chapter 1

i thought we hated each other?



__________Narrator point of view____________


   It was the first day of school for hweji and taejun. They didn't want to leave their friends in the states but their parents were moving because of business reasons. Hweji and taejun decided to wear matching out fits in the first day of school.

   "I don't want to start at a new school :( " hweji complained while they were eating breakfast.

   "Oh stop complaining. It'll be fine! And OMO! You two look so cute! Let me take a picture before you guys leave!" Their omma said. She said that because hweji and taejun decided to wear matching clothes today to school.



   "Omma we could've just stayed in the states with grandmother. And I heard we don't transfer to classes and that we have to stay with the same classmates all throughout high school?!" Taejun complained. Hweji and taejun tried making excuses so they could go back.

   "You two will not change our mind. We will not send you guys back! And that's final! Now go to school it's getting late." The appa said.
   Hweji and taejun hugged their parents and went into the car. Their driver drove them to school and they went into the office. When they were walking to the office everyone were staring at then and guys and girls were screaming and blushing and whispering "OMG who are they?!" "Who is he? He's so hot!" Who is she?! She's so y and cute!" "Are they a couple?!"

   Hweji was smiling at everyone and waving her hand and taejun was just smiling.

   When went into the office they got their schedule and their teacher told them to follow him to class.



______________infinite pov________________


   When we walked into school we heard everyone talking about a boy and a girl and how hot they were.

   "Hyung do you know who their talking about? Who else can be hotter than us?!" Dongwoo asked sunggyu the leader.

   "I don't know. I guess we'll just have to find out..." He said.

   We were sitting in class and everyone was talking. But it was weird today... Usually girls would come up to us and give us presents but no one did today.

   "Woohyun hyung. Is something wrong today? No one is coming up to us. What happened?!" Sungyeol asked him.

   "I know that's what I'm wondering." As soon as woohyun said that the teacher walked in with 2 students following him.

   "Who are they?!" Sunjong asked. 


____________Narrator pov___________


When the teacher walked in hweji and taejun walked behind him.

"Class we have 2 new students that just came from america. Treat them well. Introduce yourselves." Mr.son said.

"Annyeonghasaeyeo. I'm park hweji. Nice to meet you!" She said cheerfully.

"Annyeonghasaeyeo. I'm park taejun. Nice to meet you too. And please treat us well this year I hope we get along." He said and gave his killer smile to everyone. The girls squealed in response. Hweji looked up at taejun and smiled.

"Okay. Now taejun sit next And hweji.. Sit next to kim myungsoo." The teacher said.

Hweji and taejun didn't know who they were and they wouldn't raise their hand either. "Yuri is there. And myungsoo is there." The teacher pointed and when they were walking towards their seat boys were giving hweji flowers,cards and chocolate and girls were giving them to taejun.

When infinite saw that happening they got mad and they all thought...we'll ruin your life..



_________________hweji pov_____________________



While I was walking to my seat I got chocolate and what not from boys. When I sat down next to the kid named myungsoo, I said "hi! Nice to meet you! I'm hweji. I hope we get along this year!" I said giving him one of my angelic smile.

But he just scoffed and looked away. Wow he's really rude..but who cares. While everyone were writing notes, myungsoo was just sitting there on his phone. My elbow would bump into his arm sometimes because I'm a lefty, and I'd say sorry and he's roll his eyes. Why is he so mean to me? I don't even know him... Oh what he's not going to ruin my day.

*narrator pov*

The bell rung for lunch and tae jun and hweji got up and followed the rest of the students to the cafeteria. When they were walking everyone were staring at them.

"This school has problems" taejun said.

"Well we have to get use to it". Hweji said.

"Lets sit there..." Taejun said finding an empty table.

They were sitting down and talking. Then someone came up behind hweji and tapped her shoulder. She turned around and 7 boys were behind her.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

"Yah. That's our seat." Myungsoo said.

"I don't see your name on it." Hweji said and turned back around.

"Oh no she didn't!" Sungjung said and was about to grab her wrist but then taejun got up.

"If you dare lay a finger on her!!" He screamed. Everyone was staring at them.

"What will you do? Huh?!" Hoya screamed back.

Taejun rolled his eyes and told hweji to get up and they left.

Taejun went to the bathroom and hweji was roaming around the school. She heard someone screaming and was trying to look for who it was.

"YAH BE QUIET!" A girl screamed. Hweji saw sone slap another girl who was on the ground. She ran towards the girl and helped her up.

"YAH! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" Yelled Jiyeon at hweji.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE SLAPPING AND BEATING SOMEONE?!" She yelled back. Jiyeon raised her hand and was ready to slap hweji but someone caught her hand.

"Can I help you with something?" Taejun said spinning jiyeon around. Jiyeon looked up at taejun and was amazed at how beautiful he was! She couldn't say anything "uh.." Was all that came out of . 




____________jiyeon pov___________


I was about to slap this girl but someone grabbed my hand and spun me around. I looked up and found a beautiful face looking down at me. He asked me a question but all I could do was stutter.



___________hweji pov____________




Who does she think she is yelling and beating someone up?! Why is everyone in this school such jerks?!?

"Come on. I'll help you clean up" I told the girl.

"Aniyo. It's okay" she said shyly.

"Don't be shy. Come on" I helped her up and we went to the bathroom. I helped her clean up the cuts and bruises.

"Why did she do this?" I asked.

"Because I'm not rich as her. And I'm ugly" she replied.

"WHAT?!" I said in shock. Never in my life have I heard someone bullying someone for that reason!

"Who is she?!" I asked.

"She's the queenka of this school. Along with her friends. They call themselves 't-ara'. And the kingka's of the school are these 7 boys called infinite". She said.

"Infinite?" I asked. That's such a strange name. "Oh and what your name?! I'm hweji! Nice to meet you!" I said.

"I'm lee jungha." She said.



"I wish you were in my class" I said and frowned. "But we'll be good friends! Right?"

"Friends? Why would someone like you want to be friends with me? Your already a queenka right when you step foot into school." She said.

" I know. I was a queenka in my old school but a queenka doesn't have to be mean. Their only mean because they take advantage of the name! Now lets go down to lunch! I'm starving!"

"Why didn't you go earlier!" Jung ha asked.

"My brother and I did but there were 7 guys who told us to get up from their table. And I was about to start a fight but my brother said to just go." I explained to her.

"7 guys?" She asked sacred.

"Yeah. I only knew one if them. His name is kim myungsoo. Why?"

"THAT'S INFINITE! THE KINGKA's OF THE SCHOOL!and and everyone calls myungsoo by his nickname L. He hates when we call him by his real name!" She exclaimed.

"Oh that's them? But why are you so shocked?"

"You shouldn't have made them angry! They'll ruin your life and crush you to pieces!"

"I don't care." I said and I saw taejun in the cafeteria.

"Come on this way. Jungha this is my brother and tae jung this is jung ha. " I said.

"Hello. Nice to meet you." They both said and we sat down. We were sitting next to the table of infinite.

We were talking and then a group of boys and girls came up to taejun and I when jung ha went

to the bathroom and they gave us loads of gifts.

"Thank you!" We both said.



infinite pov


We saw a group if kids coming towards our way with chocolate and what not.

"Finally." Said dongwoo. But they just passed by us and went up to hweji and taejun.


When the group of kids left hweji and taejun got up and threw everything they gave her into the garbage. Hwe ji rolled her eyes at myungsoo and walked out of the cafeteria.

"I'm going to make her life miserable." Myungsoo thought. 








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