My Heart is aching

Hidden Princess



Lunch break is over, students rushed to their classroom. Onew who is still depressed about what just happened to him, cannot walk properly. He is like out of this world.

When he opened the door of their classroom, the class was starting. “I’m sorry I’m late maam.”he said

“okay just proceed to your seat”the teacher replied

His seat is beside Taeyeon. Until now his heart is aching because of what she did to him.

The class ended.

Yuri tried to talk to Onew who is obviously hurt because of what her friend did but Onew said he wants to be alone. She then gave Onew what he wants.


‘I tried everything to make her fall for me but she really doesn’t like me’Onew’s thought.

“your alone here?” a girl said

Onew looked to the one who spoke “yeah, and if you don’t mind I want to be alone”

“I know but I should really tell you this” the girl replied and the sat down on the bench where is Onew sitting also.

Onew looked again to the girl and observed that this girl is quite pretty even with her big eye glasses, she is also tall (don’t get him any wrong he is just appreciating her beauty).

“what is it?”he asked

“can you still remember the day you started to tell to everyone that you like her”she asked

“who?” he replied

“I’m referring to Taeyeon, can you still remember?”

Onew then started to remember where everything started.





Onew’s POV

It’s my first day of school being a high school student and I can feel that I will enjoy this.

Poor Jonghyun, Key, Minho, and Taemin they are not yet in the high school.

I can feel that many girls are staring at me can’t blame them my parents gave me this good looks, I’m really thankful for it. Oh since they are really curious how handsome I am, I will give them a smile. –Smile-

The girls are screaming, that is really my charisma, my mother said I’m so handsome especially when I smile.

While I was on my way to my classroom I was astonished by the girl carrying a book smiling to the girl beside her. They are taking the same path as mine but they overtake me because I stopped just to see her clearly. This is the first time I feel this way, am I in-love? Now I actually believe what the others says, there is such thing as love at first sight.

I’m really in-love, I have to find her but first I should go to my class.


Upon entering the classroom, I saw a girl reading a book, Omo! That’s her, that’s the girl who caught my heart. She’s the same class with me? It must be really a destiny. I sat beside her.

“hi! Im Lee Jinki but you can call me Onew”

She ignored me. Why?

The teacher entered the classroom and said “ Good morning class, I’m your teacher-adviser Kim Jiyoung(she’s fictional I don’t even know her) please introduce yourself one by one”

The others introduced themselves and I’m waiting for her turn. Finally its her turn.

“I’m Kim Taeyeon”

“Taeyeon aren’t you going to tell something about yourself?”the teacher asked.

“there is nothing to tell about me maam”

“okay, next”the teacher said and point to me.

“hi everyone I’m Lee Jinki but you can call me Onew”

“are you still going to add?”maam asked

“yes maam… I like this girl beside me, I like Taeyeon, that’s all thank you”

My classmates reacted “oh”. Taeyeon looked at me with a questionable look. I just smiled to her and said “I like you”.

“Onew it’s the first day of school, its not the right time to confess” teacher said with a smile.

“alright next”.

Its break time I followed Taeyeon up to the canteen. She is with her friends Jessica and Yuri. I know something about them because they are both in the same class with me.  “hey you! come here”Yuri called me

“hi!” I said to them

“you said  you like Tayeon”Jessica then said


“since when?”Yuri asked

“since I first saw her”

“ at first sight so cute”

“what do  you think of him Taeyeon?” Yuri asked Taeyeon who is very busy reading a book

“Taeyeon-ah”she called again

“what?”Taeyeon replied

“what can you say about him?” Yuri said and then pointed her finger to me.

She looked at me. Oh! She’s really pretty, I smiled to her. She returned her attention to the book and said “nothing”

“aish…Onew don’t mind Taeyeon she is just busy and she doesn’t want anyone to disturb her”Jessica told  me

“hey what about this one, I’m sure that you will get her attention”Yuri said and then she whispered her suggestion.

“that’s great Yuri-ah”Jessica said and then gave Yuri a high five “ but there is a problem”


“can Onew do it?”Jessica asked Yuri

“can you do it Onew?”they both asked me

“ahh…yes of course for Taeyeon”

“good, now do it”they commanded

I stood  up in the table and started shouting“hello everyone I’m Lee Jinki, Onew for short, a freshman of this school, first I will tell you that I am really sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for the attention”

“I’m new here but I already found someone who caught my heart, I like this girl and I like to court her” I said and point to Taeyeon.

Many people gasped especially the girls but it was followed by the clap of others.

“go on we know that you can make him fall for you”someone said

“that girl is so lucky to have you” I heard from the back

“you’re so brave man”

That’s what I’ve heard and there are more but when I looked to Taeyeon, she stood up and closed her book “what are you doing?”

“confessing to you”… “can I court you?”

“say yes miss”

“give him a chance”

“go say yes”

That is what the other students said. I don’t know if Taeyeon heard them but she just replied “its up to you but I will not give you false hope, I’m not interested in any relationship”

“what does it mean”

“she is letting you court her…duh…you’re a bit slow”Yuri said

My heart was filled with joy, I can’t hide my happiness anymore this is it “YES!”


-end of the POV-

-end of the flashback-




sorry if I focused only to ontaeng and there are no minyul..mianhe

but wait for the next chapters

anyway tthank you to the readers...SARANGHAE!!!

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minyul8 #1
Please update soon. New reader here! So far the story seems interesting, love the story idea
Chapter 30: update SOON!!!
kiyoong #3
Chapter 29: npatawa aku dun xa foolishness [katarantaduhan] pinoy aku update soon~
kiyoong #4
Chapter 19: really i love you too .!
Sheila_123 #5
Update soon.
flyingeatingninja #6
Mellisa #7
Minyul... I Love you... But i Love Ontaeng more Hehe... Mianhamnida... But both of them are cool.
ShineeShiDaePmSuju #8
Love ur story so much <3
update soon!!!!!!! Can't wIt for the next chap ^___^
cutiekoala #9
I love Jongsica moments! <3
Hope Yuri will tell Minho soon!