The First Confession

Lemons Grow In Mars

The First Confession


It is 10:47 pm right now and I’m in the roof again. This time I’m not checking out Young Bae (he’s in their living room) but I’m studying. Actually, it’s independent study because we don’t really have to learn anything about the history of the Roman Empire at school.

It’s interesting. Especially how Romans back then were maniacs. Very resourceful too. Instead of filming , they built statues of people having .

Anyway I’m on the roof because there’s absolutely no air circulating in my room. Umma and Appa have air conditioner in their room and I don’t even have a stinking electric fan in my room. How am I supposed to concentrate on my studies (and spy on Young Bae taking off his shirt without getting caught)?

“Hyun Ok~” I hear Young Bae calling me in a sing song voice from his balcony.

“What?” I ask him, putting my book down.

“I see you’re getting close with the new guy,” he says.

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, YES! He’s wearing a wife beater! I can see his biceps. Teehee…^-^

“Yes?” I ask.

“How can you like two people at once?” he asks me.

What is this boy talking about?

“You like SeungHyun, then you like like that Dae Soon-”

“-Dae SUNG!”

“Yeah, that Dae SUNG guy. And then there’s me.”

The Martian gene is boiling in his blood again.

“What about you?” I ask him.

“I’m the one you come home to,” he smirks, fully aware of how annoying that just sounded to me.

“FYI, Dong Tae Yang, I do NOT like SeungHyun, Dae Sung is just a FRIEND, and I do NOT come home to YOU. How do you come up with these things anyway?” I go back to my book, wishing he would take the hint and just go away.

I was looking at the picture of the statue, trying to erase the conversation that Young Bae and I just had in my head when suddenly I hear him singing Michael Jackson’s ‘You Are Not Alone’. He continues singing even after I put my book down.

Omo. He’s so handsome when he sings. You can really see him feeling the song. It’s one of the two luxuries of living next door to Young Bae. Sure, he irks me sometimes but he makes up to it (unknowingly) when he sings and takes off his shirt. He stops at the ending of the first chorus.

“Hyun Ok…can I tell you something?” Young Bae asks, looking a bit hesitant.

I wonder what he’s going to say...That ‘You Are Not Alone’ is his favorite song? That he’s heartbroken because Michael Jackson passed away? Maybe he’s going to tell me how to improve my voice since sometimes he hears me singing while playing my guitar and I know for sure I don’t have a good voice. Maybe-

“I like you.”

I like you…

I was quiet for a long time.

“Hyun Ok?”

“Was that supposed to be funny?” I ask him, feeling very confused.

Really, what was that about? I’m expecting him to go 'AH-HA!' any second now.

“AH-HA!” he shouts, pointing a finger at me, grinning like a naughty little kid.

There you go.

“Young Bae, you almost had me!” I shout back. He is still pointing at me though…or rather…at my book. I look down and see that my book was open, the picture of the statue in plain sight. And Young Bae could see it very clearly. I close it at once.

“What is happening to young girls nowadays?”

“I was studying the history of the Roman Empire!” I say, climbing down the roof to the window of my room. There’s no point in defending myself. He already thinks I’m a ert anyway. Duh. He’s a victim of my ersion.

“You sure? Seems to me like you were studying a whole different subject,” he chuckles, showing that oh-so-cute smile of his. I stuck out my tongue at him and entered my room through the window.

I close my window (even though it’s frickin hot) and head towards my bed. My phone beeps. A text message from MARTIAN BOY. I open it.

Sweet dreams Hyun Ok. I know I’ll dream of you tonight. <3 ^-^


My heart pounded.
I text back.

U already know my schedule? Yes I’ll b dropping by later in ur dreams…so I can choke u wit my own hands! Mwahahahahaha!


After hitting SEND, I turned off my phone and cuddled with my Bebe (my stuffed toy bear) so I could go to sleep. I still can’t stop thinking about it though. Why is Young Bae being like this? Maybe he’s getting back at me for being a ert. Gosh, I have no love life, why can’t he just let my fragile heart be? This is really confusing me now…but I shouldn’t fall for it. I’m sure Young Bae is just playing a trick on me like he always does. Why can’t he treat me nicer like he treats other people? Aissh...



[POSTED: 20 December 2009]

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Dailycommenter #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Where are you?
seems interesting
Pic of Taeyang abs made the Doritos comes back out of my mouth I wasn't expecting that ooh lord. -fan self-
Chapter 15: Thank you thank you thank you thank you! !!!!! Please update soon! !!!
ecila82 #6
Chapter 13: Where's chapter 14? it seem to be missing..
exodrug #7
YESSSS FINALLY UPDATED :) waited long :(