It's complicated




“I like you”


The Universe froze and time stopped. Like watercolors the shapes and people around them washed into a confused twirl, and it was a powerful spell that was casted with those worlds. One that would convince and disturb, bring happiness and fear. Did everything up until this moment matter? How did this event come to be? What sort of feelings were these and how did they develop? They were enemies. When within several feet of each other, their first though was to harm each other and agitate the hell out of the rival. But love is blind isn’t it? That’s what people say.


“What did you just say?”

“Doesn’t matter. Forget it”

TOP rushed forward, pulling GD by the sleeve, doing everything within his power to avoid the eyes of the blond. This was the worst slip of the tongue that could ever happen in a situation like this. Jiyong did not budge.

“Wait, wait. LIKE HELL IT DOESN’T MATTER. Do you even realize the gravity of your words? YOU JUST FREAKING CONFESSED TO ME!!!”

Visitors of the park were now curiously glancing at them, a few kids pointing and yelling at their parents, who told them it’s just a bunch of crazy people. Well if nothing else, the pair had mastered the skill of disturbing the peace. G-dragon was holding his head with both hands, spiky blond hair poking in between the gaps of his fingers, getting messier and messier. Seunghyun stood in disbelief. Every confidence he had in himself. All the leadership qualities, the fearless gangster attitude, the smug playboy moves, had evaporated into thin air. For the first time in his life he felt worse than a dorky high school student with no social life. It was extraordinary but so was the whole sequence of events that had occurred. From utter annoyance tangled with a bit of interest for the spunky punk, to compassion and attraction in a matter of weeks. That never happens in real life. It sounded like the script of a cheesy Korean drama, that Seunghyun’s exes so praised and wanted him to watch. It was complete bull.

“Jiyong, I…”

TOP choked up. The words wouldn’t come out. A little voice in his head was yelling, scolding and giving advice but his tongue wouldn’t listen. And then GD looked at him, straight into his eyes. His expression had gone softer. There was no anger or disgust, or even apathy; to the contrary the other man looked concerned and troubled. Seunghyun felt sick.

“Let’s just…”

“No. Choi Seunghyun, you-“-Blondie looked around, noticing the growing interest around their table-“You need to tell me everything while we are walking to the car. It’s like they’ve never seen people yelling at each other in a public space.”

Jiyong linked hands with TOP, and the brunette could feel the sweatiness of the pale palm, the heat of the blood though the skin. His face went crimson and swung away from the Dragon who was busy asking dozens of questions about his confession, what it meant and what the hell he was thinking.

“I wasn’t exactly thinking, okay. It was stupid. It meant nothing. We can forget it. There’s no way this sort of relationship can happen. I have no feelings for you. Pffft. What a joke. Just wanted to see the look on your face. Ha….”

Who was he trying to fool? G-dragon or himself? Blondie’s fingernails delved into his skin and pain shot up his knuckles. But he wanted that pain. As long as GD didn’t let go.

‘What the hell Choi? Since when are you homo? Are we reenacting Antique Bakery or something? Get your together.’

TOP’s thoughts were all over the place and his silence only additionally fired up the other man, causing another set of scolds and yells. And they had almost reached the car.

“Choi, hey, answer me. YO, zombie-man! Dude! C’mon…please. I need to know. Were you true to me? Seunghyun? Are you…?”

“The car…”

“HEY, I ASKED YOU A QUESTION!!! You know what, whatever. I guess I was wrong about you. About everything. About your feelings. About my feelings. About life and about reality. this. I just want to sleep, eat and , like a dog. Dogs have good lives. I don’t wanna be a part of this anymore. From now, I’ll be just a ragdoll you can trade over. Why would you care to begin with?”

“I care”

Once again he wasn’t thinking.

“I care more than you can imagine. I…can’t lie to you. It’s physically impossible. Why are you confusing me so much? There was a plan, ready to be executed. That punk, your brother would be out of my sight by now, if I had acted like I was supposed to, like a gang leader and not a…”

“A what?”

“Goddamn it, Kwon Jiyong, get it in car and stop asking questions.”

The thickness of the air between them had not reached suffocating levels. GD was unchained but remained close to the boss, staring at the back of his head, while TOP was trying to not meet his eyes reflecting in the window. What was he supposed to say? They were both men and men shouldn’t have mushy, complex feelings. He didn’t have those. No way. It was a mistake.

“Hey…Are you gonna finish your sentence or what?”

“Don’t even know what you are talking about”

“Too late to act clueless, super bad gangster boss. You can simplify the events of the future by uttering one of two responses ‘Kwon JIyong, I do not like you and I am just using you as bait for my brother’, in which case things will remain as they are and you’ll end up being beaten up by me. OR…’Kwon Jiyong, I like you and…I’d like to touch you in all the wrong places’”

“Ew, that’s just wrong, dude”-Seunghyun couldn’t help but laugh, GD was also laughing, wholeheartedly, and Choi felt warm and right. It was right. He was right.

“Jiyong…”-his inner voices were fighting over a change of heart-“I think…I might”


“, I like you, and I want to make things right”


Seunghyun felt a tug at his collar and was forced to turn around and face the blond. Just as that happened, his protests were muffled by a pair of lips, GD’s sweet lips, the lips he had already experienced but very differently from now. It was G-dragon who was kissing him, on the dragon’s own accord and the kiss was not forced but slow and sensual. The more they got into it, the more they became breathless and aroused. Jiyong pulled away, covering his mouth and recollecting his mind, which had scattered in many directions. On the opposite side, Choi was just as dazzled and star struck and had no clue how to proceed from now on and if this was actually happening to him.

A dry cough from the front reminded the pair they were not alone. G-dragon covered his face and laughed quietly.

“That escalated quickly…”

“Taeyang, why are you driving the car?”

“I had to tell you something”

“You could’ve called or texted”

“I tried. Clearly you were too busy to notice.”

Taeyang snickered in the driver’s seat and gave Seunghyun the thumbs up, at the sight of which Jiyong laughed louder than before and punched the brunette’s shoulder. TOP hurriedly gave him the biggest stare and judgingly grunted at his right hand man.

“This is a new level for you, Tabi. I never expected…But I can’t blame you.”-Jiyong exploded again-“You must realize though, this complicates the situation.”

“I don’t even know what’s happening right now. This is beyond my control right now.”

“What do you mean, you don’t know?”-GD lounged leisurely on Choi’s lap-“You’re dating me right now. Face the consequences, big boss.”


~   ~  ~

Finally had a chance to update. I think I'll wrap up the story in the next chapter or two. Depends on how my trail of thought goes. Enjoy, as awlays!

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MarieJane #1
Chapter 5: Tbh I can't help imagining Seungri falling for Daesung or sth.
MarieJane #2
Chapter 2: AMAZIIIING. GD is the sassiest. No wonder Choi is fascinated, I mean, who wouldn't be? I know I am.
Keep the sass up GD. FIGHTING.
Dragon63 #3
Chapter 14: THAT WAS AMAZING!!!!!! i especially loved that seung captured jiyong :P i love these kind of fanfics... :D
the ending was also amazing has well :D i loved every single part of it!!!
thanks so much for writing this!! :D :D
KikiGTOP #4
Chapter 14: Long time did not thrill me so much with a story. I started reading it and could not stop. Thank you very much for sharing.
wildrose88 #5
cool as ever :)
Chapter 14: This was qt as hell. I havent read any good gtop in ages. Great story and great ending :)
Chapter 14: Oh that was a surprise! !! I love this kind of surprise! !! ㅋㅋㅋ insatiable Dragon Oh god /blushing/
Chapter 13: goddamnit!! Thank you for this story author-niim~ i love youuuu~ <33333
ForeverRainGTop #9
Chapter 14: Well, that was a perfect extra, thankyou!!!!
Chapter 14: Did i ever tell you how much i love you? Cause if i didn't, i'll tell you now. I LOVE YOU SO FUCRING MUCH!!!! <3
This is the best fic i've read so far, i wish i could upvote more than once.
Thank you, anyways. O\
I'm looking forward for your next GTOP fic. ;)