Notebooks, Lashes and Vanilla



Dongwoo had first noticed her on his first day at university. She wasn't the type people would first notice. She was simply plain, thin square framed glasses hiding her dark eyes, small petite nose and light rosebud lips. Her hair was always tied up into a high pony tail and she always wore a simple shirt and jeans, never anything particularly  feminine. Dongwoo hadn't thought she was beautiful to say the least.
Dongwoo had asked her  name, attempting to make a new friend on his first day and she had simply replied Kim Jinhee. That was the only words he had ever heard from her, not even asking for his name on return. Over the semester, everyday he would sit next to her. Even if she didn't talk to him, he felt comfortable in her presence.
The lectures were long and somedays Dongwoo would drift off to sleep for a few minutes. Upon waking up he would always look to her page to see what he missed and everytime she ever so slightly moved her notebook towards him. He never said thanks but he greatly appreciated her kindness.
It was only after a few months of sitting next to he began to notice small things about her. It was hard to notice but every so often the scent of vanilla caught his attention. He quite liked the fact that Kim Jinhee's scent was soft and feminine unlike her image. He also noticed despite her glasses, her eyes were actually quite pretty. The deep, relatively big eyes were framed in thick long lashes that most girls would want. After he noticed this he had tried to count each individual one out of boredom and curiosity but had stopped when Jinhee met his gaze. He had awkwardly pretended to be looking past her in that moment. That was the first time he had actually seen the girl smile. It didn't last long and he only saw it in the corner of his eyes but Jinhee definitely smiled. A beautiful smile that lit up the corners of her lips.
He also took note of the way the girl always rushed out of the classroom as soon as the lecture ended. She never lingered around to talk to anyone. He had wondered why this was and had decided it was because she was shy. Again this was a quality he liked about the girl.
Dongwoo looked to the seat next to him. Oddly feeling sad upon seeing the empty seat. Where was she, that girl who always sat next to him. He didn't admit it at first but seeing the empty chair he realised why he was feeling so sad at that moment. 
She was beautiful in her own way. She was kind in the little things she did. And most of all she was Kim Jinhee the girl who sat next to Jang Dongwoo. That girl whilst not being exceptionally outstanding had a presence. A lingering effect on Dongwoo despite the short if any communication the two shared.
Dongwoo let out an disappointed sigh as he tore his eyes away from the empty seat.
Dongwoo came early the next day too obssessed as to whether the seat would once again be empty. Jinhee was usually already in her seat when he came. Rushing into the room his smile deflated as he saw the empty seat. He sat in his own seat and took out his books, he was the first one there but that didn't surprise him.
The clock struck the hour and everyone piled into the classroom. Dongwoo eyes were fixed on the door just waiting for her to waltz in and sit beside him as she usually did. Every person that walked in that wasn't her saddened Dongwoo more and more. Eventually the teacher came and the class began. Dongwoo ripped his eyes away from the door and payed attention to the lecture.
Ten minutes after the lecture had began Jinhee rushed in. "Mianhaeyo seungsaenim." She bowed a full ninety degrees as she apologised for her tardiness.
"Gwaenchanayo. Take you're seat." She bowed once more before filling the empty seat next to Dongwoo.
Dongwoo couldn't hide his huge smile. Those who saw him at that moment would suspect him of being crazy, laughing and smiling to himself.
The class came to an end and Jinhee quickly packed up and turned to rush out the door.
"Jinhee-ah." She stopped and turned to him, suprised he was speaking with such fondness. "Why were you gone yesterday?"
"My alarm clock broke so I accidentally slept in."
Dongwoo just smiled at her blunt answer, somewhat proud of himself for actually speaking but more so pleased she actually answered.
He hoped this was the beginning of something new. He knew he like Kim Jinhee. All it had taken was an empty seat. 
AN: so that's what I wrote as a way to fall asleep. My twin sister says its a Drabble but to be honest I actually don't know what that is. She also said she didn't get it but she was half asleep when she read it. Anyway, hope it wasn't confusing, please tell me if I need to explain anything. Feedback is always appreciated. Thank you for reading my tired ramblings. I'm off to sleep now, goodnight. 
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Chapter 1: Haayyy.. Dongwoo soo cute and nice.
Cute! A very simple yet captivating drabble. I love it, no, really love it~ WAAAAA~ Dongwoo~ :">