Headmaster Wu.

Being Held Captive By Kim Jong In



"Have a seat." Mr Wu motions at a chair in front of his desk.

He sits down, looks at you with his fingers interlaced and hands being propped up by his elbows.

He actually does look like- wait, refresh. Kris actually does look like his father. Both very intimidating, sharp facial features and Mr Wu still has a head full of black hair... He can't have black hair at this age can he? He's probably 50 by now. Does he dye his hair? Maybe he self dyes it or Kris helps-

"Good morning Park So Eun." Mr Wu greets.

Only at this point do you realise that you have been very awkwardly standing and gawking at SM Academy's Headmaster. You clear your throat and cough to make the situation... less awkward.

"Ah, nae. Good morning Headmaster Wu." You bow deeply and sit in the black cushiony seat.

"I see you're wearing the uniform."

"Ah, nae."

The old man stares at you with a glint of humour in his eyes.

"You don't have to be so stiff. Relax a little. You seemed very... enthusiastic in the courtyard a few minutes ago." He laughs.


"Oh, I won't judge. We all have those moments." You tightly smile at his words. "But do try to keep those moments to a minimum So Eun."

"Nae." You nod.


"So are you willing to transfer schools despite already wearing the uniform?"

"Ummm..." You start to panic.

No-one's actually asked me about my opinion on transferring yet. Well of course I want to because I've heard that SM Academy is a prestigious school-

"I can practically hear the gears in that head of yours turning." Mr Wu smiles.

"Oh, sorry."

"No need to be. Just voice out your opinions."

"I don't know if my parents will approve." You lie.

"Yes, we've tried to get in contact with them but to no avail. They seem to be very busy people." He nods.

"Nae, they... work alot." You fib again.

You fiddle with your hands as they rest in your lap.

My palms are so sweaty!! I can't pokerface my way through this!

You try to discreetly wipe your hands on your skirt without attracting too much attention.

"I have a proposition but I need to know whether you're willing to transfer or not. I have a gut feeling that the boys pushed you head first into this." Mr Wu explains.

"That's totally- BULLSEYE! You got it!" You smile with satisfaction.

FINALLY! Someone FINALLY understands me.

Your eyes widen at the recall of your sudden outburst. "Sir..." You fake a laugh.

"Haha, I'm glad we're on the same page. So what do you say So Eun?"

"I... don't mind because SM Academy is renowned for its extremely strict and prestigious reputation as an institution that caters well to err students'-"

"This isn't an interview to get into the school So Eun so you can relax." Mr Wu laughs again.

You pink at his comment. "Nae, sorry."

"Don't apologise. So I take it that you are willing to transfer." He confirms.

"Nae but what about my tuition fees-"

"Ah! What a quick one you are. I was going to elaborate on this matter after you agreed. Perhaps you could sit the entrance exam to get into the school and if your marks are exceptional then you could be given an academic scholarship for the rest of this year. If you are successful and do choose to transfer schools then we could ask of your parents' approval. How does that sound?"

Academic scholarship? I've heard of these before. Like only super-duuuuper smart kids get them. They're like things that fully pay for your tuition fees for a certain period of time. But sitting an entrance exam?! I haven't studied! Is this a joke? How am I meant to achieve exceptional marks if I haven't even studied?

"So Eun?" Mr Wu interrupts your thoughts.

"I-I'm not a very bright student, if you know what I mean, so I don't think this is possible. Perhaps this transfer won't work out after all." You mumble embarrassingly.

"Yes, but there's no harm in trying right?" He encourages.

I guess... I don't have anything to lose. Except for my pride and dignity. No siree, nothing to lose at all! -_-

"How long will I get until I start the exam then?"

"Do you need a toilet break beforehand?"


"If you don't, we can start now." Mr Wu looks at the clock on his wall.

Hiya! I'd really like to take a bit of your time, to thank all the people who have subscribed, voted, commented and read this fanfic of mine. Yep, that includes you ;)

It really does mean a lot because I just love writing and to be able to share it with you guys is an absolute honour :')

Thank you so much once again and I hope you continue to read this story right until the very end! ^^

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I've actually been away for too long and this is unacceptable, I am so, so sorry :(


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Chapter 47: who is she? gosh, she is very annoying. anyway thanks for the update
kkaali #2
Chapter 47: Yes!!!!!!! Updated :D
Thanks so Much
I thought you might have forgotten it.
I hope you are having a great year :)
kkaali #3
Chapter 45: I love this fic.
Can't wait till the next update
Happy New Year!!! x
Chapter 45: Hey, I miss this story so much. When will you gonna update this story?
Chapter 45: finally an update!
Chapter 44: Yay! I'm so glad you updated again. I think your plot needs to be clearer, but don't worry, your story is not lacking. I really enjoy So Eun's interactions with Kai. :)
kkaali #7
Updated, Thank you :D
Glad your back.

Great story xx
KimJonghyunx #8
Chapter 43: Omoooooo..... so eun whats wrong with u? Dw I would have done the same but probably would have went alot further if u know what I mean *wink wink*
Update soon please
Chapter 43: Welcome back author-nim thanks for the update :D Aish drunk exo is kinda funny :p Omo cliffhanger?!?! please update soon!