Love at First Sight

What a Destiny!
"Therrence!,Therrence!" as her mother was looking for Therrence for a long time.Her mother did not know that Therrence always stay there on the park near their house spending his time playing with his friends. While playing, he noticed a beautiful girl. Let me describe this girl. Her complexion is white as a snow, her lips were red as the color of a blooming rose. That's why Therrence eventually walk to that beautiful girl when suddenly, a group of boys walk towards to the girl and started to ang get it's doll. That's the time Therrence make an action. He went to the front of the girl facing on the boys and say, "Hey guys, what's your problem with her?!" The boys laugh for response and say, "And you,why have you too much care for her? Are you his boyfriend?" Therrence suddenly punch one of the boys in anger. Therrence's friends saw what happened. One of Therrence's friend, John ask Therrence, "Therrence, do you need some help fighting here?,if you need I can call our other friends to help you! When John called their group the other group of boys were afraid because Therrence's group are so many! They just run because of being so afraid on Therrence's group. They just left the doll on the ground. Therrence get the doll and gave it to the Girl then ask, "What's your name?"the Girl answer," I'm Chanelle!","Well Chanelle, nice too meet you! Are you okay?" Therrence asked. "Yes I am." Chanelle answered sofly. " Oh thank you..?" Chanelle said."Oh! My name is Therrence." Therrence answered. "Thanks Therrence, by the way I have to go!" Chanelle said. When Chanelle left, John ask Therrence if she like the girl, "Therrence do you like that girl?" "Of course not!" Therrence replied and made his cheeks blushed. "But you act like you like him. It is very obvious,so don't deny it!" John said. As they were talkin to each other, Therrence's mother tapped him and said, " Oh my God! Therrence you are the one who gonna kill me in high blood! I found you anywhere,but didn't you know what time is it?!" We are very late in my friend's birthday! Get hurry!" Her mother shouted. He went home and he remembered the girl he helped. Now, they were ready to go to the birthday...
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Chapter 8: a short story, eh? I liked it :3