Eun-Mi and Minho

How DOES Love Work?


"Good Morning class!" Ms Choi said over joyed because she is back.

"Since I'm back I would like to introduce our new class mates. Eun-Mi and Minho." she said pointing at the door and Eun-Mi with Minho popped out.

"Good Morning I am Eun-Mi." she said

"and I am Minho." he said completing her sentence.

"You two please sit down in front of Alex and Onew." she said gestering her hand towards the two empty seats in front of us.

"Okay let's continue our lesson on math." Ms Choi said.


I wrote a note to Minho

Do you thing they noticed? -Eun-Mi

I dont think so - Minho.

Maybe we should tell them. It's been two quarters already. -Eun-Mi

Okay we'll tell them at lunch -Minho


I saw Eun-Mi and Minho writing notes to each other. I gently tapped on Onew's shoulder.

"Yeah." he said still writing notes.

"I wonder what Eun-Mi and Minho are talking about" I said and he looked up to see them writing notes.

"I dont know it's not our business anyway I'm sure they'll tell us." he said and I just nodded and continued writing my notes.

--- Lunch ---

"Hey guys." Eun-Mi and Minho said to the group

"Hi." we all said taking a bite out of my sandwich.

"We have to tell you guys something." Minho said and everyone looked at the both of them.

"Me and Minho are dating." Eun-Mi said twiddling her fingers.

"Really?!?" Everyone said and I chocked on my drink.

"Since When?!" Lee-Chan said.

"Since last quarter." she said.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Jonghyun said.

"We didn't want to our friendship but since everyone in our group has a "partner" we decided to tell you guys." Eun-Mi said and Minho held her hand.

"Congrats." we all said and chatted about the new couple while we ate our lunch. I held Onew hand under the table, but we suddenly saw Eun-Mi and Minho rubbing their noses together (yes I know it's weird.). We both let go of each others hands and we avoided looking into each others eyes.

"Ehem." we both said.

I wish me and Onew werent so dumb when it came to relationships. I wish we would be much more closer with each other. I sighed and Onew noticed.


Short Chapter since I have no ideas in my noggin.

If I post fewer than 4 chapters than I'm sorry

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Chapter 51: Update sooonn.. and put more dramas and sweet onyou moments!!
Chapter 8: Omo! <3 It makes me fluttteed over and over again XD <333 I love it so much!
So far, so good.
asianfanficlove #4
Wow i really really like this story about alex and onew. It's great! Loving it! :)
KOTS_Angel #5
Plssss....update plssss
KOTS_Angel #6
wow eoni its so coolll..super duper cool and can u update again 5 more and long kekekekek^^
boredomadedis #7
No silent readers?? <br />
Fine, fine. I'll come out of the shadows :))<br />
I really enjoy reading your story. I'm abit behind though but I'll try my best to catch up. So far so good :))
Love it^^
woah ! 4 more? <3
oooh! 4 more! will be waiting.... :3