Here I Am

Mother Of My Child

I had learned, that even though I was not allowed to expect any kind of love from Heechul, he was very kind to me.

The apartment he'd rented me was just a block away from the dorms, and everything was already paid for. I was grateful for this, but I would get a job soon to try and start paying him back, or at least have some purpose other than baring Heechul's children.

Angeline Evans, age twenty-seven, born in Brisbane Australia. That was me.

I put my stuff on the bed and looked out the window at the city. \

Nervous. I was very nervous.

My mobile vibrated in my pocket, I took it out and saw I had one new text message from an unknown number.

Curious I opened the message.

Yah, you're Angeline right? The girl that wrote me the letter?

Annyeong! Kim Heechul imnida! :D

Kkk I'll be seeing you tomorrow, so don't leave the apartment I'll be around randomly.

I want to see what kind of girl writes a letter like that to an idol then agrees to a deal like this

This will be interesting. I look forward to it. 

My heart burst out of my chest in anticipation.

I'd always admired Heechul, but I wasn't stupid enough to think that I had come to marry him and live happily ever after.

Oppa wanted children without the hassle of going out and finding a woman, date her, marry her, then have kids. Heechul just wanted kids now without that drama.

And I was more than happy to oblige him. If he was kind to me, it wouldn't matter if he loved me or not, I would have what I wanted and he would have what he wanted.

I wanted kids without trying to find a decent man to attract, he wanted kids without having to woo a woman. This was a business deal. Nothing more than that.

I think you think I'm stupid for agreeing to a deal this bizarre. 

But I'm not a slave, this was my choice. 

I didn't want love, love only caused problems. Problems I was very familiar with from my past experience.

This was how I could be happy. Or at least give myself the illusion of happiness.

But in the end even an illusion is preferable to misery. Even if I am living a lie.

I wondered if I should text back. Would it be rude if I didn't?

Or did he want me to text back? Was the text intended for a reply?

I mulled it over silently, staring at the caller ID on my phone screen.

To reply....or not to reply...that is the question.

"A conundrum," I murmured.

Before I reached a decision my phone went off again.

You can text back you know :P

I won't mind 

How did he...?

I texted back qucikly.

Yah! How did you know what I was thinking?

I waited patiently for the reply.

I'm Kim Heechul I know everything

Especially women

I frowned. Don't tell me he was really as arrogant as he seemed on TV.

Then I got another text following the last one.

Okay I lied kkk

I just figured you were nervous and thought I would try to reassure you

Or something. I don't know I'm not good at these things

As I'm sure you know, or you wouldn't be here

But even though I'd like to skip the 'feelings' thing, we should probably get to know each other

So I'm taking you out tomorrow

What you wear will most likey determine if I will consider continuing this....experiment

I won't be seen in public with just anyone you know

Looks like he was as arrogant as he seemed.

Buzz buzz looks like I got yet another text

Okay that just made me sound like a real jerk didn't it?

I'm sorry, I just meant I need to protect my idol image - or I'll get fired

Since I'm not handling this situation very well as you've no doubt guessed

I'm going to stop talking

Before I make thngs worse. I didn't mean to insult you if I did

I'll see you tomorrow

I decided not to reply to that.

He's so...complicated. Layered. 

This was going to be more difficult than I anticipated.

We'd agreed on no feelings whatsoever, just polite mutual respect to achieve what we wanted.

Oppa obviously was terrible at this, and without knowing it he's made it personal already.

I just had to keep my wits about me and stay focused on the goal of this experiment.

I'd be alright if I just stayed focused.




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heavenzabdiel #1
Chapter 3: Update, pretty please??? :-) It's cool and interesting. :-)
KhattCake #2
Chapter 3: This story is so unique,I just love it. Great!!! ^^
Chapter 3: So funny...Yesung is my favourite too... I wonder what will happen between her and heechul
KhattCake #4
Chapter 2: This story is so different. That's why I like it. Update soon :)
Melloyello #5
I registered just for this story you know :) so no pressure~~
monokalisto #6
This sounds...strange... But I like it so it doesn't matter :D
I was daydreaming today... and I had this idea about sending a letter to SME... then I see the story... O.O :D
Update soon~
btw I'm happy it's medical...