
Caress, {two-shot}




Key pushed Onew away, once again.

Onew was used to it by now, and no matter what, he knew that he would be pushed away every time he tried to caress Key's perfect face, fingers, shoulders or any innocent body part for that matter. All he wanted to do was to touch him, to feel how it felt to hold the person he loved very dearly in his arms, to feel his lovers heart beating against his own nervous one, to draw circles on his back while they lay in silence, or most of all, to feel his lips on his own. 

Onew loved Key, he would do anything for him, he even scared himself sometimes, with how much he loved him, how much he adored him. He found it dangerous, almost terrifying. He also was thankful for this fondness he had over Key though, because it made it easier to be patient with Key, to wait until Key finally let Onew in.

For now, Onew would have to just stay happy with the fact Key actually let him be his lover, in the first place.


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Key was...difficult, to say the least. When Onew first met him, he was a mess. And not a mess by looks, but by the way he acted. He was the shyest person he had met. Well, if you could consider their first chat actually meeting. 

Onew had decided to move house, and somehow ended up in the same area of Key. Key was right across from his door, so Onew being his friendly, goofy self, he chose to go greet Key (although at this time he didn't know his name yet). He thought it was be nice to make a friend so he could feel comfortable with moving in, or even just to have someone to talk to, considering he didn't know the area very well. 

When Onew knocked on the door, he waited a few minutes, making sure to wear his friendliest smile. After a few minutes, he noticed a tiny brown orb taking over the peep hole that was placed awkwardly right in the middle of the door. Onew chuckled and waved, hoping the boy could see him through the small hole. The eye disappeared and the door wasn't answered. Onew was puzzled. 

"W-What do you want?" Onew heard from the other the side of the door. It was just loud enough for Onew to hear, but no one else. It was almost a whisper. The boy sounded frightened. Onew frowned at the thought. Had he done something wrong? Did he look creepy? Surely he didn't look that bad... 

"Uhh, well I'm your new neighbour, I suppose, I'm just across from you, actually," Onew stops to point to his door, that was behind him, with his thumb, but then stopped midway realising that the boy couldn't see. He felt silly, but still continued, "I decided to come say hi, to greet my new neighbour, I guess" 

He tries to speak as softly as possible, seeing as the boy sounded scared before. 

Shuffling. That's what he hears. And the door slowly opens, a small creak coming from the hinges. Warmth hit Onew immediately from the house, and he smelt a comforting smell of candles, and...vanilla? 

The thing that made Onew's breath catch in his throat though, was the boy's face. His beauty was really unique. Onew didn't really think of his uality before. Regardless of that, Onew knew this boy was incredibly beautiful. It was almost unreal. 

He had amazing bone structure, his cheekbones were no joke. They didn't make his face unusally skinny though, or weird. It made his cat-like eyes seem even more beautiful than they already were. They were shaped like almonds, and the colour was so dark you could hardly see the pupil, which made you feel imtimidated . His jawline was very prominent, a sharp line, it looked like it could slice something. Then, there was his lips. The top of his lips looked as if someone had legitimately cut a triangle shape in the middle of his top lip, the cupids bow was extremely...cute? They were very plump, and they stuck out slightly, his bottom lip curving at the edge, they were also a cute shade of red. His hair was long-ish, a dark chocolate-y brown, it went down to his neck, and curled around neck, right under jawline. His fringe curled slightly at the bottom too, and it looked messy, but it was a nice messy, as if deliberately made messy. Onew could safely say he was very, very unique. 

Onew didn't say a word, and Key didn't either. It was an awkward silence. Key looked down, biting his lip. He seemed like he wasn't sure what to do. Onew for the first time ever felt weirdly intimidated by him, even though all he was doing was standing there. Onew thought it'd be best if he didn't go into his house, he quickly apologised and bowed, he went to shake Key's hand and was replied by a flinch, Key had moved back a noticable amout. Onew mumbles a sorry again, and scurries away back into his own house. 

The memory if him and Key meeting never left his mind the whole night. 


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The next time they spoke, was a lot more than successful than the last time. Onew was determined to atleast introduce himself properly. He managed to get into Key's house and actually have a conversation with him. He said sorry a few times about their last meeting, but Key just shook his head gently and told him not to worry about it. Key was too shy, way too shy. When he talked to Onew, he whispered, you would have to be right beside him to hear him, even if you were only a little bit away from him. Onew also realised that he had to stay away atleast more then 50 centimetres away from him at all times. Onew wasn't a very touchy-feely person, but he wasn't a person to stay away from someone, he'd touch their arm while talking, or some other characteristic like that. Whenever he was like this with Key though, Key would flinch or backaway slightly. It scared Onew, Onew didn't know how to act around him, it was as if he had to try and be careful around him, like Key was a delicate piece of glass that you had carry around, making sure you didn't break it or make a wrong move that would cause you to drop it. Onew was really curious about Key. Key didn't open up about anything, or ramble on about things or smile and laugh loudly like Onew. Onew was lucky if he heard more then three words come out Key's mouth.

He wanted to open him up and climb inside his head, and know what he was thinking when his eyes were on Onew, what he thought when he flinched and backed away. He wanted to know how it felt to be Key, why he was shy. He wanted to know how Key thought, and why he thought the things he thought. Onew was fascinated in Key, and after only a few days of visiting him, he had slowly begun to feel a little thing for him. He didn't want this happen. He had an idea what it was, but he hoped it really wasn't what he thought it was.



Hey guys! Well, I'm not really pleased with the last part of this, but I decided it'll have to do, cause I felt kinda bad for not posting something after the foreword was published. So, this is not the end! I decided to make a two-shot. The next chapter will be either tomorrow (the 5th) or the next day (the 6th).

Please tell me absolutely all of your feelings towards this, tell me what you didn't like, what you do like, and how I could imrpove? I hope you like the start of this! Bye~ 

 please read this if you're too lazy to read the above; i have decided to make this a two-shot, this is not the end of my oneshot, it is now a two-shot!!!! 

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Chapter 3: Awww so cute and lovable. <3
darkangel11421 #2
Chapter 3: Ahhhhh aheoehyaowksbjakakaysgashha !!!! I died !!! XD sahhhhh cuter !! Ahhh !!! *grins like an idiot*
Jorbaby #3
Chapter 3: Rfshdtyjtdgbetgnfthbrsgndthndtgn
Loved it so so much
noriko24 #4
Chapter 3: This is more than beautiful ;___;
I love the way when you describe about the characters or even the plots. I cant.... Oh God. I really love this fic. Such a great idea and it feels really suits with onkey ;_;
I hope you're gonna make another onkey fic. Thanks for sharing ^^/
Chapter 3: AW! That was a really nice two-shot! It was beautiful! Aw! i really loved it! Aw!
Ah, okay, i'll wait :3
Marciakslp #7
Chapter 1: waahh, can't wait to read the rest ^~
shineeaol #8
Chapter 1: I love it, it's adorable, please keep writing, neh? ^^
shineeaol #9
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^