I am sorry

Pure Love
It has been a week since the last incident, Jaejoong took Ji Wook without told. Ji Wook feels guilty because he made his mother sad. Actually two days after the incident, Jaejoong came over again into Ji Wook's school. He miss the boy. But Ji Wook refuse him. Ji Wook obeyed his mother order to wait Junsu, Yunho, Yoochun or Changmin to pick him from school. Jaejoong tried to persuade Ji Wook with toys, books, food even ice cream. But Ji Wook been stubborn not follow Jaejoong. Jaejoong give up and said good bye to the boy. He left the boy but honestly he wait for 1 hours in his car and watch Ji Wook from a far.
He worried that someone will kidnap him. After an half one hour waiting, Jaejoong wants to call Junsu and angry to him because let the boy alone. But he hold his self. He don't want to people know that he is care with Ji Wook. When he saw Yunho come after the boy, Jaejoong feel relieved then leave. He decide to hire someone to follow the boy and protect him. He will ask seunhyun who is the best candidate to be bodyguard without notice.
As same as Jaejoong, Ra Im couldn't to not think about what has happen. Her little boy was having fun together with his father without knowing that they have bonding as parent and son. Ra Im feel if she is cruel. The truth was she didn't know how to face Jaejoong. It is wrong from the beginning. Beside his agreement with her uncle is still on. As long as her aunty is still with her uncle, she has to away from Jaejoong.
"What are you thinking of?" Junsu is suddenly ask.
"Nothing Junsu. I just find the right pattern and colour for Mrs. Yang's dress," Ra Im try to find another topic.
"Don't lie to me. I know they are not bring this matter to you since they were worrying until the death. But I have to ask you something," Junsu said with seriouz tone.
"Who is else? Of course Yunho hyung, my husband and those food monster. Do you want to say something to my hyung? He deserves to know he has son,"
"You know my reason Junsu. I have to pick between my aunty and jaejoong?..."
"Jaejoong hyung can do something with your cruel uncle. You had to tell Jaejoong. I know you still love him. I bet of course with my hyung,"
"He will married soon with Cecilia. How could I do that? Cecilia is nice person?"
"Come on Ra Im. We both know.. No, we all know include my parents that Cecilia is only wants my Hyung's money. The missunderstanding between you and jaejoong hyung should stop,"
"What is the missunderstanding? There's none of missunderstanding. It's all over. Donghae oppa has been marrying other girl. So should knew that me and Donghae oppa had nothing to do. But he did nothing. You are nice person Junsu. So with your parents. But not him,". Ra Im does not know that there are huge missunderstading between them. Ra Im never thought that Jaejoong have a thought that she is with Yunho.
"Still I feel the missing link in here.. Ra Im, you had to tell the truth to him?"
"What the truth? Who is he?" Jaejoong's voice suddenly interupt into their room. Jaejoong and Cecilia decide to stop by to the boutique after bought ring. Cecilia wants to know about the dress meanwhile Jaejoong want to meet Ji Wook. He hopes that Ji Wook is in the boutique. Because Seunhyun report that sometimes Ra Im bring the kid to the boutique.
Junsu and Ra Im are froze. They are afraid Jaejoong hear all the conversation.
"Why are both of you quite? Is it me who has to tell the truth? If it was about the wedding dress, Junsu I warned you...."
"No hyung.. the wedding dress is okay. It is matter about me and my husband,"
"So good then. Can I see the dress?" Cecilia interupt.
"I'll take the dress," Junsu said and dissapear fast.
Then Ji Wook join to the room after buy some ice cream with one of Junsu's employee. When he walking into her mother, Ji Wook accidently bump into Cecilia and spilling the ice cream into Cecilia's dress.
"I'm sorry," Ji Wook said. He try to clean the ice cream but it makes worst
"Kid! What are you doing? Do you know how much this dress?? Do you have eyes?"
"I am sorry miss Cecilia, I will do the laundry. I can make you another beautiful dress," Ra Im protect the boy.
"Do you realize who makes this dress? This dress design by famous designer. Who are you? You think you're really talented? I was going to this boutique because of Junsu is Jaejoong's brother. Your design is nothing. They are only see Junsu!," Cecilia said with high tone.
"I really sorry, please do not angry to my mother" Ji Wook try to clean the dress and touch Cecilia
"Get your hand over me kid. I hates your hand. It's dirty!"
Being complain by customer is not big thing for Ra Im. But it is different. In front of her eyes, her pure little boy is being scold by woman who will married with jaejoong. But Jaejoong do nothing. Its like he is enjoying the view that the woman humiliate Ji Wook. Her heart once again is breaking. She don't know how much longer she can survived. She think that last week when Jaejoong spent the time with Ji Wook, Jaejoong was felt something with the boy.
She wants to scream that He is your son Jaejoong! Do something to protect him. But, she can't. She realize that Jaejoong wants to make her worry so he took Ji Wook with him. Ra Im take the conclusion that the incident last week has nothing to do with  father and son's feelings. Jaejoong will never stop to hurt her.
"Cecilia.. the dress is nothing. You can buy another dress honey.. Come on!," Jaejoong take his hand into Cecilia's waist and ask her to leave without looking or saying good bye to Ra Im and Ji Wook. Jaejoong can hear Ji Wook is sobbing.
"I am sorry mommy," said Ji Wook and hugging his mommy.

"It's okay baby.. don't cry, ne!" Ra Im her son's hair. Junsu who just came again to the room with the wedding's dress is confuse with Ji Wook crying meanwhile his hyung and the fiance already gone.


Tonight there is party hold by Kim's family to introduce Cecilia to their friends and bussiness partner. It was Cecilia's idea to hold the party. Kim's parent disagree because they already known about Cecilia. And their engangement has announcement in newspaper. Beside they are not yet officially as couple. But because Cecilia insist, Jaejoong can't refuse it. Jaejoong needs Cecilia's father to expand his bussiness. So the first thing he should avoid is make the lovely daughter dissapoint.
Honestly, Jaejoong has doubt about the wedding. But he think it's the best. He will tie to beautiful, rich and educated woman. The same level with him. Perhaps, if he married, Choi Chae Rin, his ex-wife stop bothering him and asking for being together again. He did first mistake within marry Chae Rin. He is sure that he don't mistake again if he marry Cecilia. Jaejoong has make investigation to Cecilia's family. And he think that Cecilia is rich enough to be his wife.
Jaejoong is surprise because he see Ji Wook at the party. He look bored. Ji Wook is only sit and play with his finger. Jaejoong wondering that could it be Ra Im is here? Jaejoong looking around but he can't find Ra Im. Jaejoong excuse from the conversation and leave Cecilia with their guest. He walk closely into Ji Wook.
"Hello kid, what are you doing here? Are you having difficult with math again?" Jaejoong tease at him. He don't know why, he likes tease the boy.
It seem that Ji Wook does not have desire to talk with Jaejoong. "Hey, 
Why is it hard talk with you?"
"Uncle I'm sorry," Ji Wook whisper but Jaejoong hear it clearly.
"Sorry what is for?"
"Uhmm about the other day. I don't have intention...." before Ji Wook finish his sentence, Jaejoong know what the boy talking about.
"No it's okay. I have the one who is sorry because my partner was not that nice," Jaejoong said sincerely. Jaejoong was mad at Cecilia that time. But he could not let the anger toward Cecilia because he didnt want do something can cancel the wedding. So he was just quite and ask Cecilia leaving that place immediately. For this week, Jaejoong had argue with his heart. One side, he should be happy and enjoy about what happen. But at other side, he feels not very well.
Jaejoong ask the boy the his bed room. He said that he have something for the boy. He do have something. He give toys to Ji Wook. Ji Wook's eyes widely. He is happy because that is the toys he want it so bad. Jaejoong give him lego. He likes play lego a lot. And the one that Jaejoong give is the most expensive lego. He wants this lego so badly but he know that his mother will spent a lot of money to buy toys.
"Uncle thank you.. how do you know I want this?" Ji Wook kiss Jaejoong lightly. Without notice, Jaejoong smiling accepting the kiss.
"I can read minds" Jaejoong said jokely.
Instead of read minds, Jaejoong know that Ji Wook likes lego because his bodyguard told him so. Jaejoong hire bodyguard to follow Ji Wook and report all the activities about the boy. Yeah, he ask one of his bodyguard to stalk Ji Wook. He did it because he didn't want to something bad happen to the boy when someone late to pick him. The boy has captured his heart since he look the boy first time at France. Someday, his bodyguard, Lee Donghwan report that he follow Ji wook at the mall then find that the boy seem interesting with lego.
Jaejoong and Ji Wook spent the night with watching cartoon in Jaejoong's room. Meanwhile other guest kind of wondering where is Jaejoong. Cecilia and Kim's parents lie that Jaejoong still have to do with bussiness. Meanwhile Junsu is panick find Ji wook all the house. He ask some maid to find Ji Wook.
The party is over but Jaejoong didn't show his face. Cecilia little bit dissapoint with her fiance so after the party she ask for leaving. Jaejoong's father sent Cecilia home with driver. Junsu is still looking Ji Wook. Then he realised something. He pray that the boy has to be in there. He is running to Jaejoong's bed room. He is right. He look that two creature has been sleep but telivision is still on. Jaejoong sit at the couch and rest his head, meanwhile Ji Wook is sleeping position with his head on Jaejoong's lap. Jaejoong's hand in Ji Wook's hair. Ji Wook hold something on his arm, they toy from Jaejoong.
Don't want to bother the moments, Junsu take the blanket in the closet and dial Yoochun's number to tell that he is sleep over tonight with Ji Wook at his mother house because Ji Wook is tired. He ask to Yoochun lie to Ra Im that Ji Wook sleep in their house. He said that tomorrow morning, he will back go home.
"Hey baby, what are you doing? Have you eaten?"
"Lay on my bed. Yes, I already ate with Dr. Chen at hospital before go back to home. We talked about surgery next week. It's like for this month I have so many surgery and patient. I miss you my little dolphin,"
"Yah! I hate that name.. I miss you too baby. We kind of busy lately. You're great doctor. I don't mind to be doctor's wife.  I'm sorry. I should go home. I want cuddle with you. I miss your scent. I miss your warm," Junsu told to his husband.
"It's okay. I know you are busy with family. Do you want me go there?"
"No.. you must be tired. It's okay. I just exhausted and stress with what just happen,"
"Hey, what is wrong? Come on tell me? I'm listening," yoochun with worries tone. He don't like when Junsu bother about something.
"Well, Cecilia.. I hate...," Junsu sigh and stop before he finish his sentence.
"Baby.. I know that you still want Jaejoong will marry with Ra Im. But we can put in their bussines. They had a life. We had a life. I'm sure they know what is the best for them,"
"My hyung has son and he don't have any clue about it. I think it is really unfair to my hyung. He deserves second chance. But Ra Im is hurting enough,"
"We talked about this before and you agree if we keep this secret from Jaejoong until Ra Im saying herself. How is Ji Wook today? Both of you must be sleep together. I still remember when you and Ji Wook were slept on my bed. It was the best moment baby. And from that moment I wanted to built a family with you,"
"Uhmm baby, Ji Wook is not with me,"
"Where is he??"
Junsu story about what just happened in the party. He tell from the first if he lost the boy when he wanted to put some drinks and stopped by his parent's friends. So Junsu had conversation for couple of minute. But when he was back, Ji Wook is missing. He find the boy all the house with her maid's help. Junsu was sure that Ji Wook is still around the house because he looked at the security camera, there was not Ji Wook at the camera. He realise something when his parents complain about Jaejoong had not sight in party after leaves Cecilia with Seung's family.
"Ji Wook was sleeping in my hyung's lap. And he hold lego.. I think it's from my hyung. Because I didn't give Ji Wook present. I'm sorry chunnie. I know I was wrong. But how can I separate father and son?"
Yoochun sigh. "It's okay suie.. does Jaejoong feel something? Perhaps he asked something for you?"
"No. I think my brother didn't trust me because he thought I betrayed him. But I ever seen Donghwan followed us when I fetch Ji Wook from school yesterday,"
"Who is Donghwan? Where did you know suie? Is he your man from the past? And why is it supposed to do with Jaejoong,"
"Don't be mad at me chun. Donghwan used to my bodyguard when I was 6 years old until I enter high school. What is Donghwan purpose to followed us? I think It is my hyung's order. Donghwan is one of the best bodyguard of my family,"
"It's weird. I think Jaejoong know something. Uhmm.. no, he is felt something. If he knew that Ji Wook is his son, he must be done something. I know Jaejoong is jerk but he would not abandonen his son,"
"Ne.. you are right. It's 01.00 AM. Time to sleep chun. You had to get early tomorrow morning,"
"Sleep well baby. I will stop by at your house tomorrow before going to hospital. I love you suie,"

"I love you too,"


"Sir, we have to do something. I hear that the board want to fire you as President Directur. They know that we use company's money for making Yoo Dong Soo as governor,"
"No they can't. I have 30 percent stock. They have less than mine. Don't worry!"
"But I heard that Jaejoong~shi also know about this. Well, I'm not sure if he would support you now," 
"The sell of the company growth. I gave them money. And Jaejoong don't care about this company,"
"I hope you are right sir.. but for the save, You have to buy Jaejoong's stock 21% so they can't fire you,"
"I'll find the way," 


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Chapter 27: Still waiting for you to update :p miss you chingu!!
Hanifah #2
Chapter 27: It's getting more complicated, hope Jae will know the truth soon
cheekylittlechubba #3
Chapter 27: please update soon!!! honestly, i just want jaejoong to suffer more and to truly regret what he is doing to ra im!!! poor ji wook!!

please authornim, update soon... :)
Chapter 27: Aish Jaejoong and boys, you complicated everything xD I'm dying for the day when Jaejoong will find out that Ji Wook is his son ^^
Chapter 27: complecated =_=
Chapter 27: -big sighs-
Things got more complecated.but thanks for the update
Chapter 26: Helli,,new reader here...
Wow...what a good family..please tell JJ soom dear..
Thanks for the update^•^
Chapter 26: up date soon please ;-;
novychintya #9
Chapter 25: Why is life so cruel for Ra Im and JaeJoong??
When all of this will end??
Poor Ji Wook he don't know his appa is right beside him all this time :(
I hope they can be a happy family (˘ʃƪ˘)
Please update soon !!