Chapter 1 - #A New Start

Stuck With A Player


Your POV

”Miss, wake up.” my maid Mrs. Yoon was as usually waking me up early in the morning.

“Miss Wake up, otherwise you’ll be late for your new school.”

Oh ! Totally forgot that today is my first day at Woollim High. You may all wonder why I’m starting in a new school. Well I wasn’t really popular among the students and I was quite often bullied at my old school TOP High. So my parents decided to transfer me to Woollim High.

“Okay, I’m awake.” I got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

I stood in front the mirror in the bathroom, looking at my reflection praying that to god that I wouldn’t be tortured in this new school.

I finished washing up and went to wardrobe to get dressed in my school uniform for a fresh start at a new school. After I finished dressing up, I went down stairs to the kitchen.

“Good morning Omma, Good morning Appa.”  I greeted my parents while giving them both a kiss on the cheek

“Are you ready to have a fresh start?” My appa asked

“I don’t know, maybe.” I answered, while taking a bite of my toast. 

Omma suddenly interrupted, and said “Well, hope you are ready, cause Mr. Yoon is waiting for you outside.”

Mr. Yoon is my family’s personal driver, and he is married to our family maid Mrs. Yoon. Personal driver? House maid? Well, I’m the daughter of Lee Tae Woo and Lee Hae Won, the owners of one of Korea’s largest company. But to make thing clear I’m not a spoiled brat. My parents have raised me by the thought of always appreciate what you have, and always to work hard for whatever goal you have in life.

“Annyeong Omma, Annyeong appa.” I waved my parents goodbye, while running out the door.


Myungsoo’s POV

“Oppa saranghae.”

“Woohyun oppa, you are so handsome.”

“Infinite oppas, would you like to marry me.”

Omg, I’m sick and tired of these screaming fan girls who greet us every morning whenever we set our feet on the school property.

“Nado saranghae.” Woohyun hyung is as usually flirting with the fan girls.

“Hyung, where is your girlfriend?” Sungjong asked me. I was actually asking myself that, cause I miss her.

“Oppa, I missed you!” my amazing girlfriend Hee Young came running towards me, attacking me with a bear hug.

“Awww, I’ve missed you too babe.” I said while giving her a tight hug and a passionate kiss on the lip.

“Eww, no PDA. If you guys wanna eat each other’s faces, then at least do it somewhere private!” the boys commended.

“You guys are just jealous. Cause there isn't any girl in the world that would date douchebags like you.So if you don't mind, go look for your own girl.

“No go, not if there are that annoying.” Sungjong said while eyeing Hee Young. To be honest at times she can really be annoying. But she is an amazing and hot girlfriend. And me Kim Myungsoo, the school’s handsomest and biggest player should of cause date the school’s most gorgeous girl. 

“Oppa, please tell him to stop bothering me.” Oh god, now she’s about to start her nagging.

“Oppa, oppa, oppa! Please tell him to stop! He always picks on my.” Suddenly the school bell rang. Thank god, for saving me from her, before she would start throwing her little annoying tantrums.

Me and the rest of the boys started to separate, cause they had to get to their classes while I had to go to mine. Sunggyu and Dongwoo are both seniors. I’m a junior together with Woohyun, Hoya and Sungyeol. And our Maknae Sungjong is a sophomore.

I was walking down the hall on my way to class. I was too busy texting my girlfriend, that I didn’t care about my surroundings when I suddenly bumped into someone.


Your POV

“Annyeong Mr. Yoon, see you later after school.” I greeted Mr. Yoon farewell. We just reach the school after a 15 minute ride from home.

“See you later Miss. I hope you will enjoy your day” he said with a bright smile on his face.

I went inside the school, and WOOW it looks amazing. But I shouldn’t be admiring the look of the school. But I should be looking for the office. And me not knowing the school, I had to find a person that could tell me the direction.

So I started to walk around, turning my head in every direction. I probably looked like an idiot.

“Excuse me; can I help you with something? You seem kinda lost.” I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see this pretty and cute looking girl.

“Oh….yes. I can’t seem to find the school office.” I answered.

“Today must be your lucky day. I was actually heading down to the office.” She remarked.

“Kamsahabnida!~ By the way, my name is ~~~~, Lee ~~~~.” I said while reaching my hand out for a handshake.

She accepted my handshake and said “My name is Kim Min Ah. Nice to meet you ~~~~.”

We started to walk down to the office in an awkward silence. Before we know it we were at the office. I thanked Min Ah for the help, and went over to the secretary.

“What can I help you with?” She asked

“My name is ~~~~ I just transferred from TOP High to Woollim high.” I said to her

She asked me to wait a couple of minutes; she could get my schedule and school books.

“Here you go. Hope you enjoy you stay at Woollim High” she said with a smile on her face while handing me my schedule and books.

“I hope so too. Annyeong.” I waved her goodbye and walked out of the door

As soon as I got out Min Ah was standing in the hallway.

“Oh, Min Ah-ssi what are you still doing her?” I asked her

“Well, I thought that now that you are a new student, that I might follow you to your class.” she answered.

“Kamsahabnida! You sure are a good friend.” I said to her with a wide smile on my face.

“You don’t have to be formal, just call me Min Ah. And let me take a look at your schedule.

I handed her my schedule in the hope of maybe having a few classes with her.

“Yay! We have all the same classes together.~” she said joyfully.

“Oh, really? Now I won’t fell lonely in my classes.” I said to her with a happy expression.

She suddenly grabbed my arm and dragged me to my first lesson of the day which was history. I couldn’t pretty much do anything so I just went with the flow. Out of the blue I bumped into something solid, which I guessed was a human being. I dropped my books and my glasses.

“I’m so sorry, I’m really sorry” I keep repeating.

I looked up to see this very handsome guy. I was amazed by his appearance. I just stared at him, without moving an inch.

I could see his mouth moving and his hands being all over the place. I guessed he was yelling. I didn’t get a word of what he was saying, cause I was still amazed by his handsome and gorgeous look. 


Who's the mysterious guy at the end of the chapter?

- As i said before, english isn't my first language so don't scold me if I made mistakes. I don't know were to puy " , " and " . " so I just placed them random places. 

- Hope you enjoyed the first chaper! Please give me your opinion! What did you think aboute the chapter?

And sorry for the late update >_<


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Please update soon ^^ this story seems interesting! :D
Inspirit93 #2
Chapter 1: Update soon!
Chapter 1: So good! Can't wait for the next update
Update soon :D
updateeee soon! ^^
update pleasee