
The End


You were going to surprise your idol boyfriend at his company today! Considering you haven't seen him in days. You were happily walking along greeting the employees, until you reached his break room. The sight you saw made you gasp and for awhile you watched, Watched, him hold a girl other than yourself hurt bad.. You could say it was a stab to your heart. Now you knew why he was ignoring you, not answering your calls, not replying to your text, and was never home. 
    You really wanted to barge in their and yell at him for all the hurt he's given you but you didn't have the sanity to do so. You'd have never thought your oh so loving boyfriend Kim Jongin or better known as your best friend and officially your ex-boyfriend. The girl? The girl was none other then Kim hyuna of 4minute. 
  You knew she had her eyes set on Kai but you never put much thought into it because you trusted walked away from the "sweet" scene calmly holding back your sobs as to not be scene. Once you turned your back you ran for it tears running down your face. The feelings of hurt and betrayal held inside of you. You ran to your home barging into you and Kai's bedroom, throwing everything he owned out the door.  Everything from clothes to pictures, CDs! Ripping his promise ring off. As you were about to throw out the door you took a glance at it and you collapsed to the ground clutching into the ring for dear life and you stayed like that for awhile until you heard the door unlock, you quickly got up...
    Kai had returned, seeing the mess you had made wondering what had happened. You on the other hand had cuts and bruises from throwing things around and ripping things up. That's when Kai noticed you and your injured self 
   "_______ what happened! Gwenchanna?!" He said alarmed at the mess. 
  You looked up at him as he yelled looking like an empty shell staring at him. You stared for a good 2 minutes and said 
  " leave me the hell alone you cheating bastard, I can't take the hurt anymore."
He looked at you shocked to see you've found out about his affair with his idol companion 
 "Jagiya I can explain! Please don't end this! Saranghae!" He said.
You stared calmly but one look into your eyes would reveal the torment this gave, but you calmly said," if you loved me,you wouldn't have done what you've done. I've packed your things leave." 
  He was on the verge of breaking down, not realizing his mistakes until now. He took a glance at you before walking to the bedroom grabbing his readily packed he's about to walk out the door he takes one more look back as you say," oh yeah Kai, one more thing, I won't be needing this anymore." 
  You grab the promise ring out of your pocket and throw it at him as he swiftly catches it and then stares at it and back at you 
  "_____-ah mianhae..." He says with the most solemn expression
  "It's too late Kai." you stated with the most serious expression. 
With that he left without another glance, a tear escaping from his eye. When you thought he was far enough you broke down once more but this time with no one to interrupt.
                    THE END 
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Chapter 1: Oh god... Very well written:) i really liked it^^ but wh always hyuna?! ><