
A Night to Remember

Dam Bi's POV - (Blog Entry)

I'm back! Arrived in Seoul Korea safe and sound! I've been here for a month to get used to the atmosphere and the jet leged (shut up. I'm a weak person.. takes me a month to recover from jet legs.) Well, in two more days will be my first full class week in Hanlim Arts High School. My quest is to be the best saesang fan out there out of all BABYS. I am undercover TOP saesang fan, I will do my duties and collect information and marry oppars(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ).AHAHAHAHAHAHA no. That is not my purpose of being in this school. I really, to be honest, have no idea how I ended up in this school. I just got back from the U.S and then my grandparents already put me in the same school as where my favorite band's members goes to( A.K.A FRIGIN LE MOON JONGUP AND ZELO of BEST ABSOLUTE -I mean perfect). They have no idea what dangerous life they've put me in. I mean YEAH, pretty dang excited to be in my home town because it's been since I was 5 when I was here and now my experience of listening to K-POP in the U.S gets me all excited and pumped because I could see my favorite BANDS. YES. FINALLY. CONCERTS, FAN SIGNS/MEETS, HAVING MY OWN DAMN FANCAM LINE, CLOSER TO OPPARS WITH OUT LIVING IN NARNIA. The life man, I'm telling you. BUT, being in the school with them is WAY TOO MUCH. I hyperventilate when I see people that I like, this is why I have been single since well, FOREVER. Although my parents say that my beauty saves me from a lot of things.. damn liars. Explains my beautiful ity mother, father. 


Anyways, It's really tough for me making friends here, all I had in in the U.S were... online friends. I run a blog that's all but I keep my identity a secret but the people I'm friends with online seems to know very well of who I am inside that I never let unleashed. I never really had boyfriend makes me sad. SIKE. LOL my bed is my boyfriend always comforts me, keeps me warm, is there when I need it, wipes away my tears from broken heart, my everything tbh. OH WiFi too.

Funny thing is I did have one online friend that I could talk to very well and just be myself to him and well, he was kind of like my bed but like online and yeah well you get my point. He was a guy, he was my best friend out of all the online friend I had I never really got to see his face but just like me he kept his identity a secret but his personality was just everywhere, you could read what kind of a person he was and his heart was just pure. We'd talk when we get back from school, the only real personal information I got from him was that he lived in South Korea, the rest I just knew who he was personality wise not physically, but then we lost contacts somehow like just *poof* there was no sight of contact with him what so ever. We lost contact over last year in December. His IM, e-mails, social sites, everything got disconnected. So I assumed he was dead. So I went back to solving my own problems by myself back to days with no one to really talk to or have something to look forward afterschool to chat with. I made my own funeral for him.. JUST incase if he died. I just wore black for the rest of the week BUT one damn day some kid in the laundry mat took my bottle of cleanser and mixed it in with some that turned all my clothes BLACK. I ended up wearing the whole month my mom hasn't cared to take me shopping so all I was left was my all black clothes. My parents thought I was turning emo or something. BAD enough that they already worry that I have no friends and I live a life of homework and just a life of black and white to just put it there, now they actually SEE that my life is pretty black and white. They worried because my loneliness and style was just not acceptable for them.. I thought they'd actually do something not stupid and send me to Seoul for wrong assumptions but they said they were going to Seoul I could've argued back that I'm not at all at a DARK DAMN STAGE in my life. But...SERIOUSLY MAN. FANGIRL LIFE.. OR lonely life (I'm still alone but.. come in it's S.KOREA. much better, I do know ) So I just played a long to their twisted thoughts so I could just visit Korea again. So this explains why I'm in Seoul right now living with my grandparents because, my parents are like dumb and dumber, they said the reason why they sent me to finish school off here and live with grammy and gramps is because they can't and don't know how deal with emotionally sick child. Really, I don't even know how I've become their only daughter I'm the one who's actually the brain in the family and well, I'll just stop making fun of them from their. I love them and all, but they're just.. mmmmmmm..yeah. I don't know, all I know is that I must've been adopted because, this family connection just,.. no. So yeah that's the reason I'm here now. At least my grandparents are very wise smart people that can take care of me properly. My parents would always go out clubbing and well I had to do all the housework and just be the actual mature adult of the family. Right now I'm having a really eased life with my grandparents they're great! I can actually learn some meaningful life lessons that I need in my life from them. Very wise people. They are another thing a part of my life that keeps me motivated and inspired.

I already have a Job here the next week after my arrival in Seoul. My grandpa  owns a cheesecake shop in Lotte World. So.. lucky me yay! I get to work in Lotte World. FUN! FUN! FUN! WRONG. So damn crowded makes me cry. I get lost a lot! You have no idea. It's probably because I've only been here for a month so far. Seriously though does it take a month for a person to find their way around in Lotte World when they go their every damn day after school. Yeah I feel the stupid now.. now I can see slowly why I'm the daughter of dumb and dumber. But It's okay I guess I get to see some cute guys but of course I'm not a waiter, my grandparents knows that I am socially awkward so I just learn and help my grandpa how to make his cheesecakes and other food because apparently I can cook better than I can react towards people. Works for me.

Well It's a good thing tho that I'm almost graduating, but pure hard on me because now I have to study much more harder because the exams are really tough and the learning system here is worrisome unlike in the U.S, in my opinion well where I was in my area it was just pretty simple tasks with 8hrs of school with breaks and just, it seemed more flexible with your time, while in here EVERYTHING just really revolves around your curriculums.

So right now I'll share my adventures out here in Seoul for you guys. Believe it or not of where I am right now and how close I am to oppars.. I don't even give a curry.. no one really reads my . LOLOL.SOBS TT TT. .But yeah just incase someone want to write about me when I die.. you source of information. MY BLOG. Yes. But yeah I'll share my everyday life here in this magical world and you can be a part of it! Virtually!  :D. hehehe  That's all I'll say for now It's getting late and the day after tomorrow (a.k.a Monday) will be my first full week in school because I've just taken tours around school for a while. Wish me luck guys. Jesus plz GIVE ME STRENGTH and not run into any clumsy situations. I'll start writing my daily/weekly/monthly entries in tomorrow or soon! What's keeping me concentrated and moving forward and fighting obstacles is B.A.P! They are my strength and balance and I will do my best to become my best! YEAHH NIQQA~~ HWAITING!!~~!   ᕙ( ̄3 ̄)ᕗ~  


-Daestah posted 11:00 p.m 12.12.12 

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Chapter 2: BAHAHAHAAHAHAH... sugoii~
Chapter 1: Lolol.
She's so lucky T u T
I am so jealous :3
Update soon! ^^
Laptop n Obama..
chikorquotes #4