Meet the parents

Name I Once Knew

The snooze button seemed to be so far from the bed, after 20, 'beeps' it wouldnt go away. Monday has come back to taunt me. After the beeps, I got ready for the place every teenager called hell. To me, hell was a get away. I'd rather be there than be in this household.

   "Aron! 5 mintues to get down here or else you are walking to school." I rolled my eyes and made my ways down the stairs as my dad yelled at the top of his lungs. If there were to be any man to be drunk at 7 in the morning, it would be him. I grabbed the same bag I have had since 7nth grade and made sure the tape was still covering the holes so none of my pens and pencils would not fall out. I made my way out to my dads car and sat in the back seat and buckled myself. He got in the car and gave me the usual monday deathstare. "Do I look like you're ing chofer?" He rolled his eyes and the car, driving off.

"Be home once you get out." My dad rolled up the window before driving off. I made my way down the pathwalk to the school. It was a usual routine to walk down it alone, walk into school alone, go to my locker alone, pretty much attend my class and eat lunch.. alone. I didn't have a problem with it, I actually didn't mind it. My seats in all my classes were in the back. Right next to the window where I could just look outside and take a deep breath. 

I was never one to get into argument with other people, or fight with teachers. I was never the one to even talk back to my parents. Not so much because it was disrespectful, but more of they wouldn't speak to me if I were to even raise my voice. I would get a slap in the face and a face a parents could only make, signaling for there child to go to their room. At the age of 16, I really didn't have a say in anything.

My parents, I wouldn't concider them. Calling them by there name, it wouldn't be the smartest thing to do. My parents relationship with me isn't the the greatest. I see my mom on wednsday nights, I'd be lucky if I saw her more often. With the personality she has, I perfer not to see her. My dad I see everyday, sadly he does not have a job so I wake up to him, come home to him, go to sleep with him screaming. I like the nights where he is already knocked out from the amount of alchoal he drinks, it knocks him out like a baby. I'm an only child, but to them that seems like such a burdon. They only have themselves to blame.

I held my Ipod close and blasted music as I made my ways down to the cafe. I sat at the empty round table towards the back of the room and closed my eyes. The same bass bouncing off my walls the night before, had turned into a little dark room where I was in my own seclusion of music bouncing between my ear drums. The bass kept me at ease, to me it was a calm settling feeling. I had no worries, I had no cares. Just how I felt about walking around and being a so called, "outcast." So I didn't speak to people, but it was a choice I decided to make. I didn't speak to people because I refused to, or because I dispised people, but only because I didn't feel the need to speak with people I knew wern't going to be there in the end.  

I perfered being quite and by myself. Being in a group of people automatically labled you as something, and it wasn't something I would usually be into. I liked having my own privacy, I liked doing things on my own. Growing up I had to have that attitude because if I left that to my parents I wouldn't of gotten anywhere in life. If I were to leave my decisions up to them, I would be screwed. Being independent would get me somewhere in the real world... right?




Hey guys, im sorry this is late. I have just been dealing with a lot of school lately. And im sorry its short, I will try to make the next chapter longer! Thank you for reading.

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ChoiRiRin #1
looking forward for your ff.<3