unnoticed beauty??

Glasses off... beauty on
Hello, this is my first time writing a story in english, and i know i lack in some points. but nonless i hope you enjoy my little story and leave a comment telling me your opion... thanks a lot!
Finally school was over. I squezze myself through the the hallways full of people and walked to the already awaiting bus. 
finding my place near the exit, i sigh and close my eyes. the bus started driving and i was impatient, I simply wished i was already at home laying on my couch. suddenly the bus stops abruptly with screeching tires. 
I am thrown forward and my big glasses slipp off my nose. just great.. i need them.. my vision is blurry as I search around the ground to find them. " are you okay?" a deep voice asked me "here your glasses". I take them and slide them on place only to gasp out. The guy giving back my glasses was non other than the most popular guy in school... Bang Yongguk. 
I mutter a Thank you and sit back on my place blushing madly. someone sits beside me and my eyes snap in the direction  of the seat beside me only to find yongguk in it, looking at me with his trademark smile. oh my gosh... 
I blush even more if thats possible and try to make myself as smal as I can. to be honest i am not used to someone paying attention to me and the worst part.. I have a crush on him. I might be plain and quit but I am still a human being and attracted to the opposite gender. he`s a real hot guy.
"you don´t mind, do you?" he asked. "no, of course not" I shyly reply. " we go to the same school, right? but I can´t remember ever seeing you, are you new?" "No, I´m not new here. it´s just that people usually don´t see me." you answer kind of anoyed.
"I´m sorry, that might be rude but with this thick glasses it´s  no wonder." he answers, " you look kind of creepy with them but without them you´re really beautiful. have you ever thought of getting lenses?" I swollow.. Did he really say that? yep thats really rude.. " why should I? it´s not like I´m craving for attention. I like it when people leave me alone." you hiss at him, now he´s really pissing you off.
You hear him chuckling beside you and snap your eyes in his direction. "now he´s making fun off me?" you thought getting angry. "again, I´m sorry. I didn´t mean to upset you. but it´s a waste to let such a beauty go unnoticed because of thick glasses. See you tomorrow!" he says and exits the bus. You´re frozen... see you tomorrow? you shrug it of.. Bang Yongguck would never remember you tomorrow.. why would he? 
I now it´s short but it is just the beginning... more to come! Have a good Day!
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