when beginning was the end.

Diary to Sehun

"20 March;
Hey Sehun.. I decided to come up with this diary so you won't be left out on anything that happened once you wake up. It's been a week since the accident and you're not up yet.. You're getting me really worried. To let time pass, I thought I should write entries in this book I found in my room. Today, well.. Today nothing much happened. I tried to visit you at 9pm but it was over visiting hours, so I wasn't allowed in. That . I didnt come to visit for the past two days, and I really wanted to see you. Stupid school preparations.

I'm tired.
Promise I'll write more tomorrow.



Sehun tilted his head and turned over to the next page. There are certain entries that were really short. Sehun mainly scanned through those entries unless they looked particularly significant. Most of the entries were recollections of the days that passed. Like what Luhan did at home, what he went through, and stuff.


"25 March;

Well today was boring. I got suspended from classes because.. I think I’ll just tell you when you wake up. It’s so hard to explain through letter. Hmm. If only you were here to accompany this little kid being punished.  Being punished really feels like just being super lonely for hours and hours. And yeah, longest hours of my life. Have you ever been suspended? Suddenly I wonder. Oh well. I wanted to visit you earlier, but for some reason, apparently the hospital was doing some events so there were billions of human beings there so.. Hmm. I’ll visit you tomorrow, maybe?

The cold. It was so cold.. I don't know if the weather really was cold, but.. I did felt quite cold. Maybe I'm feeling slightly unwell.I shall better take a rest then. See you, Sehun.



"27 March;

This is getting..
 ..tiring.. please wake up soon, Sehun. I've been lonely without you.
...when you wake, can we go to that Playground in the central area? I'm sure you remember it. The one we used to hang out at as a kid. It'll be fun. 



“1 April;


It's kind of sad i didnt get to celebrate all my pranks with you like we used to when we were young. Remember that prank we played on Kyungsoo and Joonmyeon? It was hilarious. I bet they’re thanking God that the pranksters aren’t around on this year’s April Fools. Hmm. I celebrated today with Jongin though. It was fun, kind of. Anyway, still hoping you’ll recover soon. And this whole thing better not be a April’s Fool joke. Or I’ll come after you.

I really miss you, Sehun.



Sehun slowly read the letter, hands slightly trembling. No doubt he was still feeling weak. Then again, he only just had recovered from the coma. He laid back down, now on his sides, with the book that his mother had just passed to him earlier on. As he continued to flip the page, he ran his fingers across them.


"8 April;

Good news!!

My mother agreed to let me stay over your house! Thats so i can take care of you while you're still sick. Hmm, i'm moving my things in today because the doctor assured me that you'll wake soon. Cant wait!



"10 April;

Cant write.

Too busy.                                   

I cant visit you either, damn it. I have to go back to my hometown to visit my relatives, hope i'll come back to see you awake. Dont forget me!



“12 April;

I cant BELIEVE i forgot to bring the diary back.  Ugh. Well now i have it.. and ....youre still not awake. Sehun-ah...today's your birthday. Why cant you be awake already? I've planned..everything.. your house is all filled with balloons, food....just to celebrate your coming back and birthday..ugh.

I might not be able to write these few days..but.. Look, Sehun.. no matter what happens, you'll always be the brother i've always wanted. my best friend. My everything. I cant stop thinking of your past birthday parties, how i spent almost every one of them with you.

Im still miraculously hoping you'll wake the next day, and the next... but i after awhile, it seems impossible.. 

I hate you, Sehun...



Sehun blinked, suddenly guilty. He checked the date 23rd April. He missed his birthday by quite a number of days. He sighed and flipped the page again, restlessly sitting up once more.


"20 April;

It's 12:01 .

Yay! Happy Birthday to me ~

On the other note..
I didn’t write for about.. a week?
How I wish school didn’t have to come in the way of everything.

I promised myself..
This birthday of mine;
I'll finally tell you how i feel. So here it goes..
Sehun we've known each other for so long.. and after years, i slowly realized that”


Frantically, Sehun flipped the pages. The letter couldn’t have stopped there. What was going on... Sehun gulped, continuing to flip through the pages, searching for one with words.

However, the letter really did stopped there. The diary stopped there. 3 days before Sehun woke up. Sehun flipped through other pages in case any was skipped.However, that was when a slip of paper fell of the sides. A piece of paper; entitled, written in cursive handwriting; 'Photocopy of Luhan's Certficate of  Death: 20 April 2012.'

Sehun's eyes widened at the certificate. Shocked, frustrated, and slightly freaked out. How did he even... he couldnt have died writing... Sehun stared the death certificate.

Looking at every detail of Luhan.

 His full name.

 His date of birth.

 His place of birth.

 His address.

 His face.


Luhan's death was tragic.

Luhan's luck was unfortunate.

Luhan never had gotten to see Sehun again.

None of them had gotten to say goodbye to Luhan.


However there's always something worse.. What was more unfortunate than his death is that, despite Sehun's perserverance and effort in reading every page and diligently registering every word.. It's the fact that he doesn't understand anything. He didn't know why that was written. He didn't know who it was from.

Worst part of all;
He didn't know who Luhan was.

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Chapter 1: What. What. What. What. What. Nooo! O.O
Chapter 1: I HATE YOU!!!!!
pearl_red #3
Chapter 1: that's heartbreaking. How did Luhan died?
and sehun can't remember anything..):
hope you'll write a sequel!
How did Luhan die? There's just-- //crying rn bcos the feels the feels
Chapter 1: Sad .. very sad .. but nice :D