Don't Go

Only Look At Me

The weeks flew by pretty fast for Luhan, and within a few days he felt much better. Whether it was because of the medicine and bed rest, or the leader taking great care of him, he really didn't care. 

"Hyung," Suho peeked his head around the door to Luhan's room and eyed a sleepy deer who was stretching. His arms rose above his head and his wife beater pulled up just a little, giving Suho a great view of the elder's toned abs.

"Hmmphhh?" Mumbled the sleepy doe.

"Hyung, are you feeling better?" The leaders's cheeks were flaming red and he was grateful that Luhan was too tired to notice, or even care.

Luhan gazed at Suho, his eyes drooping cutely before shaking his head and nodding, "O-oh yeah. I'm fine."

"A-ah, that's..that's great." He knew this day would come eventually. Every moment of nursing the deer back to health he reminded himself that one day, he was going to be well again. Then everything would go back to normal, much to his disappointment. Luhan would no longer need him, and for some strange and confusing reason, this broke Suho's heart. "Is there anything you need?" He asked, not daring to step inside the elder's room.

"No, actually I'm feeling absolutely wonderful. If I need anything..I think I could get it myself!" Luhan smiled, sliding out of bed and walking over to the trembling boy.

"Oh wow! I'm so happy for you, Luhan!" Suho plastered a smile on his face.

Why am I so upset? Now Sehun can stop fretting and they can resume their happy relationship. Now I can finally go back to my scheduling and stop having Manager breathing down my neck with upcoming concert dates. I should be ecstatic and relieved - yet I'm the absolute opposite..

Suho didn't notice Sehun push passed him and into Luhans arms. Suho didn't notice Luhan reluctantly returning the gesture, a hint of sadness and longing in his eyes.

Suho didn't notice Chen watching from the other side of the hallway, his lips twisting into a knowing smirk.


"Have you talked to Suho lately?" Kris asked, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Hmm not really.." Chanyeol bit his lip, trying to remember the last conversation he had with his leader. "All he says is," Chanyeol cleared his throat and did his best impersonation of Suho , "Have you eaten? Has Baekhyun eaten? Have all of you eaten? Okay because Luhan hasn't tell Kyungsoo to hurry with that food. Nag nag nag this, that." He placed his hands on his hips, reenacting the leader's sassy orders. Kris laughed at this before adding,

"Geez all he ever talks about anymore is Luhan, like I get he's sick and all, but it's not like it's terminal."

"I heard he's been better for a week, but Suho needs an excuse to spend more time with him!" Tao chimes in.

"Why would he want that?" Chanyeol asked, raising an eyebrow at the panda.

He shrugged, "I dunno, that's what Chen said."

"Chen is also the one who told you that if you left bamboo around your bed when you went to sleep you would wake up with a baby panda next to you in the morning." Chanyeol stated matter-of-factly.

Tao pouted at his teasing, "Hey, it couldn't hurt to try!" Kris and Chanyeol only rolled their eyes in response.

"You're so naive," Kris said, scooting his chair closer until he was nearly on top of him, "but that's why I love you."

Chanyeol made a gagging noise and stood up to leave the room, only to bump into the troll himself.

"Ah, just the trio I wanted to see!" Chen smiled pushing Chanyeol back into his seat before taking his own.

"Oh God what do you want..." Kris rolled his eyes, already not trusting the troll. Just his presence gave the three an unsettling feeling in the pits of their stomaches.

"I over heard Tao relaying some important infortmation, which means this is just the perfect time to make my enterance, and to tell you about a plan that I think you will all be very excited to be a part of."

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Chapter 9: This story was so cute!!
Chapter 9: i know this already late..
but,,could you please make a sequel for this story~~
Chapter 9: so..hunnie..what happened to him??
genius. pure genius
moodymuppet #5
Chapter 9: aww , Luhan and Suho are soooo sweet . :D

kkk, the er Kai , bad boy
frostedbaozi #7
Chapter 8: Please update soon author-nim! This is really great. :)
Chapter 8: Update pls ^^