Starting The Day

Of Early Morning Pranks (playing around)

Like everyday the whole doorm was silent no one,particularly no one was awake there was pin drop silence spreaded everywhere afterall  who would be awake at mere 6 o'clock in the morning but there was this sweet little eternal maknae who thought differently as everyone knows he is too sweet and inoccent for his own good to wake up this early just to prepare breakfast for his hyungs and the spoiled brat the one and only Cho Kyuhyun in particular.

Even if our evil maknae troubled and bullied our eternal maknae our wookie would always forgive 'his kyu' instantly after he threw his puppy dog eyes.Afterall how can wookie be angry with his own best friend or should we say 'his secret love'.

Ryeowook POV,

hi,this wookie "ahh,this tiring,but it's my fav part of the day,early morning is just what seems to give perfect peace of mind,i love the morning breeze and chirping of birds and ofcourse the silence this is refreshment from thid daily workaholic life"ryeowook thought to himself as he stetched his body and headed to the kitchen having a unconcious smile on his face.

He started preparing breakfast for his hyungs and his pampered maknae while humming songs to himself.Well,yes he had a good mood because he is having a day off.Which he thinks to spend it lazying around and the main reason for his happiness he gets to spend a whole day with Kyu.

Kyuhyun POV,

"Oh god!"he let out a sigh as he got of his bed and looked for his watch,only 6.05 o'clock,"why the hell earth am I up so early"he exclaimed while stretched his body and headed out for the kitchen knowing well that 'his wookie'must be the only one who must be already up.

"Ahh there is my wookie,he looks so cute as usual cooking the best breakfast for us,i don't know when am i going to get the chance to confess to him,yes i Cho Kyuhyun is in love with my best friend my sweet wookie"thought kyu to himself.

"WOOKIE" I screamed from behind him,startled him and he got afraid and turned around fuming with anger obviously not expecting me to be awake at this hour and he was angry because I purposely scared him like always i like to bully him because i love him the most and want his attention the most .

"CHO KYUHYUN,what the hell do you u get bullying me like that huh,you almost gave me a heart attack"he retorted anger all over his face.He looks cute with his face all red with anger and eyes wide open in a threating manner and as evil as I am I want to shock him and also have a chance to get close to him so i quickly gave him a peck on the side of his lips,"aww, so cute get all red already " i and he was still shocked with my gesture unable to answer back so i started going back to the door heading towards living room but before leaving i turned back and said,"yah,and go make me the best breakfast you can to have 1 more peck from me, maybe this time on lips"and i winked with my famous evil smirk to the now blushing a rose red ryeowook .

As i got to the living room i chuckled to myself thinking what a perfect start of a day off with my love wookie.

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ismary666 #1
Chapter 1: So sweet chapter :)
Chapter 3: oww looks kyuwook couple have romantic moment. and this nice story author-shi
katharine #3
Chapter 3: update soon.
katharine #4
Chapter 2: AWWWWWWWWW,i want my ryeowook to get his revenge from kyuhyun.
i want to see evil ryeowook here,with a lot of pranks.
update soon.
SuperJuniorR_13 #5
Chapter 1: kkkkk... good to see new kyuwook shipper~ gawd they're everywhere...

Kkkkk... This is cute! I want to know what kind of prank they'll do...

Update soon author-nim~ <333
katharine #6
Chapter 1: this was very cute.
my kyuwook****
update soon.