

You fell to your knees, eyes wide with fear as you watched the world crash down around you due to the wind. You could feel your tears pouring down your cheeks and blurring your vision, making the scene all the more horrible for you.

"What is it? Did you really think I loved you?" He said. His voice echoed and traveled with the wind. The wind that you once enjoyed having travel around you now made you sick as he spoke.

"You're weak." He whispered as you felt the wind circle around your body and brush harshly against your skin. You never thought a simple breeze could feel this way.

You went to scream in frustration but you felt the wind slither up your body and around your neck, the air in your lungs disappearing quickly. 

"Shhh..." He said quietly as you struggled to find your breath.

You reached your hand out towards him. "S... Se...." 

You watched as he lifted his hand, his fingers stretching out towards you before he smirked, closing his hand.

Your world went black.


You screamed, gasping for air.

You looked around, eyes wide and body trembling with fear as you took in what was around you.

You were in your bedroom and he was beside you. Your boyfriend. The man you loved more than anything. The man who could literally take your breath away.

Oh Sehun.

You lifted your trembling hand to him, gently grasping his arm to shake him. "S-Sehun..." You said quietly.

He stirred in his sleep before cracking one eye open to stare at you sleepily. Once he registered your appearance he sat up immediately, his hands cupping your cheeks. "What's wrong, ____?"

You frowned, looking down at the bed. You lifted a trembling hand up and placed it over his.

"Ahh... You had the nightmare again?" He asked, his tensed body relaxing slightly as he leaned forward to plant gentle kisses on your face. "You know that it would never happen. Here, here, lay down."

You smiled faintly at the kisses and then laid back down in bed, taking in a deep breath as you slowly got over your nerves.

"I don't really have the power of wind..." He smiled, reaching over to his bedside table to grasp his ring that symbolized the power of wind. "Even if I could, I would never ever use it against you. I want to be with you for as long as possible."

You stared at the ring and nodded, smiling at his reassuring words. "I know, Sehun..."

He placed the ring back on the table and laid back on his pillow, his head turned so he could look at you.

You turned over to lay on your side, your eyes gazing into his.

"Are you still scared?" He asked curiously.

"A little... I'll get over it, though. You should sleep." You said quietly, your hand reaching up to brush a few strands of hair out of his eyes.

He reached his hand up to grasp yours before bringing it down onto his chest. "Let me help comfort you." He said as his fingers entwined with yours. He knew the best way to comfort you; holding hands.

You blushed faintly as he held your hand on his chest. You could feel his heartbeat and it comforted you. "I love you.." You said sleepily, your eyes closing as you slowly drifted back to sleep peacefully.

"I love you, too..." He whispered as a breeze slowly travelled in through the window and up along your sleeping body. "... Goodnight."


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Chapter 1: I don't know but this made me really emotional. XD
Chapter 1: K, I'm totally make this into my go-to story whenever I'm upset. Yup.
Chapter 1: :O You totally need to turn this in to a full fanfic..
Chapter 1: Oh Sehun, you really are sweet!!
Aigoo, I smiling like crazy person right now XD
Park_HyeSun #5
Chapter 1: Made me smile somehow. (: Nicely done.
Chapter 1: Awwww!! That was one of the sweetest stories ever really! ^_^ Very good writing, it was super cute, you have very good talents!