I Love You

Love Or Attraction ?


Later The Same Day 
Changmin skipped his classes today as he was not feeling so good , Kyuhyun went to see Changmin after his class ends and Junsu went to see Yoochun at the cafe , he entered the cafe and saw his to be groom sitting by the window sipping his coffee , Junsu waved at him as soon as their eyes met " Hey , are you just gonna stand there ? " Yoochun asked the younger guy who immediately took his seat right in front of Yoochun , they ordered some cookies and coffee 
" What was it you wanted talk about ? " Junsu asked while chewing his cookies 
" Su , you know i told you about my elder brother and his wife ? " 
Junsu nodded 
" My hyung wants me to marry his brother in law " 
No reaction from Junsu , he started to stare at the floor and kept quite 
" Su " Yoochun held Junsu's hand gently 
" This means you won't marry ..... me ? " Jusnu said in sad voice , he was about to cry 
" This means we have to get married as soon as possible Junsu " Yoochun was very comforting right now 
" I don't get it " Junsu said and a tear rolled down his cheek 
" Shh ... don't cry " Yoochun sat beside Jusnu and hugged him , it was their first hug and their hearts were beating fast 
" I want to marry you , i don't know if you'll understand this or not but i want to marry you and ....... only you " Yoochun almost mumbled the last two words 
Junsu looked at Yoochun with puffy eyes , " You will ? " 
Yoochun nodded and Jusnu smiled , he buried his face in Yoochun chest 
They left the cafe and get in Yoochun's car , Jusnu was fascinated when he got to about Yoochun's love for Music and he can play piano , Jusnu wanted to hear Yoochun play piano and the songs he composed so instead of going to Junsu's house Yoochun took him to his and he wanted to see Changmin as well as he didn't came to attend the class today 
They got out of the car and Junsu was amazed by how big was Yoochun's house , he liked the interior and everything about this place but still he likes his small and cozy house better , Yoochun lead the way to Changmin's room where Kyuhyun and him were eating fruits and were talking " Hey boys " Yoochun said 
" Oh Junsu , how come you are here ? " Kyuhyun asked 
" I came to see Changmin , how are you now ? " Junsu asked Changmin 
" As all the people i love are right here with me , i feel really good now " Changmin said and Yoochun walked to him to check his fever which was normal now 
They were talking about things that happened today at university when Jaejoong knocked  the door and entered  " Changmin , do you want something to eat ? " 
Changmin gave a bitter smile and refused to eat anything that Jaejoong cooks " No thanx , Hyungie is here to cook for me , you don't have to worry at all " 
" Who is he " Jaejoong was about to leave the room but a stranger caught his eyes 
" I am Junsu Kim , Changmin's friend " Junsu greeted and to everyones surprise his English was better now , well off course he was in America since last month " Woow Su , Your English improved , i am impressed " Kyuhyun complimented his cousin 
" Well , i am Jaejoong , Changmin's brother in law , You can call me Jae hyung " Jaejoong said and smiled 
" Su , you wanted to see my Music room , come " Yoochun held out his hand for Junsu who took it and walked out of the room with Yoochun 
As soon as Yoochn and Junsu left the room Jaejoong asked Changmin " Is he that guy with bad English skills ? " 
" He improved hyung " Changmin said 
" Oh , so its him , whats so special about him any ways , he is nothing compared to my Karam , look at his clothes " Jaejoong was trying hard to deny the fact that Junsu is way too cute , innocent and pretty than his own brother 
" Hyung , watch your mouth , its my cousin you are talking about and besides i am not Changmin who will tolerate all your useless prasing for your two face brother " Kyuhyun threaten Jaejoong 
" Whatever , to me he seems to be a gold digger and nothing else " 
Changmin was mad , he wanted to slap Jaejoong in the face but he couldn't do that " Hyung , leave " 
" What ? " 
" Just get out of my room NOW " Changmin shouted and Jaejoong left the room immediately 
Yoochun's Music Room 
" Woow you are so talented " Junsu gave Yoochun a compliment after hearing him play piano 
" You like it ? " 
" I love it , you are so good " Junsu smiled 
" Su " Yoochun said 
Junsu looked at Yoochun " You wanna play ? " Yoochun asked 
" I can't play " 
" Come , i'll teach you " 
Jusnu sat on the piano bench and Yoochun stand right behind Junsu , he bends a little and places his hand over Junsu's and helped him play , they were so close that Junsu could feel Yoochun's breath near his neck , it was giving him shivers but he loved it 
Junsu wasn't aware of this feeling but he loved being with Yoochun , he knew it was just a paper marriage but somehow he was taking this marriage issue too seriously and now is emotions were getting involved in it , he loved when Yoochun hugged him this evening , he loved his scent and he wanted to treasure these moments for ever 
Later The Same Day 
Yoochun drove Junsu to his house and helped him buy some grocery as well , Yoochun loved how he was pulling the cart and Junsu was picking things he wanted , it was a moment of his life , as if they were a married couple buying grocery , he loved that feeling , he soon wanted to be married with Junsu but he still needs to wait un till morning , tomorrow morning he was getting married , he can't wait for tomorrow 
Junsu placed the shopping bags in the kitchen and said " You want me to cook for you ? " 
" Only if you are not tired " Yoochun said , sure he didn't wanted to miss the chance of eating with Junsu , he loves the food Junsu cooks even if its just ramen 
Junsu cooked and Yoochun helped him , Junsu was cutting vegetables and injured his finger " Aaahh "  
" Su , You okay ? " Yoochun held Junsu's finger and wrapped it with tissue , he hugged the crying boy and put bandage on his finger 
" Better ? " Yoochun asked politely 
Junsu nodded , Yoochun got closer to him and kissed his finger which was injured " You should be carefull Su " 
Junsu blushed and nodded 
They had dinner together , Yoochun ordered Junsu to get in bed and sleep 
Junsu changed into his cute night pajamas which has dolphins on it and get in bed , Yoochun pulled the blanket over Junsu and kissed his forehead " See you tomorrow " 
Junsu nodded and blushed , Yoochun was about to leave the room when he heard " Yoochun " 
Yoochun turned back and saw Junsu pouting " What is it ? " 
" Don't turn off the light lamp , i am scared " 
Yoochun walked to Junsu and sat near the edge of his bed " I am here Su , don't be scared just sleep " 
Junsu smiled and closed his eyes , he was tired and wanted to sleep , Yoochun stayed there and saw the most cute guy sleeping peacefully " I Love You Su , I really do " Yoochun said softly and then kissed Junsu's lips softly 
Yoochun stole Junsu's first kiss and he was proud about it , after all Junsu belongs to him and only him 
Junsu mumbled in his sleep " Yoochun .. uuummmm " 
" So you are dreaming about me " Yoochun smiled brightly and silently left the room , he didn't wanted to go but he had to as Changmin won't sleep untill he'll say goodnight and hug his hyungie , so he had to go back home and put his baby brother to sleep  :) 
Sorry for the late update 
Thank You 
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nabilaukan ako sa "kyu make me pregnant".
fyharu151 #2
Chapter 32: "Kyu make me pregnant."



this fict is really sweet, and i love how yoochunie spoiled baby minnie sho much and their interaction!

I dont know how many times i want to kill Jae, he's sho meanie because his not-so-pure baby brother :( but i'm glad now he know the real truth and happy to see them become happy family now!

tsubakisworld #3
Chapter 32: Lol xD I really liked the Story^^ I just urge to kill jae a few Times -___-
tsubakisworld #4
Chapter 25: I really want to Punsch jae
tsubakisworld #5
Chapter 8: I hate jae >:(
Chapter 32: O_O it's done.
Chapter 25: im getting mad at Jaejoong. srsly. oh wait. im mad now. gaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh
Chapter 2: Lol junsu, i can't hahahahaa