Bruises all over

Bruises of Love

It was a sunny afternoon. It was hot and the air was heavy. Minnie was walking nonchalantly through the park. She had one wish, that it would rain. She loved the rain and it would refresh her day. Finally, tired, she sat on a bench watching the people went by and play on the grass. She was tired. All day she had walked from right to left, in Solo’ downtown, to find a job, failure to be empty hand was mining her mood and the weather wasn’t really helping! Daydreaming for a few minutes, before deciding to go back home. There was nothing else to do and she wasn’t motivated at all to continue her job hunting. Minnie rose, she only took a few steps when her foot caught in a tree root sticking out of the way and she went sprawling on the ground. Certainly it really wasn’t her day! She was going to get up when suddenly a mass fell on her, cutting her breath and sticking her again to the ground. After a few seconds she was finally able to breathe while the mass was lighter. Someone began to speak in Korean.

"Oh my god! Gwenchanayo? How do you say it in Indonesian ...?”
Minnie put on her elbows to rise gradually, someone took her arm to help her. By reflex she said in Korean too.
"Geogjeonghaji maseyo, na gwenchana.”
"Oh, you speak Korean?!”
She finally got up, still not having seen the face of the person who helped. At the same moment when she raised her head and she felt dizzy.
Takes her in his arms to keep her from falling. "Wow easy there. I think maybe you hit your head to the ground.”
Despite her blurred vision she could smell the scent of the stranger; it smelled deliciously addictive as if she knew that scent from somewhere. Embarrassed she rose and finally, yeaye, she could held on her legs.
Raising her head. "I'm so sorry for troubling ..."
She couldn’t finish her sentence because at that moment her brain went completely blank. The young man who stood before her was tall, with black hair and a face known internationally in the K-Pop world.
"Your face is pale suddenly, you're not going to faint, are you?”
She couldn’t answer and continued to fix him. What was he doing here in the middle of Indonesia, which is more in HER city! While she was lost in these thoughts, he looked down and suddenly began to panic.
"You're bleeding! You're really in a bad shape!”
Minnie looked down and found indeed that her knees were bleeding. Of course wear shorts and falling down were not compatible! That's when she noticed her injuries that she felt an acute pain. She ached all over her body and was very dirty. What’s more, before "him"! Suddenly she felt a certain excitement around them. She looked around and saw not far away a group of girls who looked from right to left, they looked really agitated.
Out of nowhere he took her hand. " Mianhé, but right now we have to run!”
He ran, taking the girl, to follow him, by the hand. Despite her pain she ran with all her might, especially when she heard the hysterical screams of girls behind her. Breathless, they finally found a hiding place behind a small waterfall in the park which formed the opening of a cave.
"Finally! I think we lost them ... "
Even if they stopped running, he hadn’t dropped her hand and now that the adrenaline began to fae away, she realized the warmth of his hand in hers. She coughed gently to remind him of her presence, he turned to her and embarrassed, quickly removed his hand.
"Sorry I made you run when you were injured! It’s really unforgivable. '
"It doesn’t matter I’m not feeling anything. '
When she said that a pain hit her and it was so strong that she had to sit down. He knelt beside her.
"We have to disinfect the wound. '
"I’ll do it, you don’t need to worry. '
He shook his head. "It's my fault that you're in such a state, I cannot, in good conscience, abandon someone wounded!'
Minnie slightly smiles of the attention. "It's not your fault. I fell in the first place. Besides, you didn’t get hurt? '
"Nothing’s broken, I had something soft to cushion my fall! '
"I think I should also walk around with a mattress or something to avoid getting hurt. '

He laughed. "Your Korean is really good!".
"I learned it a few years ago. '
"I was lucky then, to fall on someone who could speak my language! Moreover, what were you doing on the floor? '
She grinned. "I was expecting a stranger, fleeing a gang of girls, to walk over me.”
He laughed, and his laugh sounded like a crystalline sweet melody to her ears.
He held out his hand with a big smile. "I'm Yoochun, Park Yoochun. '
She took his hand and replied hesitantly. "My Korean name is Minnie, Park Minnie.”


1 month later
She gazed absently through the igloo, the landscape scrolling down. Only an hour remained before landing in Bali. She turned to her friend next to her, who was drooling slightly while sleeping. Two weeks ago, school announced a trip to Bali with the entire class to study the architecture of the island. But of course nobody saw it as a job, but as an advanced holiday. This trip was everything she needed to change a bit from her everyday life. And above all she needed to change her ideas, not to think about what happened a month ago. After Yoochun fell over her, literally, like an angel, he took her to a pharmacy to heal her wounds. Like a real nurse he had bandaged and disinfected her leg. After that, rather than leave, he had proposed to take a tea, which had eventually turned into ice cream because of the heat. Minnie had preferred to keep silent about the fact that she knew who he was, because she didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable nor her to be categorized as fan. And where she thought she would be nervous and excited to be in the presence of her idol, she was unusually quiet and comfortable. Yoochun was very open and very nice too. They spent the rest of the day walking and talking. But this dream had to have an end. In the late afternoon they were going to go their separate ways, when without warning rain began to fall. They stood like idiots in the rain, laughing. Minnie looked at the sky thanking this unexpected relieve. She turned her gaze to the man beside her and at that moment she fell in love again. He stood motionless with eyes closed and smiling at the sky, drops beading along his wet hair. He was simply beautiful. He was perfect.
Since then, this image haunted her, and she was struggling to get back to the reality of life. An announcement on the plane informed them that they began their descent to the airport. It was time to wake up the panda next to her.
Give small nudges. "Haemi...  Haemi ..."
No reaction.
Minnie hit her stronger and her friend jumped in her seat.
"Huh? What? I wasn’t sleeping! '
"It’s been more than 2 hours that you're asleep, Haemi. '
"Sorry, sorry, Min ... I was tired! '
"You're tired all the time. I really wonder how you can sleep on the plane.”
The girl smiles. "You know, I can ..."
Minnie finished the sentence with her. "... sleep anywhere.”
They laughed at their stupidity. Haemi was one of the few friends that didn’t disappeared over the years. Being a year older than she, they met on Minnie's second year of college. She was a foreign student who had come to spent three years studying in Indonesia. Despite the fact that she wasn’t Korean, her dream was to live there,  so she’ve given herself a Korean name and she wanted everyone to call her by it.
She stretched languorously. "Are we there yet?”
"In a few minutes we should be on the ground.”
A few hours later they were all in front of their hotel, which was on the beach. It was not Minnie's first time in Bali, but this time the budget had allowed taking a very nice hotel. Everyone rushed into their rooms to change and go directly to the sea Even the teachers had disappeared somewhere in the hotel. Hectic the two girls went to the end of the deck to admire the stunning view.
Haemi suddenly began to shout while opening her arms. "The sea!! It's all blue! '
Minnie laugh. "Yes, Hae, the ocean is indeed blue.”
She turned around and stick her tongue out to the other girl.
"Come on I want to go to the beach! You've already been here so lead the way, funny girl! '
They playfully ran in the direction of the beach. As always things never go as planned and Minnie bump into someone, making her fall on her bum. Person gives her a hand to help her up.
She had heard that voice, in circumstances quite similar. She looked up to see her heart stopping. How many chances there were for her to be blessed by fate twice in less than a moth? None! And yet... Yoochun soon recognize her too, as a smile lit up his face.
"Madam Park!! '
In an impulse he lifted Minnie and took her in his arms without discomfort.
"Pogo shipoeo yo! '

The poor girl was frozen. She didn’t dare to move a muscle, afraid that all that would be a dream. He let her go and once she wasn’t in his arms anymore she noticed that they weren’t alone. A thin guy was as shocked as her behind Yoochun and Haemi was blinking at the sight of the two boys before her. But she was the first one to wake up.

« Excuse us for a second. » She took Minnie by the hand and took her a few meters away from them to interrogate her with a low voice, so they couldn’t hear.

« Isn’t it Yoochun from JYJ, ex-DBSK ? »

Minnie nodded.

« Didn’t he just hug you, like he knew you from ages? »

She nodded again.

« He doesn’t know that you know that he is a star? »

She shake her head.

Haemi let out a long sigh. « Didn’t we promise ourselves that no one would ever have Park Yoochun?! You’ve totally beat me on this one. »

Minnie stared at her friend. Was she being serious?

« It’s the only reaction you have? You just discovered that I know Park Yoochun! »

She shrugs. « It was him the mysterious guy from last month? I guess I just realize that I can’t beat fate! »

« You’re taking this way too well… »

Haemi turned her friend around and pushed her back to the boys.

« Don’t worry about me, and enjoy your time with the love of your life! »

There she was blushing like crazy before the guys. Without knowing what to say she decided to introduce her friend.

« Yoochun-shii, this is my friend Haemi; Hae this is Park Yoochun. »

Haemi lend out her hand.

« Enchantée »

« French? »

She smiled widely. « From Paris. »

He stepped to the side to point to the thin guy who hasn’t said a word.

« This is my hyung, Kim Jaejoong »

He smiled at them shyly.

« Is he your real hyung? »

Haemi… Such a good comedian…

« No, he’s just older. So what are you doing here? »

« We are on a school trip. »

« Really? What a coincidence!  We are staying here for a week, improvised holydays! » he winks at her.

The blond girl went suddenly to Jaejoong’s side and took him by the arm.

« How about you tell me about yourself and alllll your plans for this week, Jaejoong-shii? »

And like that she went away with Jaejoong, who obediently followed her. That’s what Minnie loved about her friend; she always knew when to slip out of a situation. It leaved her with Yoochun alone. As he read her mind he turned to her.

« So, I guess it’s only you and me. Do you want to spend the day together? »

« If you promise not to make me fall again! »

He smirks. « Deal. But I can’t promise anything about falling hearts… »

She raised her eyes to the sky as he laugh proud of his joke.

They spent the rest of the day together. They’ve walked around the town, talking about their lives, even if Yoochun was careful not to reveal too much about his activities.  Finally at the end of the day they came back to the hotel, grieving for food. Because, yes they were in the same hotel. When they went back, they met with Haemi and Jaejoong at the restaurant. Where Minnie thought that she would find a traumatized Jaejoong for spending a whole day with Haemi (and surviving it), she found them laughing and talking like they were friends already. Jaejoong seemed more relaxed and at ease too. “Hey, lovebirds! How was your day?”

Yoochun sat beside Minnie and put an arm around her shoulders. “We had a great day, little madam Park here couldn’t walk for an hour without grumble like an old person!”

She hit him softly, making the other laugh.

“Why do you call her “madam Park” all the time?” Jaejoong asked.

Micky tighten his grip on the girl and smirked to his hyung. “Because she is my wife!”

Haemi and Minnie almost choked on their drinks. The dark haired girl took off the arms around her, not really liking to be considered as an object.

“I’m what?! Keep dreaming, big boy!”

He put a hand over his heart faking to be hurt. “So cold…! How can you be like this to your future husband?”

The other couple began to laugh like crazy, especially Haemi that winked at her friend, but Minnie didn’t found it funny, AT ALL!!!! She was going to get up and leave when Yoochun leaned forward and kissed her softly on the cheek, whispering to her.

“Don’t be mad, you’re overly cute when you’re mad, and it’s not a good think to be like this around me.”

A shiver ran through her spine. He wanted to kill her?!

“Yah! Quit that Casanova act! You’re going to make the poor girl, run away.” Jaejoong scold him.

But the only thing he could do was laugh at the young girl’s stunned face. Yes, he was definitely hopeless.  

The rest on the evening went well. They all talked, telling about their day and promised to see each-others again tomorrow. During the whole diner, Yoochun couldn’t stop touching her or leaning close to her. It was a Yoochun that she wasn’t used to see, well even if she only knew him from afar…

Finally they went back to their rooms the boys accompanying the ladies, back.

“It was fun today! What do you think about spending all the week together?” Yoochun suggested.

“We have to do some projects with our class, but when we don’t have anything, why not?”

“Then deal!” He kissed her again on the cheek. “Sleep well, my angel.” Then they were gone.

HOW? HOW? How could he so easily make her all fluffy inside and a complete mess with her feelings?! He loved skinship… And she knew that it would soon, be the end of her.

The week went by smoothly. When the two girls weren’t with their class; they were running around the island with the boys. Haemi never failed to kidnap Jaejoong and disappear, allowing some alone time for Minnie and Yoochun. When they were together, they walked on the beach, visited temples, saw the rice paddies, etc, etc. Soon they were holding hands naturally without being awkward. She slowly allowed him some liberties, because she couldn’t resist him any longer but without really giving in. The last day they were at the restaurant again, for the occasion Minnie was wearing a white dress with blue flowers, making her dark hair and eyes shine. And the final touch, a white flower that Haemi insisted on putting in her hair. (

She was simply beautiful and Yoochun didn’t fail to tell her over and over again. They were finishing eating, when one of their classmates approach the table.

“Hey Minnie, how are you?”

She looked up at the boy. “Hey Azel, how is going your project?”

He looked nervous. “Fine, I guess… Could I… hum… talk to you for a moment?”

“Sure.” She got up and went outside the restaurant, curious of why her classmate wanted to talk to her.

Yoochun looked at her going away, with concerned eyes. He turned to Haemi. “Who is he?”

“He is in our class. It’s funny, because he hasn’t talked to her, since his last confession…”

Jaejoong was suddenly interested. “He likes her?”

“Well… I don’t know if he still does, but he did for sure!”

“Awwwww, summer times and school trips. Always the best moment for a love confession.”

Micky, who had stayed quiet, stood up fiercely and stormed outside. The two remaining friends smiled at each other. “Finally.”

When he got outside, she was smiling and talking to Azel. He couldn’t stand it. Her smile was precious, and it was His! How dare she laugh in front of another guy? His blood was boiling. Yoochun approach, took her by the hand and throw at the poor guy. “She’s not interested.” Then he pulled Minnie away and ran to God knew where.

They finally stopped running when they’ve reached the beach. Confused she angrily let go of his hand.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“He was going to confess to you!”

“Bo?! No, he was just asking me about some tips for our drawings exercise!”

He looked at her confused. How silly of him! He didn’t really think at the time… Now he was feeling stupid. “Mianhé…”

She let out a long sigh. “It’s fine… I didn’t want to talk about work anyway.”

Minnie turned to face the sea. The stars where burning like a million of little candles in the sky, the Milky Way completing the magnificent view. A few minutes pass, without any of them talking. It was beginning to be chilly outside, especially near the ocean. She couldn’t stop herself from shivering. Suddenly warm arms wrapped around her shoulders. At first she was tempted on rejecting him, but his warmth and his delicious scent was so intoxicating, that she let herself lean on his chest. But something was bothering her. She hasn’t been really honest with him.



The direct way is the best one. “I know that you’re from JYJ, and an ex-DBSK…”

He didn’t move. “Do you?”

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier, but I was afraid that you would think of me only as a fan.”

He tighten his grip; “I don’t.”

They fell silent. A few minutes passed when Minnie started again.

“I have to confess something ...”
“I knew back then who you were, since we first met.”
“I know.”
Minnie jumped out of his arms and turned around surprised. “Bo?!!”

“I knew it. You're not very good at hiding what you feel. I can read you like in an open book!”
She blushes. “I'm good at hiding things! I can keep a straight face in any kind of situation!”
Yoochun smirks “Really? Then try keeping a straight face after that!”
Then without giving her time to understand what was going on, he leaned forward and kissed her. After a few seconds he broke off and looked at her with a big smile. Minnie could only stay frozen, too shocked by what had happened.
He burst out laughing. “Sorry but I couldn’t help myself. You're so cute when you're angry! You provoked me!”
Yoochun's words gently piercing through the cloud of confusion, she looked up, the irritation began to win her.
“So what? It was just a challenge? To prove that I was wrong?”
He looked confused. “No ...”
Minnie didn’t let him continue. She was out of herself! How could she have let that happen so easily? Why had didn’t she prevented it? It wasn’t because Park Yoochun wanted to kiss her that he had the right to do so, without her permission! Especially since, especially since ...
“It was my first!” she shouts.
He looked at her not understanding.  “Your first? You're first what?”
She had only one desire, to disappear underground. Angry, she walked past him towards the hotel.

“You’re always like this, doing whatever you want, without taking my feelings in consideration!”

Yoochun followed her.
“Wait! I'm sorry, I didn’t knew that you would be so shocked!”
“I'm not shocked! I'm angry!”
She stops and turns to face him.
“Why? Because it was my first kiss you Pabo!”
She trembled with anger, while Yoochun’s face was even more sorry, when he realized what she was saying.
“Really ...?”
“I'm sorry, I did not know ...”
Disgusted by the situation she bent over and leaned on the ground.
“I really didn’t think it would happen like this ...
Yoochun kneeled in front of her not knowing what to do to be forgiven or to cheer the girl.
“I'm really, really, really sorry. I suspect that you wanted to have your first kiss in a more romantic way and all, but ...”
“Not in a romantic way. I just wanted it to be a real kiss, not just a challenge!”
He stared at her for a while suddenly realizing what had put her in such a state. Yoochun immediately softened and he took her by the hand lifting her up. She followed him without protest. He put two fingers under her chin and raised it so their eyes meet.
“Even if I did it to actually bother you, a kiss is still a real kiss. I never would have kissed you if I had not wanted to. And I would’ve never wanted to kiss you if I didn’t have some feelings for you.”
She blinked a few times, the information finding it hard way to her brain.
“It may be crazy by what we barely know, but I feel really good with you.”
Her heart began to accelerate as she saw hope.
“You have proved me more than once, that you see me as person and not only an idol, and your side completely clumsy and cute, I kind of fell for you.
All she could do, was fix him without believing what she was hearing.
“So that said, will you forget the kiss we had just before and now have our real kiss?”
Minnie nodded slowly and closed her eyes while Yoochun's lips touched hers for the second time of the evening.

Few hours later

They were sitting on the sand in each other’s arms.
“You know, you have to breathe in the kiss, otherwise you will faint!”
“I can’t help it, you take my breath away.”
He laughed. "Like the first time we met! Back then I took your breath away too.”
"Yes because a large mass of 1.80m was over me. I would’ve preferred a thousand times, you taking my breath away as you do now.”
"Don’t worry about it, I’m not going to deprive myself!”

“Well at least I survived you till now.”

“Yeah, with some bruises as souvenirs.”

“It’s fine. It’s called Bruises of Love!”



I'm sorry for any mistakes or if some parts are too short.

I spent half my night doing it so I'm not really sure of the result!XD

Enjoy your time with Micky, né dongsaeng!!! Unnie loves you!

Saraghé! *kisses* <3

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Chapter 1: awesome.. summer love.. it's fate that they should meet.. a destiny.. makes me want to meet my destined one.. such a lovely story
roughmetal2 #2
Chapter 1: i like this. it's practically every chunsa's fantasy to have a moment like this with micky :). and hey, i like minnie's character, she's nice and sweet but not a pushover.
Samantha24 #3
Chapter 1: I love the title girl, I really admire your style in writing stories... thanks
Chapter 1: omooooooooooooooooooo unnieeeeee you're amazing!!! that's so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet>.< i can't believe it you really did this>.< i'm so speechless and my eyes watery because of youuu *sob sob T.T
you don't know how much i love you unnieeeeeeee saranghaeyo *sending you a lot of hugs and kisses
i haven't reply your messages and got stuck in my paper work then suddenly i have some urge to open my account again and found your gift for me geeeeeez you really light up my day>.<
i'm getting confused with my tears don't wanna stop yet i have a wide grin stuck on my face when i read "your lovely gift"XD
i love it the fact you put all my information you know about me it's like i really saw myself there kekeke^^
and haemi i know it's you! how dare you to leave me alone! you nearly killing me leaving me with HIM and what are you trying to do with jae umma??!! *kidding unnie i'm not mad at you kekeke^^ how can i mad at you if you're this sweeeeet awwwww my lovely unnie neomu neomu gumawoooooo thank you for making me this in the middle your precious rest time *many hugs and kisses

p.s uri chunnie is so freakingly cuteeee and touchy and cheesy and over protective when he's jealous and the kiss *dying
i'll make one for you later unnie *wink