White Lies

thrill love


Krystal’s POV


Time flies and it’s now in the middle of November, Amber now a day’s want to hang with the gang, I felt he was hiding something since we just hang around school and seldom hang with the gang, today Amber wanted to play basketball but everyone was too busy today, so they declined Amber looked disappointed as we go home together


He looked at me with his brow raise

“What, is it Prin-Krystal?”

I smiled when he was about to say Princess then my smiled fade when I asked him again

“What’s wrong with you? You always asked them to hang out”

He got a bit surprised then let a grin on his face

“Nothing much, why do you ask?”

“Because, it’s not like you asking them to hang each and every day”

He got surprised, then burst out his laughter

“You’re imagining things”

He then walked ahead of me ‘Maybe I was just imagining things’ I then followed him since he will be staying tonight at my house again


We ate dinner and did a movie marathon, we finished 4 movie and the 5 one was about to end. When I turn to Amber, he was already asleep. A smiled escape from my lips ‘such a sleepy head’ I stood up to get the blanket I always prepare him when he sleep over and placed it on him

“How I wish I can tell you how much I love you Amber”

I saw Amber smile bitterly, before I knew it tears was coming down my cheeks. I ran to my room crying not know why. But seeing him like that hurt me more than not tell him my feelings, I cried and cried till I cried myself to sleep


I woke up went to my bathroom fixed myself, I pout when I saw my eyes were swollen. Changed my clothes and went outside. I was near the stairs when I heard Amber’s voice

“Hyung can I stay here? I don’t want to go back there”

I sat down so I hear me more ‘stay? Is he going somewhere?’

“I don’t care if they allow me to work there, I just want to stay here”

He sound mad

“Ok I will”

His voice suddenly sounded sad


Amber’s POV


I hang up the phone then let out a long sigh

“Where are you going Amber?”

I froze when I heard Krystal’s voice ‘of all people why you? Why the person I love the most, hear me that I’m leaving’ I turn around, I forced a smile. I notice her eyes were swollen

“W-What do you mean?”

I tried to act like I didn’t

“Don’t you even dare try to fool me”

I saw her eyes, she was serious. I let out a sigh

“Hyung told me that”

I hesitated for a while, she remained silent wanting me to continue

“I’ll be coming with overseas because of his work , about a month”

“So you’ll be skipping school for a month?”

She asked in disbelief and I gave her a nod ‘Sorry for lying Princess’

“Come on, let’s go make breakfast”

She nods I then went to the kitchen and prepare breakfast while Krystal help me by setting the table


After breakfast she went to her room to prepare for school since I was already finished I volunteered to do the dishes


We head to school like the usually, chatting and cracking up joke here and there until she brought back the topic earlier

“So, Amber when are you going?”

“In the middle of December”


She asked on disbelief, I nod my head

“How about you?”

She looked confused

“what do you mean?”

“You and Taemin? How are you two, have you given him an answer?”

She got surprised  then remained silent, I mentally hit myself ‘You STUPID LIKE SHI-, now you’ve hurt her feelings, great job STUPID’ she has a sad expression now

“Hey, no need to frown, you don’t have to force yourself because of my stupid question”

She let out a faint smile, my heart ache seeing her like that ‘I really hate myself for hurting her like this’

“Hey, come on now, I’ll treat you to some Ice Cream later so please don’t be sad anymore”

She then brightens up and shows a sweet smile


“Yup, anything for my princess”

I got surprised when I called her princess, I looked away cause I don’t her to see my face, I sneak a glance at her, her face was red and she was smiling ‘Now I made her embarrass, AISH!’


We got to school, Nicole came to our room and gave me a hug like she usually do

“Morning Dork!”

“Morning Tweety!”

I chuckled when she got annoyed then slam my arm

“Yah! Stop calling me tweety!”

She said with an annoyed tone making me laugh more

“I will if you stop calling me dork”

“Dork suits you!”

“Then tweety suits you too”


Before we could tease one another again the bell rang, making her run to her room making me laugh hard again


Jonghyun’s POV


I kept silent to everyone that Amber is going with Hyung since he told me to keep quiet about it. I just feel sorry for him cause Hyung won’t give him his freedom yet


I’m with Amber and Krystal in the cafeteria eating our lunch, the others are too busy with other stuff

“Bro want to go somewhere before going home?”

I asked Amber, he just raised his brows

“Why? What’s wrong with you today, are you sick?”

I got annoyed

“No idiot! I just want to you know bond with the baby dino”

I said as I mess with his hair making him annoyed, Krystal giggled ‘She looks like her, speaking of her I should her a call later’

“Do you want to come with us Krystal?”

She got surprised I chuckled when she blushed a little, I know she loves my brother not Taemin, and Amber loves her too 'kids these days are so dense' I laugh at the thought

“So what do you say?”

She gave a nod


After class we drove to the mall with my car. After a while we got to the mall

“Why don’t we eat first before having fun?”

Both of the nod ‘I’ll give you two sometime alone later’ we head to a nearby restaurant


“Hey bro, will you be alright if we leave you alone?”

Amber suddenly said while we wait for our meal making me surprised

“Hey, I thought we would keep it a secret”

“It’s already Oppa Amber told me”

Krystal said with a sweet smile I turn to Amber with a not-everything look and gave him a nod ‘He lied to her, huh?’

Then our meal came, Amber and I kept laughing on Krystal who always find the food that she eats great. After that I decided to leave them alone

“Bro, why don’t you two go out and have fun for a while, I’ll stay here and relax”

I then hand him cash. He was still confused making me laugh again

“Get going you two, I want to take a nap, now go shoo!”

“Alright then Bro, See you later”

The two left and I went back to the car and took a nap

“Hope those two get a little bit more closer than before”

I mumbled to myself before heading to dreamland 

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15lehna #1
Chapter 3: wait is amber a guy in this story i'm confused
angelamik_18 #2
Chapter 23: pls update pls :(
Chapter 22: wow...so sweet....two thumbs up for you dongsaeng....*clap, clap, clap*

ITS A MASTERPIECE.....i can't wait for ur next one :3
Chapter 21: kryber will be together soon,, i think....update soon dongsaeng...
Chapter 21: Ahh one step closer Ambro :D
Bo-Remi #7
Chapter 20: Amber is always stupid when it comes to love.
Bo-Remi #8
Chapter 19: Look like Krystal hasn't given answer to Taemin or did she?
Chapter 20: Kiddo....i'm sorry i missed ur update :(

HAHAHAHAHA so Ambro really think that Krys like Taemin.....well i'll probably think the same things :D
Chapter 18: Hehehehehe....an ice cream always succeed makes our days better :D