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He closed his eyes tightly, trying to ignore the lingering feeling of his sinus-headache. Tonight was a ridiculously cold night, and after several sneezes and constant aches, the blonde haired boy wondered if he had caught more than a sinus infection. It would really be his luck if that were the case.

Wrapping his cold, tiny hands around the red ceramic cup, he breathed in the steam emanating from the tea deep into his lungs. The warmth of the drink made his fingers tingle, and the hot steam gave him some relief to breathe.    Hot tea was never one of his favorite drinks, but it was the way his mother would always prepare it for him when he sick as a child. Sometimes with honey and lemon, but more often times with a drop of milk and sugar–like how he prepared it now. It gave him slight comfort to drink it like this, reminding him of his childhood home.   "Aish..." He cursed under his breath, feeling the headache coming on slightly stronger in his eye sockets. Grabbing for the ibuprofen on the side of the counter, he grimaced at the possibilities of the other cold symptoms yet to come.   "Allergies, my ." The young man muttered again, recalling the last person to hug him who had claimed they were feeling under the weather due to the seasons changing and their 'allergies giving them pains'.   Yesung breathed in the steam of the tea again, taking a gentle sip to wash down the pain killers and letting the taste of the light-lemony tea coat his pallet.
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390 streak #1
Chapter 5: woah it's yehyuk~ and it's not hard to read~ <3 I just wish you could write more about this story T^T
KcuLL22 #2
Chapter 5: tag this with yehyuk so ppl noticedm this cute storyy! u write it well haha sickyeye is an adorable creature ><
lahdeedah000 #3
Chapter 5: Kekeke this story is adorable. Ahh fever delirium... ;)