Chapter 11

B1A4's New Roommate


Mina woke up the next day with her head covered completely by her blanket. She slowly pulled it down while her eyes slowly adjusted to the light in the hotel room. The sleep hazed room became clearer with each second as Mina started waking up. Her eyes fixed themselves across the room where her two friends were sitting in chairs staring at her.

“What the hell were you doing?!” Jihyun says calmly, but angrily.

“What?” Mina says confused. She doesn’t quite realize what is going on since she just woke up.

“She’s talking about last night. What were you out doing? You had everyone so worried.” Minhee explained in a nicer tone than Minhee.

“I…I was just bored. I wanted to go out for a walk and well, I got lost. I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to worry everyone.” Mina apologized, bowing her head regretfully.

“Just don’t do it again. You’re lucking Jinyoung sunbae found you!” said Jihyun.

Mina sat confused. Jinyoung didn’t find her, Gongchan did.

“What? Jinyoung didn’t find me.”

“He brought you up to you room. You’re saying it wasn’t him who found you?” Minhee asked.

“Who was it?” Jihyun also asked, now confused.

“It was Gongchan. Well, I found him. And he carried me back to the hotel because I hurt my foot. Now that I think about it, I don’t really remember getting back to the hotel. I think I fell asleep.”

“That’s really weird. I wonder where in the story you were transferred from Gongchan’s arms to Jinyoung’s…” Minhee thought out loud.

“What are you doing to these boys? They have all fallen for you!” Jihyun joked with Mina.

“What do you mean? They don’t all like me. Especially not Jinyoung.” Mina cringed at the thought of Jinyoung liking her. He was the last person Mina wanted to think of romantically.

“I guess you’re right. After all, Baro has taken a liking to our Minhee!” Jihyun now turned her joke onto Minhee, who blushed in response.

“Baro? B1A4 Baro?” Mina asked, happy to have the attention off of her now.

“Yeah, who else? He was cozied up to Minhee last night while we looked for you. They even went together. It really was very touching coming from Baro.” Jihyun explained. Minhee had no commentary.

“Wow, I never would have thought! Although, I think Minhee is a little sweet for Baro.” Mina said to Jihyun before turning her attention to Minhee. “I wouldn’t take any of it to heart thought. I see Baro every day and he flirts with a lot of girls.”

Minhee blushes even more. “It’s okay! Really! I don’t like it, so it doesn’t matter. He isn’t really my type.” Minhee laughs awkwardly after defending herself. He two friends looked at her curiously thinking she may be defending herself a little too much.

The three girls continued to catch up while getting showered and dressed to go down and meet the rest of the dancers and B1A4 at breakfast. Not much was on the schedule today since it was a free day. They would meet for breakfast and discuss their plans and the manager would tell them the rules for going out today, then they would come back to the hotel to get their bags and go to the airport later at night to go back to Seoul.

In the hotel dining room, B1A4 sat eating, mostly quietly. The boys were still tired from the previous night of running around the city looking for Mina.

When Mina, Jihyun, and Minhee arrived, they saw mostly everyone already eating. A few dancers that Kim Hana usually hung out with weren’t there, and Kim Hana was missing too. The three girls sat at a table away from B1A4, hoping to gossip some more and plan their day.

After they ate and the manager explained the rules, the girls started to get up to go back up to their room to get their things before going out to sight-see in the city. While Mina was walking behind her friends, she felt someone grab her arm.

“I see you’re doing alright this morning.”

Mina turned around to see a smiling Gongchan.

“Yeah, thanks again for last night.” Mina said, embarrassed that she caused so much trouble.

“Don’t worry about it! I’m glad I found you!” Gongchan replied with a smile.

Mina nodded in response, but wasn’t sure what to say in return. The two stood there awkwardly before Mina decided to turn around to catch up to Jihyun and Minhee. Gongchan snapped out of his awkward daze remembering there was a reason why he came over to talk to Mina.

“Wait!” Gongchan yelled out making Mina stop in her tracks and turn around.

“Jinyoung hyung wants to talk to you.” Gongchan said while taking Mina’s hand in his to take her with him.

Mina sighed, annoyed that she has to se Jinyoung today.

“I think he is going to yell at you.” Gongchan said to Mina while letting out a laugh.

“Why is that funny?” Mina asked. She didn’t think it was very funny.

“Hyung always gets so mad at you for little things. It’s kind of cute of him, don’t you think?”

“Not really.” Mina said annoyed. “He’s never been cute.”

“You’ll think he is one day. Everyone always does. Sometimes he can be a little bossy, but when you get to know him, he has a really cute and playful side. He’s a little weird, but we all love him.”

“Well, I never will.”

Gongchan rolled his eyes, thinking that one day Mina will end up falling for Jinyoung. He was almost certain that Jinyoung already liked Mina; it just wasn’t confirmed by Jinyoung himself yet.

When they arrived in front of the table that Jinyoung was sitting at, he was silently writing things in a notebook. Gongchan tried to get his attention, but he was too busy writing that he didn’t notice. Mina stood there quietly hoping that Gongchan would let her leave eventually if Jinyoung continued to not notice them.

After a minute or so, Jinyoung finally looked up at Mina.

“I’ll talk to you now that I’m done. Since you made us all wait to go to sleep last night with your reckless shenanigans, I figured you could spare a minute or two while I was busy doing something.” Jinyoung said perfectly calm, but with an evil grin.

“Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for you all to come out to look for me.” Mina said annoyed. He figured the sooner she could apologize, the quicker she could leave. Talking to Jinyoung was like being scolded by your parents in Mina’s opinion.

“You have two options for your punishment,” Jinyoung began. “You can either come out with me and the boys or stay at the hotel all day.”

“Punishment? Since when are you in charge of me?” Mina asked, starting to get angry.

“Since you moved in to the dorm! I’m the leader and you live with me. You took my room that I made music in, you eat our food, and you cut our shower time by 5 minutes each. We look after you every day because you get into so much trouble. This is why I’m in charge of you.” Jinyoung explained, still acting very calm and cool.

This really made Mina mad.

“It wasn’t like it was my decision! I’d much rather be living in the girl’s dorm than with you. And I am absolutely not going anywhere with you today. I’d rather die. I’m going out with my friends.”

“I already talked to the manager. If you aren’t going out with us, then you aren’t going out.”

“Fine, I guess I’ll stay here then.” Mina said crossing her arms.

Gongchan and Jinyoung both looked at her with shocked expressions.

“What?!” Gongchan yelled.

“I don’t want to look at Jinyoung anymore than this. I’ll be going to my room now.” Mina said before walking off.

Gongchan looked back at Jinyoung, still surprised. Jinyoung watched Mina walk down the hall with a shocked and somewhat sad expression on his face.

“I thought she would have chosen to come out with us. She could have had fun her first time in Japan.” Jinyoung said. Gongchan couldn’t sense what Jinyoung’s emotion was in the sentence. It seemed like there was none, but at the same time, it sounded a little regretful.


The day passed slowly for Mina. Jihyun and Minhee constantly texted her pictures and facetimed her showing her all the cool things she could be doing right now had Jinyoung not acted like a jerk. She was grateful that her friends were still thinking of her, but still sad that they were showing her all the col things.

Mina sat on her bed looking out the window at everyone walking on the street. She wondered what she’d be doing if she went out with B1A4 instead, but quickly shook the thought away when she remembered Jinyoung would be there.

A knock at the door turned Mina’s attention away from the street view. She walked over to look out of the peep hole to see Shinwoo in the hallway holding a bag of food. Mina opened the door for him happily asking him to come in.

“I brought lunch. I figured you’d be hungry.”

“Thanks Oppa, I was.”

Mina opened the bag taking out the box of chicken teriyaki that Shinwoo got them to share.

“Are you bored? You should have come with us. I know Jinyoung was giving you a hard time, but was it really worth it being stubborn back to him?”

Mina scrunched her eyebrows at the mention of Jinyoung.

“Of course it was. I don’t want him to think he can do whatever he wants and boss me around like that.”

“But still, you could have had a lot of fun. I think most of the guys are coming back home to sleep. We’re all pretty tired.”

“Oh,” Mina said surprised that they weren’t staying out longer “You are all finished in the city?”

“All but Baro. He met up with your friends.”

“With Jihyun and Minhee?” Mina asked as she took a big bite of chicken and rice.

Shinwoo nodded, and took a bite as well. Mina thought about what Jihyun said this morning about Minhee and Baro. She wondered if Baro’s feelings were sincere. Mina had watched Baro flirt with practically every girl he ever saw, it was no surprise to her that he would be the same way with Minhee. But Minhee was such a sweet and seemingly innocent girl. She didn’t want Minhee to fall for Baro only to find out Baro was just playing with her.

“Oppa, can I ask you something?” Mina started, hoping to get Shinwoo’s thoughts on the subject.

“Sure, anything!” he replied with a smile.

“How do you know when someone’s feelings toward you are genuine?” Mina asked. She didn’t want him to know who she was talking about just in case she was wrong about the situation.

Shinwoo laughed a little. “Are you wondering if someone likes you?”

“No! No, nothing like that. It’s about a friend.” Mina said frantically, defending herself.

Shinwoo gave her a sly smile thinking her saw through her cover.

“If you want to know if one of the guys likes you, I could tell you. I know who they all like.” He replied proudly.

“No, that won’t be necessary.” Mina laughed. “Never mind, forget I said anything.”

Mina sat thinking more as she ate more chicken. She thought about all the guys and who they could like, just out of curiosity. It’s possible that Baro really did like Minhee. She did think they could be a cute couple. Then she wondered who Jihyun would be the best with. Jihyun was such a playful and outspoken girl, maybe a quiet and shy boy would be best for her. B1A4 was mostly playful fun boys. None were really that shy when it comes to girls that she noticed.

“Oppa, are any of you shy when it comes to girls?” Mina asked


“Yeah, are any of the members shy about girls they like?”

Shinwoo thought for a moment. “Sandeul seems like he’s a little shy. I have always been shy about girls—“

“You have had a crush before?” Mina interrupted suddenly interested in his love life.

“Is that so hard to believe?” Shinwoo answered, laughing a little.

“Wooow! She must be really great! I bet any girl you’d like is really amazing!” Mina said in amazement, imagine a perfect girl.

“Yeah, she’s pretty great…” Shinwoo said, trailing off while he imagined her. Mina noticed he spoke of a girl as if he liked someone right now.

“Who is she?” she asked curiously

“She’s a childhood friend. My parents and her parents were good friends, so we grew up together. I have liked her for years, but I have always been too afraid to tell her.” He explained.

“Really? Why? If you are friends, I’m sure she’d accept you! Friends often grow to be very fond of each other!”

“It’s a long story, but she likes someone else and doesn’t pay much attention to me anymore. We have sort of drifted apart. At this point, it would probably be better to just forget her…”

“Oppa! You shouldn’t think that way! You have to work hard for the one you love until they love you back! That’s how I have always viewed it.” Mina explained, trying to cheer him up.

“Maybe…but not now. It isn’t the time.”

Shinwoo sat staring at his food and Mina watched, noticing his solemn expression. She wondered who this girl could be to not like Shinwoo back. He was such a gentle and nice person to be around. Any girl would be lucky to date him.

Shinwoo took out his phone after it vibrated notifying him that he got a text. He read it and looked up at Mina before cleaning off the table they were eating at.

“Jinyoung is coming to your room to see you.” He said seriously.

“See me? Jinyoung?” Mina asked surprised.

“Yeah, I don’t really know why. He just said he was on his way to your room. I have to go, I think he’d be mad if he knew I was in here.” He explained.

“Mad? Why?”

“Since you said you weren’t coming out with us today, he said none of us could see you so you would feel more isolated.

Mina rolled her eyes. It was typical Jinyoung behavior.

“I’ll see you at the airport, then! And don’t worry, Jinyoung isn’t that mean! He’s probably coming over to apologize.” Shinwoo said before closing the door.

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Chapter 29: Awww I want more Sandeul moments >;((((
Ah, Jinyoung, stop trying to be so sneaky ;)
SanderpBANA #3
Chapter 29: Whoa! What was Jinyoung going to do?? Hana ruined Jinyoung's shirtless scene. Update soon.
Chapter 29: Jinyoung... Shirtless... Only towel... Perfect, wet hair... Aish! What am I thinking!? -.- hahahahaha! Updaaaaate! XD
Chapter 29: I want some more mindeul moments :D he said that they'll hang out :DDDD update soon~~~~~
and goooooo CNU
Chapter 29: WAAAAAAAAAAAH, AN UPDATE!! :DDD. omg, what happened between Jinyoung and Mina, *huge bug eyes*. I'm sure it's an misunderstanding BUT AHHHH. aigoo, poor Hana though~ GO TO SHINWOO, OHOHOHO.
Chapter 29: /COUGH cnu go with hana, mina jinyoung. HAHA/
Chapter 28: AIGOOO, CRAVING FOR MORE. I WONDER WHO'S GOING TO END UP WITH HER OMG. huhuhu, I can't bear to see Sandeul or Jinyoung with broken hearts... :D great update!