Chapter One: My Savior. . . ?

Please Hold My Hand ((Choi Minho Love Story))


 It was raining, the wind harsh, the cars that drove by, ignoring me, seemed harsher. Falling to sit on my knees, I was giving up. The rain drops were cold and heavy, stinging my skin to an extreme amount, but I didn't care. Nobody would care, nobody loved me. This was it, I'm done, I'm ready to die. Laying back, I came into shock when headlights pointed directly at me, and the most handsome boy in the world climbed out of the car. This was it Was I being saved I stared at him, and felt hope. My savior, please hold my hand.


"Hey, what are you doing?! You're going to freeze to death out here." Well that was my plan. I looked the boy over, admiring his features. "Can you hear me?" He stepped closer and I gave a small nod. His had was bravely stretched out for me to take. What did he think he was doing? As far as he knew I was some psycho, why was he trying to help me? He didn't even know me.


What if he was a psycho? Was it okay for me to get in the car? Would i ever see outdoors again? Slowly, my cold hand reached to meet his warm one. He pulled me up so that I could stand and waited patiently as I steadied myself. My dress that was now soaked from rain clung to my legs and torso, my long hair doing the same to my neck. "Come on, get in." He opened the car door and I peered in to see four other guys smiling calmly and becoming me to climb in. I was nervous, but i climbed in, taking on of the empty seats watching the boy climb in behind me. His seat was next to mine, but he did not try to touch me, or anything to worry me.


"Th-thank you." I blurted out, staring down at my hands that were folded neatly resting in my lap. I didn't notice his proud smile.


"Of course! So you do speak!" he laughed and I smiled. "What's your name?"


"Stormy." I looked up to meet his eyes with mine.


"I'm Minho." He shook my hand. "What. . . What were you doing in the rain?" His smile dropped and he looked worried.


"My parents just. . . left me. It's hard to explain, but I don't have a home." I was embarrassed, telling a stranger these things.


"You can stay with us." He introduced me to the others. They all seemed to be waiting for something.


"Do you know who we are?" The one names Jonghyun asked. I easily names them off. "Ani, Like, as a group?"


"Um. . . Ani." I shook my head. They stared at me for a while.


"Haha, she doesn't even realize the position she's in right now." Key said, and I just became more confused, If not a bit worried also.


"What are you guys talking about?" I looked around worried.


"We're members of a popular band." Taemin smiled at me as he spoke. My eyes went wide and I looked them over again, now calm enough to actually register who they were.


"I know you guys!!." I said, sitting up more. "You guys are SHINee." I said. They nodded smiling.


"Are you a fan?" Onew asked. I nodded.


"Ye. . . we'll I've only heard a few songs, but I liked them." I smiled. They cheered.


"I'm glad you're not a psychotic fan girl." Key said, face palming. I giggled. The car ride must've been pretty long because Taemin was settling himself in a comfortable place to sleep. I decided to make conversation.


"Don't worry about being the only girl there." Minho said randomly as we talked. "Jonghyun's girlfriend Jenny lives with us. She's really hyper, but I think you'll like her anyway." He added.


"Oh okay, that makes me feel a little better." I smiled. He carefully moved his arm to go around my shoulder. When I didn't flinch away or stare at it weird he let it tighten but only to a comfortable amount and looked out his window silently. I knew I was blushing but I tried not to think about it, afraid it would get worse if I did, and that Minho would notice if it did. Soon we pulled up to a nice sized home.


"Looks like manager hyung is here." Jonghyun said.


"You better hope your girlfriend is controlling herself." Key warned, helping me out of the car. I thanked him when there was a sudden crash from a window and a soccer ball went flying from the house onto the front porch. "Look. She broke the window." A pretty face appeared at the window, an apologetic look being worn upon it.


"SORRY!!!!!" She yelled down. I figured this was Jenny and obviously, since she had already broken a window in the first few minutes of me being here, I was kinda on the side of disliking her.


"JENNY! WHAT WERE YOU DOING?!" Jonghyun stared up at her and she giggled nervously.


"YOU KNOW. . . JUST PLAYING SOCCER. . ." She rubbed the back of her head smiling widely. Jonghyun sighed and bean silently heading towards the door.


"See?" Their manager said. "I told you it was a bad idea. And then Key texted me about Stormy or whatever her name is, and I swear if it ends up like this, they're both out." I know I hadn't known him that long, and that he was probably usually a nice person, but I didn't like him either. I guess that's just the type of person I was. I bit my lip and sighed, being led by a silent Minho into their house. Both the outside and the inside were beautiful and I smiled, thinking about how I actually might enjoy living here. Besides, how lucky could I be, left alone, and saved by SHINee's Minho? I could deal with this dream. Besides, wasn't everything okay now? 



it's small but it's okay cuz its the first chapter! you please subscribe and comment <3 it means tons!!

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Sound dramatic but cute yet intresting update soon !!