Ottokhe o.o

We Belong Together

(Chaerin Pov’s)


It’s been a few hours already after her dad operation. She was glad it ended successfully. It was really a sudden when they were having a fun time spending at Japan and all of sudden her dad collapsed and the doctor suggest it would best to bring her dad to Singapore for a Heart surgery and he know one doctor who are known to be one of the best surgeon and currently residing in Singapore.

“Get well soon dad.” I said holding his hand. I glance at my mum face who was worried about my dad condition. She really look tired. “Mum, go ahead and rest first. I’ll wake you up if dad wake up.” I look at her and smiled.

“It’s okay dear. You should rest and get something to eat. You haven’t eaten yet at all.” Her mom responded. “Fine…I’ll go get something to eat for both of us at the canteen. You need to eat too mum.” I said getting up and leave the room. I went to the canteen and get something to eat for me and my mum.

I was on my way to my dad ward. I heard a familiar voice. “That voice…” I turned around to see a guy who is dramatically screaming for attention at the reception.

“You have to help me!!! My girlfriend eats this corn at some stall and now she is sick and keeps vomiting and complaining her stomach is aching.” Said the guy who speaked in English.

Chaerin look carefully at the guy. There something familiar about him.  The guy turn around it was none other than Choi Seunghyun a.k.a T.O.P.

O.o What the…What is he doing here? That’s mean… I scanned around the area and saw Bom unnie who was sitting down holding her stomach in pain.

“Bom unnie!” I called out. Bom look at the source who called her name, “Chaerin ah..” She called back.

I went to Bom unnie and she look like she really in pain. The nurses immediately bring Bom unnie to the doctor using the wheelchair. Seunghyun oppa and I follow her to the doctor and turn out Bom unnie got food poison and needed to be treat at the hospital for a few days suggested the doctor.

“Just do anything as long as she gets better.” Seunghyun said to the doctor. Bom unnie wre place at her ward, luckily it was a bit near to my dad ward. I excused myself first and told them I will meet up with them later.

After I eat and explained everything to my mum, she was surprised to hear that Bom unnie was here.  Then, I went to Bom unnie ward where Seunghyun oppa was there with her feeding her fruits.

“Chaerin ah...”Bom called out seeing me. “Unnie…feeling a bit better?” I asked while hugging her. “Yeah…at least I stop vomiting now.” She replied.

“What are you doing here?” She asked. “I could asked you the same thing.” I asked her back. “Well…we are just travelling together as you see.” Bom smile bashfully. “We are actually on our honeymoon.” Seunghyun replied teasingly at Bom where he earned a hit at his arm. “Yah! Don’t listen to him Chaerin ah…Anyway you haven’t answered my question.” Bom said not letting go the topic. “My dad got admitted here and he just had a surgery this morning.” I explained.

“Omo…Mianhe… Chaerin. Are you okay?” She asked. “I’m fine. No worries…” I smile at her. “It’s been a while I see you. I also haven’t contact the girls too. Have you recently contacted them?” Bom asked.

“Actually…I neede to tell you guys something…” I said which make Seunghyun and Bom look at each other curious about what I am going to say. I explained to them the situation that Seungri told me. After I explained, the room went silence for awhile.

“So…now Dara and Jiyong are no longer together?” Seunghyun asked breaking the silence. “I’m not sure oppa. Seungri only told me that Jiyong oppa couldn’t face Dara unnie and it’s already been 2 weeks already.  Seungri want me to find out if its true wheter Dara unnie is cheating on Jiyong oppa.” Chaerin explained.

“Dara won’t cheat on Jiyong. I know her to well and she really love Jiyong with her whole heart. There no way she is cheating on her. It might be just a misunderstanding.” Bom said defending Dara. She believe her friend would not do such a thing to Jiyong.

“I believe in Dara unnie too… I don’t think she would cheat on Jiyong oppa. But… the thing is that he saw it with his own eyes Dara unnie with the same guy 2 times. That’s why Seungri want me to ask Dara unnie side of her story. It could be a big misunderstanding.” I sighed. I stare at Seunghyun oppa who was quiet and seem to be thinking.

“Oppa, What are you thinking?” I asked wondering. “Nothing…it’s just that I should be there with them now and help Jiyong solved his problem. I’m a big failure as a hyung.” Seunghyun said with a sad tone. “Don’t say that. We couldn’t foreseen this either. Dara might also be heartbroken right now. Jiyong might just misunderstand everything.” Bom explained.

“Have you contacted Dara already, Chaerin?” asked Seunghyun. “Not yet. I couldn’t get through with her when I called her. I’ll call her again just now but there is still no answer. Maybe she is not home.”  I explained.

“I’ll try to contact Jiyong or Seugri or Daesung too. I need to make Jiyong face Dara at all cost and reunite them.” Said Seunghyhun determined. Bom nodded in agreement.

“I’ll try to contact her again too.” I said and smile. “Let’s reunite our daragon couple.” I said and give them a hand and Bom unnie place her hand on top me and also Seunghyun oppa.

“LET DO IT!!!” We laughed and shush ourself when we realised that we are still in the hospital.




(No one Pov’s)


Minho is on a verge of going crazy. It’s been a week Eunhye is missing. He is already on the desperate level. “Eunhye, where are you?” He asked himself. He has been calling Eunhye home, office, her number but there is still no answered. It’s also been week that he didn’t contact Dara nor sees her. It’s not like he have time to think about it when all in his mind is Eunhye.

Someone knock on his office door revealing her secretary. “Sir…someone here to see you?” said her secretary. “Who is it? Tell him just to go” He asked not in the mood to see any visitor. “He said that is important. He is a Private Detective (PD) named Kim Sang Bum.” The Secretary replied.

When Minho heard the name his secretary mentioned he immediately turn his serious mode. “Told him to come in.” He said. A man who is in the mid 20’s come in bringing a big envelope in his hand.

The man sit at the chair he was told to seat at and Minho stand up and close his office door shut. He went to the PD Kim Sang Bum or prefers to be called as Kim Bum and sit at the opposite chair. “So Kim Bum, have you found anything?” Minho asked. “You were right about that Jihoon guy. He is definitely smuggling drug to in and out of Korea without getting caught. Not just that he is also using Eunhye as a scapegoat and for his transaction. He only invested on Eunhye fashion line so he can use to do the exchange using the shipping everytime Eunhye order or ship her clothing line around the globe.” Kim Bum explained showing him all the evidences from photo, illegal transaction, and all documents that can put Jihoon behind bars.

Minho scanned the evidence. He was relief that with this he can protect Eunhye from that guy. He knows something was wrong when he accidently found at one of Eunhye order box and immediately hide the fact from Eunhye. He hired his friend a detective to investigate on the shipping of Eunhye Clothing line and they were able to narrow down the suspects to one person no other than Joo JiHoon.

He has been asking his friends to find all evidence that can show that Eunhye is innocent and not involved with the illegal shipping. And finally he found all evidences that can safe the girl of his life. “Good Job, Kim bum. Anyway have you found her?” Minho asked with high hope. Kim bum just shake his head as in No. Minho had asked him to find Eunhye whereabout and he have searched her and investigate all her connection but she is nowhere to be found. Eunhye did not even leave the country or went to anywhere outside of Seoul.

“Sorry Minho. I already search up all the people she knew but she was nowhere to be found with them. But Eunhye was last seen to meet up with Jihoon that what I know. I try to get more information about it and contact you when I get more info about it.” Kim Bum replied.

Minho just nodded. He is getting more worried about the fact that Kim bum could not find Eunhye whereabout. “Where are you eunhye?” He said to himself. “Don’t worry Minho. I promise I find her for you. Also actually, there is one more information that I don’t know if I should tell you this but promise me you would calm down.” Kim bum make Minho sworn to keep his head cool.  “What is it...?” Minho asked curious. “Actually I put a video bug at Jihoon apartment.  I think you should see this…” Kim bum said and show Minho a video from his iPad.

Minho looks at the iPad screen and he saw something that make his anger boiled. The video show how Jihoon slap Eunhye on her face continuously. He also kicks her on the stomach thrice. Minho can see how Eunhye were holding the pain she received from Jihoon who keep abusing her non stop. The video ended nearly 2 minutes long. Minho fist were clenching hard as to hold his anger.

“THAT !!! I SWORE I WILL KILL HIM!” Minho explode in anger where Kim bum trying to cool him off. “I know Minho. Calm down okay.” Kim bum said trying to calm down his friend also his client. “CALM DOWN! LOOK AT THAT ANIMAL! And Eunhye…She..She..” Minho who could not seem to utter any word at all he release his angered by kicking the sofa.

Minho could not believe why Eunhye hide everything from him. Why would she do that? He feel he is such a fool to not able to protect the women he love from that bastard. All this time Eunhye were abused and he do not know about it. Could it be the night at the party?



(Minho Pov's)


Minho mind suddenly remembers the scene during the night at the party, Eunhye face was pale when he saw Jihoon. And Jihoon was the last to be seen with him that night after that Eunhye never come back to the party. Dara did mention to him that Eunhye excuse herself due to her other schedule she needs to attend. Dara might know something. I need to see

Minho immediately stand up and get his keys leaving Kim bum surprised by his sudden action who is now chasing over Minho who is now running to get his car leaving Kim bum behind confused with all his friend sudden action.

Minho immediately drive away from his office and went to only one destination, Dara’s Apartment. Dara might know something.




“Since you were the last person to see Eunhye that night? Did she tell you anything?  I mean is something wrong with her?” Asked Minho worried. There were no answered.

“YAH PABO!!! Are you there???” Minho yelled. “Yeah…I’m here. I don’t know. Sh..she seem fine to me. W..wh.why?” She asked nervously.

“Are you hiding something from me?” Minho asked curiously with Dara way of answering. Obviously he can sense she is hiding something from that tone. Seriously even in K-drama or detective movie those who stammer basically hiding something.

“I said nothing.” She replied.


(End Flashback)


Finally Minho arrived at Dara apartment. He quickly went to the elevator and anxiously waiting for the elevator to come down. Once the elevator door is open he clicked the floor of Dara apartment at. He immediately went to Dara apartment and press her apartment doorbell non-stop.

 “I’m coming..!” Minho could heard someone yelled from inside. “It must be the pizza we order.” As he heard Dara voice from behind the door, the door was finally open revealing Dara who was surprised to see Minho in front of her apartment door.

Minho now looks at nervous Dara. But he was surprised to see who was behind Dara that is also surprised to see him.

Minho looks at Dara who is now avoiding his gaze and then to Eunhye who was still surprised seeing Minho. Dara swallowed her own saliva. Yep…She is definitely going to get it from Minho? What should she do now? He is going to kill her not really but seriously???

Ottokhe…aigoo T.T


Sorry for the short or boring chapter..i know you might want daragon moment let shift focus to the other first okay:) Enjouy the chapter:)
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already update leave me some motivation guys hehe


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Lette1022 #1
Chapter 33: Wow i really miss 2nebang, hope soon will be back all on stage performing lollipop
Unixai21 #2
Chapter 21: Wow i saw my name... Thank you very much authornim... Waaahh
Chapter 33: I love your story amazing,i believe also in reality the two sweet couple Gd and Dara in their endless love story will end up in real true couple,congratz again
3shhaaa #4
Chapter 33: ❤️❤️❤️ The story!!! Thank you!!!
greiyz_14 #5
Chapter 33: Thanks for this story authornim I love it
Maria0801 #6
Chapter 29: Thank you for including me in your story! Wow Taeyang is my partner! hehehe
Chapter 33: Thank you for letting me read this story...It was really awesome and I am happy that you mentioned me here...feeling lucky my dear author...hope to read more of your stories...More power:)
XTheCatX #8
Chapter 33: GHII its a realy amazing storie !! :3 and maby sound this weird but i saw my name on it..... first i thought 'OMG!! @_@ ' i did for sure my laptop off and on but no.. it was reall kekeke ^^V so thank you for mention me in your storie hihi xx and i can't wait to read more from your stories!! so wish me luck ~_^ xXXTheCattieeXXxx
ma_cathe #9
Chapter 33: congratulations authornim! this is a good and lovely story! hope to read more daragon stories from you. ^___^ thank you for including me in your story! feels like im really there with them...hehehe...authornim, fighting!!!
ma_cathe #10
Chapter 21: authornim, thanks for the caught me there...hehehe..gomawo!!! ^_^