First Day

Unexpected Events

 "Ara ~! hurry or your gonna be late" Ara's Umma was yelling from the kitchen.

"I'm Coming~!!" i ran out my room and was out the door.

"Ara~!! Co~~" Ara's Umma was calling her but she was so late she had no time to talk. She ran all the way to to bus stop and made it before the bus got there. she sat down and took a deep breathe on the bench when suddenly someone sat next to her.

"Annyeonhaseyo jeonun Kim Nam joo imnida"  she bowed and held out her hand for a hand shake. " Oh, Annyeonhaseyo jeonun Yoo Ah Ra imnida" she bowed back and they shoke hands.



 Ara's Pov


 "So you must be new here(?)" i really look out of place here??

"Ah nae, but how did yo~~" she cut me off "I'm your new neighbor" she smiled

"Oh really~!? nice to meet you" We talked until the bus came and decided to hang later on. We got on the bus finally and was on our way to [Seoul Music School] When a group of guys came on the bus.

"Hyung~!! Stop it or i'll tell Kris Hyung" There were 6 Guys that got on the bus and they we're really cute.. except one guy stood out to me...he kept derping .. but he was too cute and i was hoping he would look my way but he sat down next to his friends and started talking to them..

"NamJoo, who are they? do they go to our school?" I said with a curious face. She laughed  

"Yeah they are in a group with more guys" "more guys??[More than 6??..what? are they kinda like Super junior?...Nevermind ]  how many are in the group?" "there are 12 guys in the group"  "and they a~~" she cut me off again

"Yes they all look like that" she laughed at me due to my shocked expression. The bus arrived at school and we all got off...and Then a voice ringed in my ear..

 Chanyeol's Pov



Another day of School...boring but atleast i got to hang with my friends [ that's the only good thing about me ] "Where are you going?"My sister said as i was walking out the door."going to school, why?"  She glared at me and flicked my forehead"Ouch~! why did you o that for???" i Screamed

"You didn't eat breakfast" "I'm alreay late so i don't have the time" "okay but atleast eat something when you get there okay?" "Araso Noona" As soon as i was out of the door they we're waiting for me "Chanyeol Hurry up~!" Kai  yelled as he was walking away "I'm Coming~! Wait for me~!" i Caught up with them and we got on the bus and i noticed this girl who kept looking at kyungsoo. "Kyungsoo that girl keeps looking at you" "I know" "You should talk to her" I nudged him "Okay, but when we get off the bus"He gave me a Cheesy smile like always"Okay ,i'll distract the others for you" He nodded and kept talking to the others, when the bus finally got to the school, i got out and immediately and started waling at a face pace.

"Chanyeol stop walking so fast~!!" I turned around and smiled but kept walking, then he jumped on my back 

"Ya~! Baekhyun get off~!!" "Aish i'm not even heavy" "yes you are~!"

"wae? embarrassed? you never complain  when where home and you~~" "Hyung , don't talk about that here"  Baekhyun got off my back and kept poking me .

"What you don't love me no more??"" he said with half a smile "Hyung i~~"  he cut me off

"it's fine..i'll go be with Sehun hyung" "Nuu~!" I grabbed his arm and pulled him with me and i turned around to make sure kyungsoo was talking to her...

         Author's note : Next chapter will be updated soon^^ maybe in a couple of hours, so please subscribe and leave comments or idea's for how you want the story to progress...annyeong^^b


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KfanAddict #1
Chapter 4: Thank you!^^ i'll update soon :D
love it, update soon kay ^^