mid-November.

She looked through the records to make sure and answered, “Yes, your grades are perfectly fine. No scratches and stitches. You did not fail even one topic.”

You looked at her, dumbfounded. “Can anyone touch your class records besides you, Miss Jung?”

“No. They’re always kept in private. Only the teacher in charge can get access to the records.” She answered. “Why? Is there something wrong?”


You steadied yourself.

Then how did Kris find out you were failing math?


There was one reason you could only think of.



You excused yourself from Jessica and immediately ran outside.

“Hey, where are you..?” Chanyeol asked when he spotted you.

“I’ll be back real soon. I just have to go somewhere. Wait for me outside the school gate, okay?” You answered and pulled away from his grasp.

He answered a weak ‘yeah’ before returning to the room to get your things.


Now the person you should really talk to was Kris. You found him just outside the faculty room, watching the students playing outside.

When he saw you walking towards him, his face started to light up. “Just when I thought—“

You approached him and slapped him in the face.

“What did you do?!” He asked angrily as his face started to turn into a shade of red.

You caught your breath before finally answering.






A/N: had to post one chapter. :) crappy internet is getting crappy again. >< and I HAVE ONE QUESTION YOU GUYS MUST ANSWER.  okay, here it goes. *clears throat* DO YOU WANT A CHAP FOR THIS FIC? i'm really curious. just in case you want uhhh. it. maybe? yes? no? 

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subscribing even though the story has already ended :') you guys are so ozom :*


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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 50: Wow your story is so great.. i love it
good job authornim
i love ur writing style its so deep!!!! woaaaah i really enjoyed this THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!~ <3 JJANG JJANG!!!! <3 (Y)
cheekylittlechubba #3
Chapter 50: WOW!!! I feel sorry for chanyeol!!! But's it's great that chanyeol is being the happy virus that he is ^^

I really like the story!!!!

Great job authornimc :D :D
Chapter 32: It's okay Chanyeol! Come here, ill love you! Lol
afieqa #5
Chapter 50: Omaigod i'm cryinggggg
NitaBerisha #6
Chapter 46: Omg im totally crying and the end of each chapter T_T : But today Park Chanyeol you have to smile that is the way to break up Omg omg omg omg omg T-T
KrisLuforever #7
Chapter 50: Authornim! Thank you for this story. It describes how powerful love is. I cried from the previous chapters because of the breaking-up part anyway, ITS DAEBAK! God Bless You Authornim ^^
I'm Actually in love with this story. Its very nice, Make more stories like this, xD (don't forget to add kris) hahah. Loved it ^___^ <333 hehe
aro1223 #9
Chapter 50: aihhh chanyeolaaa you ruined their moments -_-
Mincheol #10
Chapter 50: I've been scolding, shouting and smiling while reading this fanfic. Anyway, the ending is good. :>