Retrograde Amnesia

Perfect Landing

(Jung Eunji's perspective. She has just been introduced to her new class.)

"Hi Eunji, do you want to sit next to me?" I looked around for the owner of that cutesy pitched voice, it belonged to a feminine male. A broad smile flashed across his face.

"I'm Sungjong, nice to meet you."

Oh that's him, he's really in my class! Lee Sungjong of Infinite!

"Oh you're from Infinite right? Its really nice to meet you, I hope we can get along!"

He grinned cheekily, "Haha, sure~! You know you're not like other fangirls who squeal when they find out who I am. So far you're the first who hasn't."

"Ne, I try  to keep my emotions in check. So can I have the honour of eating with you later?"

"Sure!" He replied, chuckling eagerly.


"See you tomorrow Sung Jong~!"

"You too Eunji!"

Sungjong waved to me as he walked out of the gates. He strolled over to a silver car and stepped in, seeing that he has left, I turned around and headed to the bus stop.


Aish, the bus is taking so long...


Huh? Who called? I looked around, confused. I saw a figure in the distant, running towards me. It can't be... Hoya from Infinite?!

"Ah... oppa?"

"Eunji, I found you! Where have you been all this time!?"

"Ahh, oppa, are you sick? I think you got the wrong person..."

"No, he didn't." I gasped, it was... Woohyun-oppa, my bias. 

"Good thing you haven't left yet." L-oppa? He was panting as he spoke.

"I don't understand what you mean..."

Catching his breath, L continued, "You're Park Eunji, you disappeared last year during a hijack of a plane to Japan."

Then Hoya interupted, "The police even said you were dead-"

"NO. I'm not Park Eunji or whatever. What you're saying really doesn't make any sense! I'm sorry oppas, I think you got the wrong person." I emphasized.


"You must be Eunji! You must be! Try to remember!"

Woohyun shook me hard, his hands on the sides of my shoulder, he was gripping it hard.

"I'm telling you, I don't know what you're talking about. And my head is hurting, stop!" I demanded, my hands grasping onto my head. Woohyun relaxed his grip, and when he did, I wobbled slightly before collapsing onto the floor.


I could see Hoya, L and Woohyun-oppa crowding round me. As my vision dwindled, I saw Hoya scooping me up, right after that everything was black.



"Doctor, how is she?" Woohyun probbed the doctor continuously.

"The patient is suffering from a certain situation where she is unable to recall her past memories. It's probably cause by an injury-"

Myungsoo snapped, "Just what is it?!"

Hoya shushed him, "Myungsoo!" 

The doctor, his face crestfallen continued, "She may never be able to recall her memories yet-"

"JUST WHAT IS IT?!" Woohyun screamed.

The doctor sighed, "Retrograde amnesia."


Okay, this chapter has revealed some things now, Jung Eunji is not as she seems. And some tinges of romance is revealed here.

And the part about retrograde amnesia, this is the explanation taken from wikipedia: Retrograde amnesia refers to inability to recall memories before onset of amnesia. One may be able to encode new memories after the incident. Retrograde is usually caused by head trauma or brain damage to parts of the brain besides the hippocampus. The hippocampus is responsible for encoding new memory. People suffering from retrograde amnesia are more likely to remember general knowledge rather than specifics. Recent memories are less likely to be recovered but older memories will be easier to recall due to strengthening over time.[12] Retrograde amnesia is usually temporary and can be treated by exposing them to memories from the loss.

Okay its really chim, so basically its just like this: the person cannot remember past events in accurate details, like it is only familiar to the sufferer. And they are unable to recall immediately, they take time to recall, and the memories are triggered by similar events.

Anyways this is kind of a spoiler about Jung Eunji... Haha, if you spot it then thumbs up for you ^^

So here's chapter 10~ here's some random gifs, some Infinite ones :)

tumblr_mbeh3gE5N41rvv4qro1_250.gif tumblr_mbs8d7lwpj1rvv4qro1_250.giftumblr_m7q467TuqY1r8t2i0o1_250.giftumblr_m4hoy2lEB81rp8wnno1_250.giftumblr_m70dw2S3Bs1qdsgl1o1_500.giftumblr_mb8sm5EYi81rvv4qro1_250.giftumblr_m7662gGKtg1raaer6o1_250.giftumblr_m8nwnwCt7c1rvv4qro1_250.giftumblr_malzuc4jnB1rvv4qro1_250.giftumblr_m8b1oqdViG1rvv4qro1_250.gifgyu3.gif

Okay enough rampaging on GIFs XD

hope you enjoyed the spam :D



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AyumiYakumo #1
Chapter 23: great story ~ !
Shamelessly promoting my other story here ;)
Mitsuki_96 #3
Chapter 23: I just started to read your story and I must say that I really love it! :D I like the real ending with Woohyun but also the endings with Hoya and Myungsoo. ^^

Of course I'm going to read your new Story as well~ :)
ITS FINALLY FINISHED YAY! Hope you guys enjoyed it XD
TheBigBadWolf #5
Chapter 21: i like the first ending where she ended up with woohyun (though L is my one and only true love) *bats eyelashes dramatically* keep up with the good endings (y)
As requested I'll be doing alternate endings. I'll do Hoya's followed by Myungsoo. And I'll do an angsty one yup!! So look forward to it!! XD
Hi everybody, I'm shamelessly promoting my other fanfic here. (oops)
Its a BAP with Infinite fanfic. Please do take a look and subscribe if you like it. First chappie's coming out on 1st Dec
GUISE the story may be finish but I'll be more than willing to do alternate endings here. So just request it and I'll write another one :)
Hello. Would you like graphics for your story? Come and check out ∞ Infinite Possibilities ∞ :)