

It was bleeding hot the following day and Bang had taken so many cooling showers he finally remained in his shorts for the next time he would need to pop back in. At least a shower roster did not need to be formed during breaks because there was no pressure to be on time anywhere. He was at the kitchen counter looking out the window when a pair of slim arms, paler than him, slowly encircled him from the back.
"What are you doing?" he asked irritated and without turning, in that his deep gravelly voice.
"I am getting you used to my touch" Himchan informed him over his shoulder
"It is not necessary" Bang said as he stepped out of his arms and Himchan let him.
"It seems I do, since you flinched when I held you. We want it natural, not contrived if you please"
Bang turned around to face him as he leaned against the counter and crossed his toned arms. Himchan continued, "And with you and your sensiblities we have to work on you now"
"I don't want" Bang whined and Himchan smiled. On camera, Bang came off as assertive, dominant, tough. He was all those things. But it was truly attractive when he showed his childish side. Himchan shook his head slowly even as Bang kept complaining and that is what Daehyun walked in on yawning. He was in shorts and a very thin tshirt. Suddenly, Himchan walked up to him and held him in his arms. Daehyun wrapped his arms around him too murmuring goodmorning, sleepily. Then Himchan nuzzled his nape before letting him go on his way.
"See? It is nothing to be uncomfortable about. You alone make a big deal out of skin ship when it is really nothing" Himchan said after he whirled to face Bang. His ability to act so well was great for videos but it always made Bang wonder who the real Himchan was. He had switched from lover to teacher mode in a snap. It was intimidating atimes. Bang lifted an eyebrow in disbelief at Himchan's statement
"Go on" Himchan encouraged
"I said, Idon't want to" Bang had raised his voice by now in agaravation but Himchan would not back down on this so Daehyun stepped in.

Daehyun came up to Bang placing the older one between him and the sink and looked up at him as he said, "It is alright hyung. Go on, hold me"

Bang looked down at him, "You are sure? It does not bother you?" Bang asked still uncertain
"I am sure" and to prove it Daehyun put his own arms around Bang. Bang noticed they were just as slim as Himchan's but much darker especially against his own pale self. So under Himchan's gimlet eye, Bang pulled Daehyun closer to him. The younger one's tshirt was so thin, Bang could feel his skin through it, especially his pointy s. Bang had only his hands on Daehyun's waist when Himchan ordered, "Put your arms around him". Bang obeyed
"Pull him closer" Himchan ordered again and Bang obeyed. They were all bare feet on the floor and Bang was looking at Daehyun's long feet versus his big ones when Daehyun whispered in his ear, "Don't think so much hyung. Relax"
But Bang kept looking down as he ground out, "Our mvs are not even like this"
"Himchan hyung's are" Daehyun teased because Himchan often starred as a love interest in music videos of other groups, not only theirs. Bang nestled his forehead against the crook of Daehyun's neck to hide his smile.
He was relaxed.
"Now put your hands on his waist" Himchan ordered again
"They were there before" Bang reminded him
"Just do it" Himchan ordered , so he did. 'Now, Daehyun, you put your hands on his shoulders" and Daehyun did which made his body arch into Bang's rather suggestively. That is the pose YoungJae walked in on as he came to the kitchen.
"Hey!" He exclaimed, "this early in the morning and you are already cheating on me?"
Daehyun teased over his own shoulder since he was backing Youngjae, "So when should I cheat on you?"
Bang was watching the by play over Daehyun's shoulder as well, not yet sure what to do when Himchan barked, "YoungJae, don't interrupt. It is very important what we are doing here"
"I don't care" YoungJae replied, "Daehyun has been gone too long. I need him" 
Himchan rolled his eyes heavenward. Bang dropped Daehyun and stepped around him. Daehyun turned to YoungJae immediately." I am so sorry darling." he said kissing him. Then he turned apologetic toward Himchan, "Sorry hyung. Love calls"
and both were off without a backward glance.

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Chapter 15: of course they would keep their little secret affair going. lol