It's yo' birthday.

No Thank You, I'd Prefer The Unicorn.

Saying that Henry was confused was probably the biggest understatement of the entire century.

No, that simple word wasn't enough to thoroughly describe the incredibly large amount of disorientation the poor boy was suffering through.

On his birthday.

Sure, he never really considered himself one of the more popular artists of his company, but he was sure that there were at least some people out there that loved him. 

But hell, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't even locate a single one of his fellow idols.

And that definitely said something seeing as he had been looking for them for almost over three hours already.

When he had woken up, he had been alarmed enough to find that he was no longer in the warm comforts of his bed. No, for some strange, unknown reason, Henry awoke in a hotel room with only a single grocery bag full of an extra pair of clothes, his wallet, his toothbrush and toothpaste, and his cell phone.

The only clue that Henry received was via text message from a number that he might've known or might've not known. For all he knew, the message could've come from his own parents, but it seemed like that whoever had decided to remove him from the heavenly cushion that he liked to call his bed had wiped out his entire contacts list. And who in their right mind still took the time to write down the information of their hundreds of contacts on actual paper.

Well not Henry. That’s for sure.

I've got a present for you. If you can find me.

Perhaps if it had been anybody else, there would have been at least some kind of concern over the ominous aura of the text message.

But because it was Henry, and because it was his birthday, only one thought filled his mind at the sight of the text:

Scavenger Hunt.

And as he would later find out, it was a scavenger hunt indeed.

He didn’t really have any idea where he was going when he decided that he should probably start moving. It wasn’t like he had been given a clue of any sort, but it didn’t really deter him at all.

Nothing stops a determined Mochi.

Except maybe a raging Hyung or a pissed off Amber.

But because neither of the two were anywhere in sight, our beloved Hamster Impersonator was on a freaking roll.

Or at least, he imagined that he was. In all honesty, he hadn’t really accomplished much other than getting a taxi to drive him back to the SM building without paying. Realizing that a random Korean taxi driver recognized him and remembered his birthday was a wonderful something in itself, and it served as motivation to win whatever challenge he was being faced with by the mysterious text message.

But that motivation didn’t last for long as he dashed around the SM building. He looked into every nook and cranny at the main entrance, checked all of the bathrooms (the women’s restroom was eventually included when he started running out of ideas of places to go), the practice rooms, the break rooms, and he even made a run for his personal studio.

He hadn’t expected the mystery to be solved that easily, but it was beginning to worry him when he realized that he hadn’t come across a single familiar individual during his mad search throughout the entire building.

So where the hell was everyone?

And why the hell was the SM building so freaking huge?

As the birthday boy pondered these questions, a slow revelation began to dawn on him.

Hello? He hadn’t even checked his freaking dorm yet. And something obviously had to be going on at his shared room with Zhou Mi if someone had gone through the trouble of moving his unconscious body all the way to a beautiful hotel room.

Once the realization had hit him, an unfathomably large smile lit up the young man’s features, and he raced towards his dorm room in excitement, throwing open the door as soon as he got there.

And dear lord, that sight was probably one that he would forever wish to throw out from his mind, trample on for hours, and then set on fire.


The EXO leader was spread out across his Hyung’s bed, leaning on one arm while a Justin Bieber song blasted from some speakers that were probably located somewhere behind him. It seemed like he had been waiting for a while as his eyes were half-lidded by the time Henry spoke his name in pure shock, and at his call, his eyes darted open. The younger man’s expression brightened as he grinned, “Happy birthday, Henry!” That being said, he shifted his body in order to get up off the bed and hug the birthday boy.

Which caused Henry to scream. Because for some unknown reason, this particular dongsaeng was completely in the , and only a smiley face pillow was stopping Henry from burning his eyes out.

He did not want to see any of that business.

The younger Canadian frowned at his Hyung’s reaction, before it finally clicked as to why the older male was screaming so loudly. Immediately, the EXO member flushed a bright shade of red, “Oh, right. That.”

For a moment, nothing was said as the birthday boy tried to rationalize his way through the awkward situation he found himself in. “T-Thanks. For the happy birthday, I mean. Not the um… part.” Kris let out a low chuckle, which brought back a bit of ease for Henry. “Um. If you don’t mind me asking… Where is everyone?”

He had originally wanted to ask why there was a man posing on his bed like a star, but he figured that that would be a rude question.

The younger singer released a brilliant smile, “You’ll find out soon enough. This is only the beginning.”

Henry blinked, before cocking his head to the side cutely, “The beginning? But it’s almost noon.” At this news, Kris’ eyes widened as a mortified expression took place upon his features. “It seems a little late to just be starting, don’t you think?”

“A-Almost noon!?” Kris shrieked, “B-But you were scheduled to find me at nine o’clock this morning!”

The news struck Henry almost as hard as it had Kris.

“Holy crap! You guys actually planned something in this much detail!?”

The younger Canadian decided to ignore his elder’s question by urging him forward, “Okay, I think this means that I have to skip the script.” At the mention of an actual script, the fascinated birthday boy couldn’t help but open his mouth to comment once more, but Kris shook his head, “Take the pillow.”

“Pillow? What pillow?”

“The one that’s covering my crotch.”

Henry’s jaw dropped and he felt his eye begin to twitch.

Kris rolled his eyes, “C’mon, Hyung! You’re already behind schedule! I don’t have time to tell you the story like we had originally planned.” He paused for a moment as he realized that if he shared this information, it would probably help speed up the process, “Okay, so basically, Kyuhyung—“

“Oh my God. Why does Kyuhyung come up with these crazy ideas!?”

Ignoring the outburst, the younger male continued, “—thought we should challenge you for a while until we had everything set for your birthday. So throughout the day, you’re going to have to find clues and solve challenges to get to your big surprise. But you need to hurry up, because right now, Leeteuk Hyung predicted that you’d at least be on the second challenge. So if they knew that you were just starting the first, Kyuhyun wouldn’t stop making fun of your stupidity. Just saying.”

Henry let out an exasperated grown, “How is grabbing a pillow that’s covering your crotch a challenge!? I know that Donghae and Sungmin Hyung have both been trying to get me to show more skinship, but I think that this might be going a bit too far…”

“Grabbing the pillow isn’t the challenge. I’m being nice by letting you skip my challenge.”

“So why do I have to grab your crotch pillow?”

“Because the crotch pillow is the clue.”

It was in that moment that Henry regretted mentally complaining about the lack of events that were occurring on his birthday earlier.

“I can’t believe that I’m about to do this.”

“Yeah, well, I’m not having too much fun either. Just grab the damn pillow.”

And with that, Henry squeezed his eyes shut and inched his hand closer and closer to the pillow.

“Yah! Keep your eyes open! I don’t want you grabbing something that’s… Not…”

Kris didn’t even need to finish that sentence, as Henry had grabbed said pillow and bolted out the room, leaving the younger idol completely and alone with only Justin Bieber’s voice to keep him company.

With a small smirk on his face, Kris pulled up the blanket to cover his lower region, and comfortably reclined in the bed. He stayed like that for a moment, before a small grimace took hold of his features, “I probably have to help him now, don’t I?”

As soon as he felt like he was out of a safe enough range that would spare his eyes the sight of a Kris,  he finally slowed down to actually inspect the object that he held in his hands. It was soft and purple, with of course, a smiley face stitched into its design. However, there also seemed to be a makeshift addition to the stitching, as the words, “Clue One” were embroidered in a messy fashion.

Despite his near death experience only moments ago, the large smile had returned to the young man’s face as he continued to examine the pillow, searching for the actual clue.

But he couldn’t find it.

He probably would’ve stood there for countless moments trying to figure it out, if a certain fellow Canadian hadn’t come running after him. “Yah! Hyung!”

At the call, Henry looked up to face the voice, and immediately felt like facepalming.

“Kris. Why are you wearing my bed sheets?”

“There’s no time to explain. You’re late.”

“You’re beginning to sound like that annoying bunny from Alice in Wonderland.”

It was then that the younger male was about to begin questioning what exactly went on in the older man’s brain, but he managed to refrain from doing so. “I came to help guide you to the next challenge.”

His main response was a slow nod, until Henry quizzically asked, “Does this mean that you’re my sidekick?”

“No, it means that I’m going to help you get to the next challenge, and then I’m going to leave so that I can finish the next part of my mission.”

“Whoa. So you’re like my temporary sidekick that abandons me when I need him most to work for the enemy?”

Kris paused for a moment to ponder the spoken words, before nodding, “Yeah, I guess you could call it that.”

Henry grinned, “This’ll be fun! We can have superhero names and everything! Okay, I call Super Mochi.”

For some reason, the idea of being a superhero had high appeal for the young rapper, and he responded excitedly, “Kay, I’ll be Super Kris!”

The birthday boy chuckled at this, before shaking his head, “La-a-a-ame. What kind of superhero name is ‘Super Kris?’

“The cool kind.”

A smirk was still painted onto Henry’s features as he regarded the taller man in front of him, “Sure it is. Whatever floats your boat, Super Kris.” For a moment, the birthday boy’s cheeks seemed to inflate even more as he struggled to hold in his laughter, but it seemed that doing so was impossible.

His good mood now gone from his system, Kris waved away the laughter with a flushed face, “Let’s just get this over with. I’m being nice here.”

Despite the teasing smirk that still remained on his face, Henry nodded and held the pillow out for Kris to take it. He had expected the younger Canadian to do so, but when his cheeks reddened once more, Henry knew that he would be doing no such thing.

“Um. I can’t do it for you. If I let go, the sheets are going to fall off.”

Henry couldn’t stop himself from releasing a chuckle, “You weren’t wearing any clothes when you stripped? You decided to just walk around the SM building in the ?”

If it was possible, Kris’ face reddened even more with the asked questions, and he had to avert his gaze away from the teasing chipmunk in front of him as he mumbled his response.

“Hm?” The older male cocked his head cutely, “I couldn’t hear you.”

Again, the only words he was offered in return were a jumble of incomprehensible grunts.

“Speak up, Kris. Like you said, we need to get this show moving. And… Well… Find you some clothes.”

“Luhan took them as soon as I stripped. Took them and ran.” The boy shivered at the memory, “I tried to chase him, but… I never realized he could run so fast.” Slowly, he returned his gaze back to its former position, locking eyes with his fellow Canadian. “I swear. If Kyuhyun were to ever take up an apprentice…”

Now, Henry wasn’t really that close to Luhan. He had never really gotten the opportunity to really converse with the dashing young Chinese man, so he wasn’t really sure how evil the guy could possibly be.

But perhaps it was the way that Kris referred to him as Kyuhyun’s most probable next apprentice…

Or just some sort of Canadian bond that the two shared.

Either way, Henry suddenly felt a strong sense of pity for his dongsaeng, and felt an apologetic smile easily come upon his lips, “Thanks for opting to go for the sake of whatever the hell our Hyungs and Unnies planned for my birthday. It… Um… Means a lot to me that you’re willing to become a stripper if it means making me happy.”

The words were enough to bring a smile to the younger Canadian’s lips, “Anytime, dude.”

And despite the oddities of the entire situation, it was in that moment that the henris otp was born.

Author's Note: LOL. So I was looking through this again, and I realized that it would be way too much if I uploaded this all as one giant one-shot as I had originially intended. This is near 10,000 words (OTL), and it looked kind of scary if I put it all into one giant chapter as I wanted. So I figured that I would split this into parts so that it doesn't look as menacing. XD


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|NTYIPTU| WOOT. UPDATING TONIGHT. Still Henry's birthday where I am~. 10/11/12. Coolest date evar. :3


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alphabat #1
Chapter 2: now that's it's his birthday once again will you update?
Chapter 2: update? hehe
sleepylips #3
Chapter 2: Update this please? this is very interesting :D
lahdeedah000 #4
Chapter 2: OMG this is HILARIOUS! xD Love this so much! Can't wait for more, and kekeke Henry's so confused... ;)
Chapter 1: Read Ch. 1. And while I do love the friendship that our Canadian boys share, a part of me was still going WTF. .___. (I'm sure a lot of other fangirls would have DIED seeing Kris like that).


Btw, "unnies" should be "noonas". ;)
deelau #6
Chapter 2: Yey! I have finally read your updates.. i was too busy this week so I have just read them. So many surprises for the birthday boy.. lol at that..

What will happen next then? I'll be waiting for your next update. :)
Chapter 2: HAHAHAHA AWWW everything's so cute and fluffy and awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww SHINee and SNSD YAY. Though I'm more a JYP Nation shipper than a SM Town one, it's really cute to see their interaction like this. ^^
Chapter 1: AWWWWWWWWWWWW Super Kris HAHAHAHA. How cute. xD;;;

Ah, also. I'm pretty sure you meant "hyungs and noonas" instead of "unnies." xD;;; That would just make Kris and Henry girls. P:

Good job! ^^
chaesea #9
Chapter 2: next! next! please update soon :D
chaesea #10
Chapter 2: next! next! please update soon :D