
endless waiting



You entered the classroom and saw gongchan waving at you. You smile at him and sit on your seat. You notice he looks nervous and he keeps glancing at you.

"what's wrong?" you asked him.

"wanna go to the party together? they said we have to bring a partner.." he smiled.

"um..." you can't answer it since you hope jinyoung would ask you.

"Just tell me tonight okay?" he said and you nod.

You look at jinyoung who's closing his eyes and then tap Hyunah's shoulder. Hyunah turns her back and look at Jinyoung. and then you saw him whispering something to hyunah. what you heard next almost crushed you to death.

"yeah sure, i'll go with you tomorrow" hyunah smiles and turns away again.

Jinyoung smiles and look at you. 

"yo, ___" he said and you smile back.

"I know you like him, ___" gongchan whispered and you jump in surprise.

"Wha- i don--"

"GONGCHAN, ___, OUT!" the teacher shout and both of you whined as you both exit the class.

"i can see it.. you like him, ___" he smiles.

"i..." you blush.

"why didn't you make a move on him?" he asked again and you sigh.

"Because my best friend loves him too, and i know jinyoung loves her. I'm not gonna get in their way. If i love him, i would want him to be happy right? even though he's not with me..." you smile sadly.


"___/Hyunah, i think i like someone" both of you said in the same time and laugh.

"Who?" again, said in unison.

"okay, you first, hyunah.." you said.

"it's jinyoung.." hyunah blush and your smile fade.

"what's wrong?" she asked and you smile again.

"you like him? eeew~" you said, pretending to be disgusted.

'WHY HIM! I LOVE HIM FIRST!' you screamed in your head.

"weelll. what about you?" hyunah asked.


"actually, i have a crush on ..."

"GONGCHAN Isn't it?" she squealed and you nod, lying to her.

"awww.... so cute! you guys are always together... ~" she smiles.

"yeah..." you smile back.


Gongchan look at your sad eyes and hugs you. His warm embrace and his gentle on your hair makes you cry. Thankfully both of you are in the rooftop so no one saw you.

"it hurts doesn't it?" he asked and you nod.

"It's okay.. i'm here if you need someone" he ruffled your hair.

"thanks, gongchan..." you smile.

He wiped off your tears.

"so you like me huh?" he joked and you hit his arm lightly.

"yah!" you pouted.

"hahaha... i know i know...buuut...." he wiggles his eyebrows.

"but what?" you asked.

"since hyunah thinks you like me, That means, you should go with me tomorrow~ let's just go to the mall and shop for your dress" he smiles and drag you out of school.

You giggled and followed him.


2011/05/24 tuesday

By Seoulchae

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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 18: so sweet... love it
Saemiy #2
Chapter 12: My hands gone cold due to this emotion i felt while reading.
Huaaahhh, hyunah here deserve to be bullied!
HatrednAshes #3
Awesome ◕‿◕
nice story love krystal!!!!!!!!!!
lol thanks for readiiing!! :D
cute! i thought i was going to forgive jinyoung and date him and krystal would be with gongchan atfirst xD but i like this one too! i liked how he misunderstood it and then comes back :)
THank you!!
Awwww.. it ended already... :( anyway, I LOVE IT!<br />
Kamsahamnida!! ^^
Yay I like gongchan more anyway