
The Mean and The Princess

“Kim Jongin!”

A firm voice can be heard echoing the room that filled with tense aura around it.

“It’s Kai.”

A young boy who have his face completely beaten up correcting the older sentence. Even though his face is full with wounds here and there, he doesn’t show any sign of pain at all. To tell you the truth he seems very proud of every wound that he has as he smiling when he touches the wounds.

“Whatever! Try to explain me what the hell are you doing with the Seoul High School students just then!”

The young boys who called Kim Jong- no, called Kai just leave out his infamous smirk before open up his mouth to speak. “Well are you blind Park seosangnim? Or simply just a dumb principal?” The older widening his eyes as he furious of what Kai just said.

“I beg your pardon?”

“Well as you can see I had a fight with them. And I think you must be happy since I slay them all. Ten people against me, all alone, yet still I remain to be the winner.”

The older just sigh as he clenches his fist. “There’s nothing to be happy about fighting. It’s been your fifth case in this month alone. What were you trying to achieve anyway?” Kai tilt his head. Park seosangnim was right. What was he trying to achieve anyway? “I don’t feel like achieve anything but fighting is fun.” Kai said it calmly while nodding his head as he pleased with his answer.

Then there’s an awkward silence in the room. Park seosangnim took a deep breath before continuing his conversation with Kai. “You know I can expel you any time I want right? Especially with all these fighting files that you had.” Kai just scoffed due the sentence. “Whatta bull. You can’t expel me. My Dad is the biggest donator in this school and like it or not I’m the smartest piece of here.” Kai stood up and fixing his messy uniform.

“Well I’m done. It’s not that nice to meet you but yeah.”

That’s the last sentence that Kai said before leaving the room. Park seosangnim massages his temple and sigh. What Kai said earlier was indeed true and that’s what makes Park seosangnim frustrated. Kai’s Dad is the biggest donator to the school since the Kim’s family is one of the richest family in South Korea and despite how pain in the Kai is, he’s indeed the smartest student in the school. It’s proven by how good his grades in every semesters are despite missing most of his classes.

Well whatever Kai’s personalities are, he’s a confirmed scumbag for sure.


“So how many people this time?”

Chanyeol swing his right arm to the tired Kai who’s resting in the backyard of school now. “Ten. Meh it was too easy. Seoul High School students are nothing.” Kai take Chanyeol’s arm away from him. Chanyeol just laugh lightly. “How’s the class by the way?” Kai asks Chanyeol as the two friends are in silence. “Nothing much. But I think Kwon seosangnim was kind a pissed since no one can’t answer her calculus questions earlier, since duh you’re not around.” Kai just laugh in amused.

“Calculus? That was easy. I taught you once Park Chanyeol.”

“Face it dude, I’m dumb. You need a whole lot more times than once to teach me that kind of .”

Kai just laugh and then Chanyeol could only follow. These two friends were completely different from each other. You see, Park Chanyeol is a happy grinned boy who hasn’t put any interest in fight. He will spend the most time of his life with drumming or buying hats. Spending your money on expensive hats is completely okay to the young Park since he’s rich. Yeah maybe rich is one of the few their similarities.

Park Chanyeol is one and only Kai’s trust friend. He sure has a lot of fighting buddies but only Chanyeol that he tells his worries and problems about. “You’ll attend the next class or?“ Chanyeol stood up from the bench planning to go to the classroom since the recess is almost over. Kai also stood up and swing his left arm to the tall young boy’s neck. He grinned widely before speak.

“I’ll attend the next class with you since I don’t have anything to do anyway.”


“What color do you like to use today my lady?”

“I’ll have the green one please.”

A long black-haired girl opens a glittery box revealing lots of hair accessories there. She picks the green colored, butterfly like hairpin and picks a bigger comb that she used before. She gently comb a long brown hair that belongs to a beautiful girl that sit in front of her facing the massive mirror reflecting her flawless face.

“Do you know that I’ll be meeting my fiancé tomorrow, Jinri?”

The brunette ask the comber girl with a compose tone. The comber tilts her head as she confused due the question. “Your fiancé my lady?” The brunette just nods once. She then picks a red color, flower like hairpin that placed freely on the mirror’s table and play with it. “According to grandpa, I’ll fly to South Korea tomorrow.” The comber stops her combing right away. From the reflection on the mirror you can see the worry yet sad look on her face. “Is there something wrong Jinri?” The brunette turn her head back to the comber who named Jinri, Choi Jinri to be exact.

“Nothing my lady. It’s just-“

“I’ll also will be studying there Jinri. I’ll be staying there for quite a long time you can say.”

The brunette cut Jinri’s sentence. A worrier and sadder expression can be seen on the young girl’s face. She then kneels down for positioning herself on the same height as the brunette. She holds both of the brunette’s hand and squishes it tightly. “I will be missing my lady so much then. You’re more than just my mistreesr; you’re also my best friend in whole wide world.” There are tears on her cheek as she completes the touching sentence.

The brunette embraces Jinri on the warm hug as she her hair gently. “I will be missing you too Jinri. Just like you said, you’re my best friend as well.” She then push Jinri lightly and wipes some of her tears. “But I want you to be happy for me. Finally I’ll be meeting my fiancé for almost 15 years we’ve been engaged.” There are some sparks on her face as she talks about her beloved fiancé.

“Besides I’ll be having my life as a normal girl there! It’s finally a dream come true where I can study in formal schools, no bodyguards, no fancy dresses…”

“No one to combs and do your hair.”

Jinri cuts her master sentence. “Well if I could I would take you to South Korea with me to comb my hair all the time, Jinri.” Both of the girls could only laugh.

“So no one will company you to South Korea my lady?”

“I’ll be going to South Korea with Genma sensei.”

Jinri could only nods and she feels relief all of the sudden as she heard the name being mentioned. You see, Genma sensei or Genma Isurugi to be exact is the brunette’s loyal butler. But due to his wide acknowledge, people would prefer to call him with adding the sensei title after his surname.

Knock Knock

A knock can be heard from the big room’s door.

“Who is it?”

“It’s me my lady. The king is wanted to see you.”

Both of the brunette and Jinri stood up. Jinri fixing the brunette’s hair once again before she leaves the room. She opens the door and greeted by her guard that will company her to the King’s room. As she reaches the room she knocks it once before open it and walks in.

“What is the matter Grandpa?”

She plastered a smile before sitting next to King or her grandpa. The King signing the guards inside the room to leave them alone as they want to talk something important and privat. “You’re ready for your trip to South Korea tomorrow my dear?” The King his beloved granddaughter’s hair gently. “I am grandpa. I’m also really looking forward for my new life there!” The King could only sigh as he stops her hair. “I can send some guards to company you to South Korea my dear. Why you want a normal life by the way? You’re special. You’re my dearest granddaughter. The princess of Japan.” The young girl only leaves a pout. “Because I want it that way Grandpa.” Then there’s a silence between them. “Well what can I do? My granddaughter is growing up now; she even will be meeting his fiancé tomorrow. You’re still remembering his name do you?”

The girl could only leave a smile as she remembers the young boy's face.

“Of course Grandpa. His name is Kim Jongin!“


“It’s Kai for pete’s sake!”

Kai once again correcting the older sentence, this time it’s not coming from the principal but from the chemistry teacher, Hwang seosangnim.

“I don’t care what your name is, just tell me what are you doing right now?”

Kai only rolled his eyes. Did all the teachers here are dumb and blind? My Goodness. He’s fixing his backpack. You see our favorite scumbag here is already on his way to leaving the class and that fact is leaving everyone’s dumbfounded, well except for Chanyeol that could only shook his head, amused by his best friend's attitude. “I’m leaving the class seosangnim.” Kai took a deep breath before continuing his sentence. “I already know today’s material. It’s piece of cake, so it’s better for me to go home and sleep than wasting my time here.” You can see an irritating face coming from the teacher. But there’s nothing she can do or say since Kai has already leaving the room.

“Oh how I wish someone could change his scumbag personality.” Hwang seosangnim muttered it slowly while rubbing his forehead before continuing her lesson. Kai walk to his motorcycle but stopping by a buzz from his phone.


“You cause another trouble at school didn’t you?”

It was Kai’s father, Kim Moonkyu. He’s firm and overall awkward person. But that’s not change the fact that he loves his son so much furthermore since his wife passed away 8 years ago.

“What do you want Dad?”

“I want you to get ready, we will having an important guest tomorrow. And do take a note that it isn’t my guest but it’s yours.”

My guest? Important one? Who could it be?

Oh, Kai didn’t know that this guest would make a biggest twist on his life and make his life turns upside down.

fun facts : this story was inspired by the anime "Beelzebub"

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rated m because all the cursing words okay haha


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cleslie25 #1
Chapter 9: Please update
Crazydoraemon #2
Chapter 9: Can you pls updated
mexxco #3
Chapter 8: no! make baekhyun and sehun love soojung
choibrother #4
Chapter 9: This story is getting interesting... please authornim update this story..i want to know what happened to soojung :)
lemonechaoi #5
I just read your story. And this is really jjang. Wish you'll update sooner. :)
jsinaryo #6
Chapter 9: Wow , update please
TotoroFan #7
update please
Chapter 9: oho, this is interesting.
im looking forward for jongin-luhan 'battle' later.
you'll continue this story right?
Chapter 9: oho, this is interesting.
im looking forward for jongin-luhan 'battle' later.
you'll continue this story right?
nadsuty #10
Chapter 9: where hv u been?? i miss this story so baddddd:"(