Emergency Room 101

Mr. Arrogant version 2.0

My mind went blank for a while there. It’s as if I was suddenly showered with ice cold water. I’m a little lost here!!! But I needed to organize my thoughts and solve this somehow.


I took a deep breath and told him, “Okay, Mister, you still need to go the hospital. You’re wounded and there must be something really serious going on here for you to not even remember your name.” he just shook his head in disagreement.

“I’ll go with you, would that be fine? I’ll be there with you.” I convinced him with every assuring and comforting phrase ever known to man but he just sat there shaking his head, refusing.

After a few quiet minutes, I tried once again and just like magic he agreed.


I quickly got out from the car and hurriedly opened the passenger seat side door.  I extended my hand and offered it to him; he shyly took it and alighted from the car. He gripped my hand tightly as we walked our way to the emergency room door. As soon as the door swung open, he stepped back a couple of steps and pulled my hand.  I held his hand even more tightly to give my assurance and pulled him to walk with me.


I noticed a nurse stationed in the receiving area and we approached her.  

“Hello, Good Evening, what happened to him?” the nurse greeted and I told her the details of how I somehow picked him up from the road side.

“And Miss Nurse… he doesn’t seem to remember anything. Maybe he’s having a little amnesia here.”  I added.

“Okay, why don’t we let him rest here for a while and the doctor will be attending to him shortly.” she suggested.

“That should be okay.” I nodded.

“I will just go ahead and prepare so I could dress his wounds.” She said as she ushered us to one of the hospital bed separated my off white curtains.


As soon as the nurse left us alone, I ordered him to lie down and unsurprisingly he refused.

“Just sit down, will you?” I told him little loudly this time. Geez! I sounded like a mom there. Just like an obedient child he followed and sat the foot of the bed. I didn’t notice until then that he was still holding my hand.


This poor creature, what the hell happened to you? I sure do have loads of things that make my life oh so stressful but the crap this guy have now is way more than just a stressor. He doesn’t remember anything to begin with.




The nice nurse came back with her tools in a metal cart and that made the guy a little jumpy. I felt him gripping my hand stronger again. The nurse did her thing with those materials and as she was about to approach him, he shoved her away.

“I will just clean your wounds Sir, don’t be scared.” She told him nicely. 

“Get away from me! I don’t touch me!” he yelled.

“It’s okay Miss, I’ll do this. Just teach me what to do.” I intervened.  The nurse agreed as she was appalled by the shoving earlier.



She taught me one by one what to do. She left us once again and as I was about to dab a cotton in his forehead he flinched.

“Tsk! Listen well or I’ll leave!” I told him as I grab the back of his head to steady him with my left hand and started dabbing cotton on his forehead with my right hand. He didn’t back away this time and submissively cooperated.


I cleaned out his wounds as instructed by the nurse only then that I notice that his face was masked with abrasions, scratches, very purple bruises and his left eyes is totally swollen. I could bet that his face was once so pretty. He has this tall nose, long lashes and his eyes are expressive in a way. These injuries definitely curtain that pretty face.




An intellectual looking doctor came in and he examined him. He tried to decline but I eyed him to obey. The doctor asked me a few more details and he advised that he should undergo some tests so they can identify what went wrong and how much is the damage. He even explained that he might be suffering from a serious head trauma. He was uttering names of tests I barely know.


“Do you mean he should get admitted for more detailed observations? Is that it?” I finally broke his litany of jargons.

“Yes Ms. Yanna, he needs to stay here for a while. Most of all we will be able to help him locate his relatives. We will take care of him from here on.” as the medical professional told me that last sentence I felt a tiny sting within me.

“Is it okay if I leave him here now?” I asked.  

When I said that the patient immediately pulled me into a back hug and said, “You promised you’ll stay here with me! Don’t leave. I don’t’ like those people touching me!” he yelped.

“How can I possibly leave when he’s like this Doc?” I looked at the doctor questioningly.

“We can put him in sedation for the time being just until he stabilizes.” He advised.

“I think that will do. I need to leave I’ve got things to do.” I replied. The doctor then instructed a few male nurses to hold down the patient.


He was screaming at the nurses and continuously tries to escape their hold. He kept on pleading me to stay.

I looked back at him and assured him once more, “You will be fine here, they will help you, just rest for now, okay? Your family will be here soon.”

A shot of a sedative was given immediately and in just few seconds there he calmed down and finally went to a deep sleep.


“You can go now Ms. Han. We’ll take it from here.” One of the nurses told me.

“Maybe I can just leave my contact number, so just whenever you’ll need my help you can just call me.” I suggested.

“Okay, you can just leave them at the station and we’ll update you whatever. Thank you so much for helping a stranger.” He ended.


I walked my way out the ER and I can feel my steps are getting too heavy. I felt really bad leaving like this. I kind of promised the guy that I’ll stay with him. He was probably scared, confused and shocked. I wouldn’t exchange places with him. I consoled myself with the thought that his relatives will be there.


I reached my condo once again and I felt really tired. It seems I flushed all my stressors away only to find myself worrying over some poor injured man. I slipped into the shower and took a quick warm bath and tucked myself to bed. I told myself to worry about everything tomorrow and just sleep for now. So I did.





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Lexi14 #1
Chapter 20: Omo he confessed and there togeter yipee ^.^ can't wait to see what happend next so update soon please and I hope kibum dosent do anything to hurt Yanna but it prob will >.< but anyways love the update :)
candiru #2
says : omg he confessed to her! Update soon please!
Lexi14 #3
Chapter 18: Please update soon ^.^ and I hope yanna and heechul work out soon
myotterprince #4
Chapter 13: I loved it, hope u update soon
minkap #5
omg update soon!
love the story!
can you still apply?
Chapter 6: I love this story! Please update soon.