With you

I'm your nanny


Next morning Jonghyun found himself being called awake by Jessica who was now moving around the tent packing up his stuff.


“ I’m not gonna use violence this time so you better wake up now.” She chirped, it was a beautiful morning and she wasn’t about to ruin it.


“ What time is it?” he mumbled from where he was, eyes still unopen.


“ Just get up you lazy pig, “ she walked passed him, legs slightly kicking his back.


“ I’m gonna wash up and by the time I get back you better be ready too, “ she called over her shoulder as she finally exited his tent and went away.


The sun was coming stronger than yesterday and by the time it was near noon Jessica and Jonghyun had already packed up everything and ready to set off.


Jonghyun changed his gear, putting an arm over the back of Jessica’s seat as he body turned back to make a reverse, “ Where to next?”


“ How about the beach?” Jessica suggested.


“ The beach?”, jonghyun laughs. “ Since when were you so adventurous..”


“ What did you say?”


“ Nothing..”  Jonghyun trailed off as he continued driving. Truthfully the weather seemed pretty nice today and he wondered what a waste it has been all these years that he spent days like sleeping at home.


Jessica the radio, adjusted the air-con out of habit, which was some sort of a side effect from sitting in Jonghyun’s car almost everyday. “ Do you know how to get there?”


“ Of course, “ he replied, looking straight ahead of the road as he drives, Jessica lurched forward, studying his face and squinted her eyes as if to decide whether to trust him. But he was right, because he had driven both of them to the beach about 30 mins later.


“ Wow. Whatever happened to you.. “ Jessica could only mumbled. This was certainly strange. For once, Jonghyun actually knows something.. without having her to nag or scold him.


“ I studied the map while you took your own sweet time washing up in the morning. “ He explained kindly as he got out of the car.


“ I’m impressed! “ She nodded with an amused smile, closing the car door. Now that was the first sign of responsibility she was beginning to see in him.


They were walking walking along the beach now as the smell of the fresh sea was hitting against their face. Jessica closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She really love this.


“ Come on, why do you always belittle me? You know, “ Jonghyun said, kicking the sand up and turned to look at her, “ there’s a lot of impressive things about me that you don’t know. I suspect you might even fall for me if you knew all about them.” He joked, spurring Jessica to reply with a disgusted scream and a kick on his . He laughed, trying to dodge from her but she had already begun cupping sand with her hands to throw at him.

Jessica had previously thought spending time with such a spoilt brat like Jonghyun was just terrible but the yesterday and today had just seemed to proved otherwise. Even with all these scary birds flying by every now and then, playing along the beach with Jonghyun was making her smile like never before.



“ Let’s grab something to eat nearby before heading home, it’s gonna be another like 4 hours of driving so we’ll need to eat our hearts out.Shall we?” Jessica mentioned in between her singing.


There were back in the car after an hour of running around splashing water at each other. She has been crooning along to Maroon 5 for the past 2 hours, though Jonghyun will not complain since he had joined in too. Finally Jonghyun could finally start to see some common interest in both of them.


“ Yeah. Thought you’ll never ask! “, he replied as he drove, eyes already on the look out for the nearest rest stop that had food. His stomach was churning so bad he don’t think he could go on.


Jessica saw a little signboard on the road side as they drove past, she jumped up immediately, hitting Jonghyun’s shoulder as she exclaimed“ OH THERE THERE THERE!! “


“ OKAY OKAY !! “ he swirved his car into a U turn, trying to calm both his stomach and Jessica now. He took a good look at the small rest stop they were driving towards, his face couldn’t help but conjured into a disgruntled face as the old run down shop was coming nearer and nearer into sight. “ Seriously? It doesn’t even look legit.. “


“ Don’t even complain. “ Jessica muttered, trying hard to control her urge not to run out of the car. She was so hungry she could eat a dinosaur.


“ You sure it’s safe?” Jonghyun hissed at Jessica again for the 5th time as they studied the menu. The paper was so old and crumpled that Jonghyun could feel 5000germs crawling up his hands.


“ Yes princess, stop whining and complaining will you? Just order already,“




“ See it wasn’t so bad right? Stop being sucha kid seriously! “ Jessica looked over at Jonghyun, he was still grumpy ( especially because the food tasted weird ).


“ I’m not being a kid, I’m just saying that this place looks… unsafe and unhygienic.. “ His stomach was so bloated though, that he could hardly talk. Blame it on the fact that they didn’t have anything to eat since morning, Jessica and him had definitely over done it, ordering and finishing 4 portion worth of food. They could hardly walk probably too.


“ I know it’s not five stars restaurant but it’s not that bad either. it up like an adult okay?”


Jonghyun rolled his eyes. There she was again, going on and on about him being a kid. He do admit that maybe he was not so good in some stuff like cleaning up his room but still, that didn’t mean he was a 3 year old kid. “ Have you used the bathroom? We’re gonna be in the car for a long time. “


“ OH RIGHT good point! Thanks for that !,” Jessica’s eyes widened as she suddenly realized then she was off.


“ So much for being an adult.. “ Jonghyun laughed as he walked after her.


5 minutes passed as Jonghyun stood resting against the wall outside the bathroom.


“Jonghyun..” He heard a trembling voice calling out. It was Jessica.


“ What?”


“ I.. “ she swallowed with great difficulty.


That’s the problem with girls: either the toilet is too dirty that they’d rather die than use it or there’s no paper and she was probably gonna make him buy it. Jonghyun didn’t even wanna make a guess which problem it was.


“ I can’t ..” Jessica shut her eyes. She can’t believe she was gonna say this. It was so embarrassing she wanted to die right there but there’s no other way..


“ I can’t zip up my jeans. “ Jessica said finally.


“ YOU WHAT?!” Jonghyun burst out in shock. He was bewildered. What did she just say?


“ I think I ate too much… I can’t go out like this.. “ Jessica’s voice was getting more whiny now. But she did sounded really desperate.


“ WHY DID YOU EAT SO MUCH THEN?! “ Jonghyun was too confused and lost to do anything else but to shout at her back.




She know Jonghyun isn’t exactly her number one fan at the moment (or ever ) but desperate times calls for desperate measures. If she had it her way she wouldn’t be begging him but this was super important to her and she didn’t exactly have a lot of choices.


“ YOU WANT ME TO WHAT?” Jonghyun stares at the bathroom door in astonishment.

Has she lost her mind?! Jonghyun couldn’t believe her!


“ JUST COME IN NOW ! AND DON’T LOOK!! “ she cried. Jonghyun, now really losing his head, heaved out the most annoyed and frustrated sigh. He heard her unlock the door timidly. She popped her head out.


“ Just look to the sides and follow my instructions okay?! Please.. I owe you this one! “


“ Why can’t you do it yourself?”

“ I tried! .. but I don’t have enough energy anymore! “


“ You must be kidding me seriously. Oh my god !

She is so retarded.


Jonghyun stood there still deciding what to do. It went on for about a minute while Jessica continually shoot him with pitiful eyes, almost threatening to spill tears. He couldn’t stand it. But.. he couldn’t leave her like that could he? I mean it couldn’t be worse than letting her walk out to the car showing her underwear to the entire world..


So with that, he looked around carefully, making sure that no one was noticing and quickly slipped into the bathroom.


It was the most uncomfortable and strange moment they ever had together ( if you don’t count the time when she saw his.. nevermind) as Jonghyun looked to his sides as his hands held on to the sides of her jeans, trying to pull them together.


“ Are you looking?!” Jessica stared at him and panicked.

“ What?! God no! “

“ Are you sure?!”

“ YES! “

“ If you even dare to look I will-“

“ I AM NOT LOOKING OKAY?! JUST GET ON WITH IT!” he snapped at her. Then when she finally stopped operating on her psycho mode he instructed her, “ when I count 1 2 3 you breath in and zip it up okay!? “


“ Okay.. “ Jessica answered between her unstable breathing.


“ Here we go.. 1 2 3 ! “ Jessica breathed in, pulled up her zipper and

THERE! PHEW! She could finally zip up her jeans!


“ Did you zip it up yet?!”


“ yes! “


“ THANK GOD! “ Jonghyun let go of his hands and looked at her, she was drenched in sweat. So was he. He hadn’t realized they were only a few eyelashes away. It was close. Way close. But he still stood there.

Then they both suddenly broke out in a massive laughter, thinking about what a crazy and stupid situation it was.


“ Thanks.. “ she said between her laughter.

“ Are you sure your jeans aren’t gonna burst out and tear or something?! If that happens I’m not gonna sew it for you! “ he joked.


“ It won’t!! “ she hit him, Jonghyun dodged but she hit him again.


“ Are you sure you’re really my nanny? “ He said mocking her.

Jessica rolled her eyes and pushed him away. Jonghyun watched her flushed face and laughed.


This was quite a trip. A lot of things have happened and it was amazing considering the short amount of time it was. Nevertheless, it had proven that spending 50+ hours with Jessica wasn’t that bad afterall. Maybe this whole nanny thing could work out in the end. And of course Jonghyun didn’t tell her that this was his first ever camping trip. He had never ever agreed to go for one and he didn’t know why and how he even ended up here. Yet he thinks he probably would do it again if he had to.


Now it was the long trip home.. Jonghyun thought as he turned and look at the exhausted Jessica. She was sleeping with a little snore as her head rested against the window. The car came to a stop at the traffic light and Jonghyun shifted forward towards her and adjusted the seat so that it would lower down.


“ You’re gonna break your neck sleeping like that, “ he mumbled softly, positively sure that she wouldn’t hear anyway as he carefully moved her head down so that she could sleep properly.

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tinyspaceworld #1
@jongsicaForever thank you ;) that really means alot to me ! you've been one of my biggest supporter and i absolutely am grateful for that! so glad that my old writing could still bring happiness to you! im currently working on exo fanfics, if you're a fan of them do give them a shot :) thanks again, you are really the sweetest!
Chapter 25: Just Reread it and it still makes me smile like an idiot
You're amazing!! Never forget that!
Chapter 25: Ohmygod. THIS IS THE PERFECT STORY. I've read this story over and over repeatedly for like the last year or two years. I can't believe it's ended but at least is ended beautifully. Thank you <3 you have a talent in writing, please keep writing!
cihuiminyul #5
Chapter 25: more jongsica please!
Chapter 18: omg when you posted on my wall i was so happy omg thank you for the wonderful story ^^
jessica222 #7
Chapter 25: Such a pleasant surprise! Suddenly so many chapters uploaded! :D this is definitely my favourite Jongsica fic! I'm glad you finally finished it ^^ I would love to see a sequel :3 My fav boy/girl pairing from exo is krissica! :D They have very similar personalities and they look so good together ;)
nerdscandy #8
Chapter 25: Awww I can't even describe how I feel <3
I hope you feel better after your depression, and thank you for taking the time to update again after recovering! It really means a lot, and I hope you continue to write! :)
4ever9 #9
Chapter 25: Finanly finish reading the updates. I seriously love all your fics. Hope you will write more, esp Jongsica fics. And thank you for complete this fic
4ever9 #10
Chapter 25: wow wow wow wahhhhh 7 chaps??? I
love you author-nim. This is my fave
Jongsica story. <3 <3 <3