
Our Usual spot


I was at the usual spot, at Our usual spot.

Under a tree in the park is where I met him, the person who showed me what love is.


I was sitting at my usual spot revising for the exam that is coming soon, when suddenly I felt a shadow on top of me as if someone is in front of me.

I looked up, only to find a good looking guy he was around my age and he was wearing my school uniform

“Why are you studying?” He titled his head and raised one of his eyebrows


“I am not studying I am revising for the exam” I was trying to be cool instead of telling him he is actually cute… because who would want a nerd telling him that?

“Blahblah! It’s the same . why u no fun!?”

*He is really adorable*

“Who are you anyways to tell me that..” I mumbled

“I am baekhyun. Byun baekhyun” he chuckled and he held out his hand for me to shake it

I looked at his hand which is in front of me blankly *should I shake it or not?* I questioned myself

“Don’t worry I don’t bite so tell me your name” He smiled again

*that smile..*

“My name is Han bi” we both shook hands

“Well then nice to meet you han bi! And don’t just waste your time studying! It’s no fun”

Then he left.

I sighed *What a weird guy suddenly questioning me and then suddenly leaving… I don’t understand him*

But then it felt nice to have someone to talk to…


It was lunch break and I was sitting under the tree again.

While I was eating I was thinking of the guy that I met yesterday

*I wonder if I will meet him again…*

While I was wondering and staring Blankley in front of me I felt a shadow on top of me as if someone in front of me.

My heart started beating a little

 *could it be him?* I thought and I was hoping it would be him but I didn’t know why.

When I raised my head up I saw a guy with a brown hair and he was smiling brightly down to me

*Byun baekhyun!*

Suddenly a big smile formed on my face without me realizing it

“You seem so happy to see me” he chuckled

And when he said that I realized I was smiling like a fool, I quickly put on a poker face and coughed

“Psh… no way” I gave him a disgusted face

“You look prettier when you are smiling you know, you should smile more” he smiled

My heart started beating again

*He said I am beautiful…*

“You look uglier when you smile, never smile please!” I joked but truth is that I actually love his smile.

He started chuckling at my statement and handed me some sandwich

I looked at the sandwich *why is he giving me it?*

I looked back at him with confused eyes, “Don’t just stare at me! Take the sandwich… I asked my mom to make if for you! Think of it as a gift from me” he smiled

“E-eh?! You made your mom do it for me?” I took the sandwich and tasted it

*wow so yummy!*

He rubbed the back of his neck and his face turned light red “W-well yeah I asked her…”

“Wow it’s really yummy! Thanks baekhyun..” I smiled brightly

“I am just happy to see you smile once again. And hey it’s the first time you say my name!” he smiled

Later on we started to chat more and we felt comfortable with each other more.


It was already becoming night and I was still chatting and joking around with baekhyun while he was walking me to the bus stop, I never stayed out this late I always go straight to home after finishing school.

“well this is my bus stop…” I felt a bit ting of disappointment that we already reached the bus stop

“See you Han bi! Be careful to your way back home” he smiled and waved to me

“Good bye baekhyun! You be careful too!” I smiled and waved back to him

Before getting in the bus I heard baekhyun call out my name, I looked back to see him and he was signaling me to come

I went back to him and as soon as I stood straight in front of himI felt a peck on cheek

My eyes were bulged out, was byun baekhyun really giving me a peck on my cheeks?!

After he gave me a peck on the checks he waved and told me to go already and I could see the red in his face, well he probably can see the red shades on my face too! I was burning I didn’t expect him to do that ever!

But I can’t deny it … I felt happy when he did that I thought that maybe he would have some feelings for me.

I hopped onto the bus, the bus door closed and I could see baekhyun’s figure start to fade away in the distance. *Good bye … hopefully see you tomorrow* I thought to myself.


It went by like this almost everyday

Me and baekhyun at the usual spot, chatting and laughing together

And after each day my feelings for him grows and I felt like I wanted to tell him! I wanted to tell him I love him but I was scared

I was scared if he didn’t love me back so I just locked up my feelings.

It was always like this until one day I was waiting at the usual spot

Waiting for him, Byun baekhyun

But he didn’t come. At first I thought it’s okay he is probably just late, but after hours I started to get worried…

I got up and went to his class to check if maybe he was with his class mates and then I suddenly remembered him acting weird yesterday.

Whenever I joked with him or told him something he would look at me and smile at me with these sad eyes I didn’t understand what he meant with those eyes but it felt he wanted to tell me something but he just couldn’t.

I asked one of his classmates Jin Ju “Jin ju! Have you seen baekhyun?”

She looked at me weirdly with confused eyes “Who is baekhyun?”

I looked at her with big shocked eyes “Stopped kidding around jin ju! Byun baekhyun the guy with the  brown hair?”

She shook her head and looked at me with sad eyes “Sorry I don’t really know someone with that name in our class… Ask Ji yung she knows everyone in school! She knows their name and everything, well if she doesn’t know him then … your probably just imagining or something”

I started to get worried and my heart started beating loudly, My eyes started getting wet and my legs felt weak.

What if there is really no byun baekhyun?! What if I was really just imagining…

I quickly shook that idea of! *No! I don’t want to think of that anymore!*

I went to the girl named ‘Ji yung’ and I was hoping she knows him! She should!

“Ji yung-shi? Do you know where byun baekhyun is? The guy with the brown hair and smiles a lot?”

She had the same look that jin ju had “I am sorry… I know everyone here even new students but I never heard of that name”

That’s it!

I started sobbing and my head started hurting, my legs became weak and I fell to the ground

“Han bi-shi? Why are you crying” Ji yung looked at me with worried eyes

“Baekhyun..*Sniffle* he is gone!” i started sobbing again. I didn’t want to believe it.


After crying I went to the principal office I wanted to check about baekhyun!  The principal should know him.

I opened the principal office door and entered “Annyeonghaseyo principal” I bowed

“Annyeonghaseyo. What brings you here?” he looked at me with curious eyes

“I wanted to check if in the students profiles there is a student called byun baekhyun or not?”

“Alright I will check for you” He went and checked


“I am sorry I couldn’t find this name in our files” he shook his head

“Not even in the people who quit the school files?” I pleaded for him to search in that file

He went and checked “Sorry to say but… There is no person named baekhyun here either”

“There is no person named baekhyun”

“There is no person named baekhyun”

“There is no person named baekhyun”

“There is no person named baekhyun”

It kept repeating in my head over and over again

It felt as if I lost the world as if I lost the most important thing in my life which is byun baekhyun

I thanked the principal and went outside at the usual spot

And memories started coming, I started sobbing. I just couldn’t believe it. I didn’t want to believe it.

I went back to our usual spot which is now my own lonely spot

And i suddenly I felt a shadow on top of me as if someone is in front of me.

My heart started beating

*It’s him! He is not gone*

I slowly looked up with my red puffy eyes

I saw a guy in front of me

But he was not baekhyun.

I felt a huge disappointment

“Han bi-shii can you explain this to me?”

I looked at him with my evil eyes

*Why are you not BAEKHYUN! WHY?*

“Just go away” I mumbled

I felt bad for telling him to go but I was not in the mood.


Baekhyun is gone. Forever. He is just an imagination that I imagined. he is … Not real.

And I never told him these three words “I love you.”

… I love you baekhyun… I love you.


Hello everyone! :) it's gummiex3 here and... I hope you are statsfied with this oneshot XD

Just a notice: This chapter is just a flashback of what happened before not what is happening right now.

Until next time! :3


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