spellbound 1

may I love you

Jaejoong p.o.v


"Hyung . . . err . . . I think the video is kinda slow knowing it was just release and cassie is quieing up for it. Lets just listen to mp3 first nae?" Junsu use his charisma particularly his cute face, begging me before he went back to his laptop screen.


"Aishh..ppali download the mp3." I cant help but to pout and sighed as I wait for junsu to finish downloading the mp3.


Today, my hubby and my baby re-packaged album will be release after the success with their Tense album. I know this is well done, perfect as always. . . well . . . I hope because this might be the last album before yunho serves the army.


"Here's the mp3 hyung." Junsu told me as he played the song from his laptop.


The starting sound is good, jazz and pop. They grew up for real especially our magnae. He's really talented and had learned so much I am so proud of him. And jung yunho's vocal is improving too seems like my vocal class really help him.


Eh? Wait . . . why is the lyrics sounds so familiar? the road we kissed? Oh my god jung yunho did he just really mentioned our first kiss? Its been the second time after he did it in destiny. 


"Err . . . jae hyung I think you're turning red." Junsu smirk as he look me. I glare at him but he keep on smirking. Stupid duck .


"I really dont know its either president sooman is now back on our side or yunho hyung really talk to SM about this yunjae business? And to top it all, how he made changmin sing a yunjae song?" he blurted out and I can't help from grining shyly.


I am the one who always being so obvious. Telling the fans somehow yunjae is real and it still there but jung yunho? Its another miracle story. The ridiculous thing is when he did it, haters who hates yunjae with passion sing the yunjae song as well. He did it twice in destiny and now spell bound. Eh I forgot. . . I should have included telephone and honey funny bunny.


"Well . . . of course he will! AFter all the girls with him in...opss..." Junsu covered his mouth even before he blurted some dangerous things to me but unfortunately I heard it just in time.


"What girls are you talking about? Yahh! kim junsu tell me now or should I say good bye to your metalic black shining jaguar." I threat him with the evil smirk.


Slowly he showed me the muted music video recently uploaded by SM town where 2 men were dancing happily with the girl dancers. Well . . . I therefore conclude that a certain men just declare a war with me.








Want more? Stay tuned..lol


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Shubha #1
Chapter 5: Soo sad still waiting for their reunion
yo_yunjae #2
Chapter 26: Hahaha... only uri leader who can bully changminnie back..
My jealous joongie ^^
leanonme #3
Chapter 26: Yesss I love your chapters ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 21: Aww this is so sad and also sweet.. Hope you guys will be happy always
Chapter 22: Changmin is really naughty boy
Chapter 23: No day for changmin to not tease jaejoong.. His hobby everytime
Chapter 24: Jaejoong is something.. Im realy want to see him reunion again. In the army is really good looking them again so close like tho
Chapter 25: CUTEEEEE XDDDDDDDD received your condition very gladly chwang XD
Chapter 26: Hahaha the suden collaboration who shocked me really... Surely jaejoong jealousy is the dangerous area