
The Boy and The Girl
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“I’m so tired…” I thought to myself as I slowly dragged myself to work. After staying up all night talking to Chunghei over the phone, this was the least that I expected. But telling me to miss work is something I’d never do unless it was an emergency.

Last night, even until the very end of our conversation, I couldn’t put in words that I like him.

I’m not going to lie about the fact that every time I see him, I still feel completely out of place and uncomfortably nervous. My heart even goes to the point where it starts skipping beats and the pace of my breathing goes completely abnormal. But is this what it’s like to like someone? Why do I feel like something’s missing?

D.O claims that he likes me and knows who I am but how about me?

I don’t know anything about him, other than his amazing voice when he sings.

I also never understand what’s going on in his mind when he can simply read mine. It’s not fair.

I want to get to know him more but how?

I sighed and continued walking.

I glanced at my watch briefly and then quickly once again to just confirm that my eyes are okay.

It’s 9:05AM, shoot! I started to run.


“Sorry I’m late!” I yelled as soon as I walked in the door trying to catch my breath.

A tiny middle-aged lady peeked out from behind the pile of boxes filled with clothes.

“O, Ara! You’re here! Thank god!”

I dropped off my belongings behind the cash register and then walked towards her. This cute and bubbly lady is Mrs. Lee, the owner of this small clothing store called ‘Cherish’. I was hired by Mrs. Lee during 2nd year; at that time, she didn’t really need to hire anyone as she is able to run the store all by herself absolutely fine. However, due to her kindness, she was willing to hire me. Since then, I was her only employee.

“A large amount of stock came in and I’ve been trying to organize it all morning… wahh!” she looked at me with puppy eyes

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Chapter 35: Thank you for the wonderful story..I’m late for this but thank you
nowaywth #2
Chapter 36: I'm so glad that I'm came across this story. I'm so loving it.
sabbyexotic #3
Chapter 35: This is really good man!! the last few chapters got me like URGHHH. its so heart wrecking and well done author nim!1
doeyed #4
Chapter 35: One of the better Kyungsoo Fanfics I have ever read. Thank you so much for making this story. I truly enjoyed it. Thank author-nim. Daebak

Truly commendable. ^^
the amount of love he has for her is insane and i love it!
sarikyu #6
Finish it just one day.... kyaaaa D.O~~~ really love your ff authornim... but its will be more great if there is D.O pov too~~~ looking for the sequel~~~ hehhee ^^
Kyungsoic #7
Chapter 36: wow i loved the story ! it was truly unexepted ! :) i tought it was just fluff and all but finelly turn out to be really interesting <_< thank you for sharing this !! I'm going to read the sequel now =p
nialla011293 #8
Chapter 1: haha!! just reading a new fanfic about D.O really makes me crazy!!! arghhhhhhh!!!! (^_^) nice story!! :))
Chapter 26: Hye! New reader here.. I wanted to comment on this story for a long time ago.. But I'm a lazy XD btw, to be honest.. I'm just like Ara.. I'll give up on who or anything that I love for another person's happiness.. You can slap me now.. Haha XD this story is really good!
Chapter 35: I'm cryyyiing so hard:(