A turn of events

My heart! Whats wrong??!
        "Hello? Is this Eunjung? I'm Hyo-Jin! Just wanted to ask, are you free tonight for dinner? I want to treat you for taking great care of me in the hospital." I anticipated her reply. 
           "Well...." Eunjung paused.
           "Please say yes! I was really looking forward to dinner with you tonight! Plus I want to introduce someone to you." I cut her words. Yes, I was that eager to get her to go to dinner. If this didn't work, I would go to her workplace and beg her on the spot. 
            "Fine. Where are we having dinner?" Eunjung agreed unwillingly.
             "Assa! I'll text you the place later. Byeee!!" I cut the call before she could have the chance to decline the offer. One down, second left to go. I had this planned a few days ago. I wanted to get AJ and Eunjung together on a date. One was shy while the other couldn't be bothered. So, I had to do something to 'help' right? I dialled AJ's phone number next.
          "Whats up Hyo-Jin?" AJ asked, surprised that I called him. 
         I replied as though he was my good friend, "Hey do you want to go for dinner with me tonight? I want to introduce someone to you." 
        He agreed without hesitation. This was why I like him so much! He was always ready to accept offers. "Okay! Then i'll message you the place later! Byee!" 
         "Sure," was his only reply. I then killed the call. 
          This is by far, my best plan ever! I never got the chance to set people up on a date before. Although its my first time, I know that this will definitely be a huge success! AJ is such a nice guy. Eunjung is so into him. What can go wrong? 
         I waited outside the restaurant for them. They should be here by now. Why are they late? Its okay. Calm down Hyo-Jin. "Hyo-Jin ah!" I heard someone call my name. I turned to see Eunjung walking faster towards me. "Why are you waiting outside? You should go inside. Its cold out here. Where's the person you wanted me to meet?" She looked around. 
         "Errr..Eunjung-ah, I think we should go in first huh? He's quite a busy person you see." I explained. 
          I didn't wait for her reply and dragged her by the hand into the restaraunt. We took a four seater table and sat opposite each other. I took the seat facing the door so that Eunjung would be surprised to see AJ later. Am I just that smart or what? Kekeke. I giggled to myself. Eunjung just looked at me as if I just escaped from the mental hospital. I am perfectly normal. Hmmph. 
        Just as I was talking to myself in my head, AJ stood at the entrance looking around for us. I waved at him and motioned for him to quickly come to our table. Eunjung turned to look at the person I was waving to and her grin got replaced with a thin line. I noticed that AJ looked surprised as well. His pace got slower as he stared from me to Eunjung continuously. He plopped himself next to me. 
      "AJ why don't you sit beside Eunjung instead?" I smiled. 
      He replied with a serious tone, "Why should I?" 
       It was the first time I heard him talk to me in such a tone. It was kind of scary. "Y-yah. Why do you sound so serious? Its not how you normally speak." 
       "Really? I don't know why." He replied coldly looking away. 
        What is wrong with him? He's freaking me out! Eunjung looked like she was on the verge of tears.
         "AJ. Do you know that I've been fond of you since high school? Its just that I was shy and never confessed. When we met again recently, my feelings for you stirred again. Do you know how tough it is to keep all this to myself? Do you really have no feelings for me?" Eunjung cried. People from the other tables started to turn and look at us as Eunjung raised her voice. I glared at the people looking and gestured irritatingly at them so that they would look away. I then glanced at AJ to hear his response.
        "I have always felt that you liked me or something but I chose to ignore it so that our relationship as friends wouldn't turn awkward. I really have no feelings for you. I'm sorry Eunjung-ah." AJ explained, looking down. 
        No, no. This was not what I had planned! I was thinking of a happy ending for them. Not this! "Wait,wait. Are you guys just going to end it like this? Surely you could decide if you have feelings for each other or not after going for a date or two?" I reasoned with them.
         AJ appeared frustrated. "Hyo-Jin ah! Can you please stop this? Stop matchmaking me with other girls! We really need to talk!" He grabbed me by my wrist and dragged me out of the restaurant. I managed to wave to Eunjung before we got out. 
        AJ made me sit down on a bench at a garden. He walked back and forth, hands on his hips. He breathed heavily as if trying to calm himself down. It was already dark. My stomach clenched as I got nervous. I shuffled my feet against each other. I was looking down. 
       "AJ?" I voiced out silently. 
       He raised up a hand to signal me to wait a while. 
      "Hyo-Jin ah! Why can't you understand my feelings for you? Don't you feel it? Although you lost your memory, shouldn't the feelings still be there?" AJ asked me, almost pleading.
        I stood up from my seat, "But our is too big. Isn't it? So I tried to get you and Eunjung together. I know its hard but couldn't you just-"
          He just cut me off my words with a kiss on my lips. My eyes widened at first, shocked at the sudden action but I softened up and received the kiss. His arms were on my hips and I put my arms around his neck. We retracted at the same time and I looked at the ground shyly. 
        "I-i. I think I do like you. To be honest, I did feel a tinge of jealousy when I thought of how mushy it would get between you guys if you were together." I admitted. 
       "I'm so glad that you've finally come to terms with your feeling!" AJ exclaimed, swinging me in mid-air. 
       "Yah Hyo-Jin, does this mean that you're willing to be my girlfriend now?" AJ asked. He looked right into my eyes and I could feel the sincerity in his words. I simply nodded. 
       "Assa! From today onwards, Kim Hyo-Jin is officially my girl!!!" He shouted. 
        Passerbys gathered around us and clapped. It was really unexpected but I was really really happy! I hugged AJ tightly. The joy was too overwhelming. The crowd's clapping got louder and there were even cheers for a kiss. 
       "Lets appease the crowd shall we?" AJ said and lunged forward for another kiss. I closed my eyes and felt the warmth of his lips on mine.
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Chapter 40: Noo how could A.J be so open abt it. I dint really ship her n changjo hahah
Well.. 'happy' ending
Wow unexpected ending .-.
wonremoo #3
Chapter 40: Ooh happy ending!^~^
wonremoo #4
Chapter 39: Long but filled with many good scenarios :D
wonremoo #5
Chapter 38: Chapter 38 is awesome! Nice depiction xD
Chapter 26: Gahh nooo short chapter:(
Chapter 7: LOL smiling :D heehee^^~ keep it up!! The story is very nice and interesting! So hurry up and post chapter 16 alr!! Hahahah XD