Final- Confession

The His-Tory Project

Silently, you tapped your finger against the wood of your desk as you waited for your teacher to come in and announce the work for today. Your classmates obviously could careless if your teacher came; only a handful of them cared about their grades. Your status at school was nothing big; often you were regarded as a weirdo or just simply put as ‘that one girl’. But the reason for this is because you looked like a foreigner, your eyes were not the common brown and you had dyed your hair before entering this school. So people would often ignore you or politely excuse their selves for your presence. But that didn’t mean you had no friends, you actually had a quite a large number of friends with your best friends being Kyung-Soo, Zi Tao and Jong-In.


You heard your class door open and looked back hoping to see your teacher, Mr. Choi, but instead you saw your enemy. Park Chan-Yeol. That was his name and he seemed to get pleasure from making your life a living hell. Ever since you two met, he always had to do something to embarrass you. One time he somehow had gotten pictures of you hugging your teddy bear in your arms as you slept and spread them around the school. Later you found out your own mother gave it to him thinking he was a friend.


“Yo, Whatsherface!” he called out tauntingly as he walked past your desk. Your eyebrow twitched as you clenched your fist tightly.

"What,Park?" you said sharply, you seriously didn't want to deal with him today.

"Ooh someone's angry. What wrong, Princess?" he asked with a cocky grin.

"Back off," you barked as Mr. Choi came in to the room.


He laughed as he mimicked you before walking to his seat. Mr. Choi sighed as he looked over the classroom, only smiling when he came across you. yousimiled back at him, Mr. Choi was a family friend and was like your older brother so this was relatively normal. he cleared his throat before he began to write something on the board.


"Today class, I will be assigning you a project. You will be assigned a partner and you both will have to chosse a time period to do your project on." He said with a smile on his face.


"Yo, Teach!" Can't you lay off on this project." Chan-Yeol called out as he laid his legs out on his desk.


"Oh? You want me to lay it off?" Mr. Choi said. Chan-Yeol nodded, you groaned.


"Alright, class your project will now be due this Friday 




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