



I alertly opened my eyes as soon as my mother screamed from the outside of my Kpop-infested room.

"MOM! I AIN'T HIGH SCHOOL ANYMORE FOR PETE'S SAKE!" I screamed back as I rose from my bed, scratching my hair.

"I KNOW. BUT STILL YOU HAVE TO BE PUNCTUAL WHEN YOU GO TO YOUR UNIVERSITY!" My annoying yet concerned mother said from the outside.

"Fine~ I'll go out." I said while lifting myself from my bed and wore comfy slippers. Before going out of my room to eat breakfast, I brushed my hair neatly and applied powder so they won't see my face that just woke up. When I was done, I looked at my poster that stood out from the others. The XOXO poster.

How I treasured this because it was the first ever album I bought with my own money that I earned. It was really worth it. I usually feel giddy when I see this. Sometimes I would kiss my bias after I wake up and before I go to bed. But today, I don't know. I'm okay with the others but one of them saddens me all of a sudden just by seeing his face.

My Mandu. My Baozi. How are you?


Do you still think of me?

Me, who used to make you struggle, sad and hurt

Me, who thoughtlessly called you because I was drunk


Taking the train to the university I enter to has always been my habit. I never dared to take the bus or taxi since I have fears taking those transportation (that I don't wanna talk about honestly).  Before entering the campus, I would stop by to the nearest stall that sells bubble tea. I never drink the plain because I easily get sick of it. That's why I bought chocolate bubble tea since it doesn't get me easily sick of it. Chocolate bubble tea, how that baby really loves that drink.

I entered my first class and luckily, my bestfriend that I haven't seen awhile is here. She waved and gave me a tight hug.

"______-ah, how are you?? Has your flu disappeared completely?" She asked with a concerned look.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I said.

"I'm afraid that I might not give you your ticket!" She said.

Ticket? Did I made plans? How come I can't remember?

"What ticket?"

She flicked my forehead and believe me, it kinda hurt.

"HEY! That hurt!"

"Wow, you've been gone quite long. You also forgot about that concert that you anticipated since the day they debuted." She said.

"Huh? What concert?" Seriously, I forgot what concert was it.

With a frustrated sigh she did, she brought out a white business envelope and gave it to me. Without any thought, I opened it and saw ticket with a familiar logo.

"It's EXO's first concert! Did you forgot??"

Wait....OH! It's their first concert in Korea!

I facepalmed myself. I remember spazzing so much when I heard the news, that I went hunger strike for two months just to earn enough money to buy the ticket then I asked my bestfriend to buy my ticket for me because I got the flu for two weeks.

Wow, I just remembered just now.

"Wow, I'm a great fan." I said sarcastically while going to my seat beside my bestfriend.

"You age too fast. Just like Suho." She laughed.

Of course, I laughed with her since Suho is the gramps of the group. But deep inside, I beginning to feel I'm missing something.


My days have become too long

More than the times I spent with you back then

Though the minute hand of the clock goes around just the same


In two months, it's EXO's concert. Yes, that's what I remembered. I guess, judging from the date today.

It was lunch break and I decided to hang out in a cafe that's a few blocks from my campus. I ordered an Iced Latte and Tuna Pie for me since I wanted to go light as possible for me because I was following a diet.

Since I had a 3-hour break, I decided to browse the web while waiting for my class to start. But seriously, 3 hours is too long for me. I might get bored from browsing. I sighed, noting myself not to get a latter time of classes. Without noticing, someone took a seat across to wear I am seated.


A familiar voice, with a slight accent said. How come he knows who am I?

I closed my laptop and saw a handsome boy with features that can be compared to a girl.

"Luhan? From EXO?"

"_______, it is you! I've been trying to find you since--"

"Luhan!" I screamed silently.

He stopped and asked: "What?"

"How come you know my name?" I asked him. This is wrong. How come he knows me?

"________, don't act stupid. You know me and I know you." He said innocently. Seriously if he's part of my biases in EXO, I would ride along. But this is wrong!

"No, you don't know me." I took my laptop, drink and bag, and left the cafe with a second thought of looking back.

I was near the campus until someone pulled me somewhere where no one can see us. I was about to fight back but an invincible force held my arms. Wait a minute, how come I am vulnerable to his powers?

I saw Luhan standing in front of me with serious eyes. "Sorry _______, I had to do that."

"Luhan, don't you dare use your powers in public!" I screamed but regretted it in a second. Oh crap, I did something wrong as well.

"No use regretting it. There's nothing wrong as well to ruin the course of time." He said. Oh crap, he read my mind! This is outrageous! It's the first time he entered my thoughts.

"I know. I'm surprised I have access to you now." He chuckled.

"Okay Luhan, that's enough reading my thoughts." I said. "And can you please release me? I won't run away this time."

With those words, I felt free again from his invincible grasp.

"I'm sorry _______. I had to confirm if I was the only one who remembered everything." He said sadly.


I will be living like that after time passes

I’ll meet someone else and say I love you

I’ll cast away the words I couldn’t say and my sadness

But as I look at myself like this

The person who made me happily smile more than anyone in the world

That person can’t be you anymore

So I stopped in place like a fool


I told him what happened. From the day I woke up like nothing happened. I promised myself not to remember, it was purely horror for me. That day when we did something right that ended up being a bad memory that cannot be remembered.


It happen in a flash. As we saved the world, we ended up getting a price for what we did. Everyone died.

Kyungsoo fell in the crack leading to a bottomless surface, Yifan and Zitao got shot by the enemy as they flew to attack, Joonmyeon fell from a cliff after being knocked down by the enemy, breaking his neck in the process, Baekhyun and Tao were stabbed in the process while protecting the others, Yixing used up his life just to heal me, Jongin was shot in the head by the enemy, Jongdae electrocuted himself after being huddled by the enemies to kill them and Chanyeol sacrificed himself as he transformed himself as a Phoenix and acts as a time bomb to disperse the enemies.

Me, Luhan and Minseok knew we were included but Minseok acted as a shield, using up his ice powers to protect me and Luhan but he was in front of us. As he was done creating a strong ice dome that's capable of not being melted quickly. Minseok looked at me sadly, with tears coming out of eyes. He smiled sadly, then I remembered what he said to me.

"Even after a million years, I'll still love you."

He reached his hand and I reached my hand as well, even if the ice dome was separating us. As soon as he mouthed "I love you", he was dispersed in front of my eyes as the fire burst out. Luhan covered my eyes since he knew my fear of people dying in front of my eyes but it was too late. He turned into ashes in front of my eyes.

After those events, the ice melted and battlefield has turned into ruins. With only two of us remaining, we have nothing to lose. Except ourselves. Dishearten by the fact that the people I love were gone, I broke down and falling down on my knees. I sobbed while muttering Minseok's name in the dead, polluted air. Luhan kneeled in front of me and hugged me, letting me cry on his shoulder while rubbing my back.

Yes, Luhan was sad as well as I could see in his eyes. With his hyungs no longer alive and he was the only one in EXO left. As I let my hand wander the ground, I felt a pendant in the dirt/ashes and as I picked it up, it was the pendant that Minseok had. It was a couple pendant. I sobbed harder while hugging the necklace. Luhan stood up while I was left crying.

Luhan stood up while I let my tears fall until there is no more. When I soon got myself a little strength, I looked at Luhan who just stood there and looked at the distance.

" I guess we'll leave this mess right?" I said with a single hint of emotion.

He didn't replied to me, he just looked at the dark skies that's hovering us. "Did you still remember the Reset technic that I was learning?"

I stood up and approached him. "Yeah, you've been practicing it right?"

"Yup." He tilted his head to my side. "I think this is the opportunity for me to do it."

"WHAT?! It's impossible to do that! Didn't you remember that in order to do the Reset technic, a human who has Telekinesis and another human who can testify time must form together in order for the technic to be effective. But it's impossible because Zitao was shot and was turned into ashes as well!"

Luhan burst out his anger to me as well. "Tao can only stop time, but you can control time!"

"W-Wha--? That's impossible! I'm immune to your powers."

He sighed. "Your powers recently bloomed. After Minseok's death."


"You can go back to time by yourself. Since Zitao was your brother, I assume that you share the same powers as he is but instead you were the opposite. It turned out, you were just a late bloomer." He shifted slightly to look at me. He grabbed my left arm and yanked my left sleeve open. "You have the symbol too. A crossgene of mine and Tao."

I looked at my exposed forearm and saw a symbol that was shining. 

Luhan can analyze the other's power because of his power that could analyze people's thoughts and powers as well.

"You can only travel by yourself. If you train more, you could use your powers with other people as well. But your powers are strong. We can use it to reverse time, to go back and stay there for good. But the events of the future will never happen anymore so the thing we defeated will remain dead."

This might be a challenge for me and Luhan. But we are doing this for our world to be back to normal, we'll do it.

"So, will you help me?" He reached out his hand while his symbol was glowing again, hinting that it's time to do it for the world.

As I held hands with Luhan, the last thing I remember is Minseok smiling.


I was inside the campus with Luhan. Good thing they allowed Luhan to enter the campus since he is a celebrity after all.

"So both of us remembered what happened?" I asked him as I drank.

"Yeah, I read the other's minds and memories. They seem to have no idea about what happened, including him."

"But how?" I asked him.

"We were conscious at that time. Though my powers will also wipe other's memories too, it seems that it's still immune on you." He drank my latte and looked down. "It's hard to resist myself whenever I see her."

Before that day, him and my bestfriend got married. However, she died as the enemy shot her even before we were about to save her. That initiated the fight that killed the members. But since it was back to normal, it's back to square one for him. Good thing my bestfriend is a Luhan stan.

"Oh.." I looked down while I brought out the pendant that was originally from Minseok.

"You kept it?" He asked.

I smiled. "Yeah, I guess it's part of my memory now." I put it in my pocket again and told Luhan something before leaving since my class will start soon.

"Listen Luhan, I'm really glad to see you again. And we can keep our friendship. But.." I grabbed my things and stood up from my seat as I prepare myself to leave. "..I wish not to see Kim Minseok. I'm sorry." I bowed.

Luhan on the other hand, wouldn't give in to what I said that easily.

"Why? Are you scared?" Luhan asked in a confused state.

I walked away from him but I stopped my tracks and turned myself to look at him. "I remembered Minseok telling me before: ' Even after a million years, I'll still love you.' I'm keeping those words that he said so it's the best for us not to meet."

"So you're saying you're gonna let fate decide?"

I nodded and smiled sadly. "If we are destined to be together, then I hope fate will allow me and him to meet and be together once more." With those words, I left.


Time has stopped after I let you go

I’m dying, trapped in regret, the tears won’t stop

I take out the ring we both shared

As I follow and walk through the past memories

As I walk, I see you and I, both smiling brightly

How are you? Are you really living well without feeling anything?

Or are you in pain? Can’t we meet again?


Two months later, it was EXO's first concert. I remembered that I was too excited for words when it was the day itself that I ended up going early with my bestfriend to the venue. Those memories did happened exactly. I remembered EXO's first concert as well. It was epic, I'm telling you. So I'm glad that I would watch it (again).

As the concert starts, the whole stadium litted their lightsticks in the stadium and were cheering loudly, including me. I didn't bother the winks coming from Luhan, since I know she's flirting with my bestfriend. But what bothers me is that, Minseok was looking in our place where we were located. He looked lost. Like a lost kid! It's so cute!!! (wait, the author is spazzing. hold on.)

As soon as the solo performance started, Minseok came after Jongin's performance. Before performing, he spoke.

"Well, it's surprising to see a lot of beautiful EXO fans. *chuckled* Well, this song I'll be performing is a part of XOXO but I really wanted to sing this, especially for someone."

Huh? Wasn't Minseok's doing a dance performance????

The fans shushed themselves to listen to what Minseok will say.

"She's my Tinkerbell. She always there without me finding out she felt for me until I found out. I love her so much that I promised myself that she'll be the only girl that will spend all my life with her 'till death. But all of a sudden, she disappeared. We didn't fought but she just disappeared from my sight. That's why I wanted to find her again. I wanna come back to her and make new memories with her. And guess what everyone, I already found her." He smiled with tears on his eyes.

He found her. Oh....I'm not supposed to feel bad. He doesn't know me yet.

"So I wanted to dedicate this song to her and tell her how I feel for her."

With that, the song played and this the song that he used to sing it to me if ever I feel down or before I go to sleep.


I brush off the dust on the old diary The inside that suddenly opened up, brightly

You are there still Like before, you are remained

I recall the pictures that I lived forgetting The little tremblings splurge in my body

It’s a bit of a sad thing that we can’t go back to that time


I’m going to look for you Tinker bell that the memories sent Neverland that followed through

At that place While looking at each other, were we smiling

Forever your peter pan. Your man that stopped the that time

Although I’m lacking, I’m running to my you that I loved so much


The mischievous rascal that bothered you a lot The defeated memories are vivid

Starting from that time I gained your heart and even a kiss

My heart was always flying while riding a cloud

You were prettier than Wendy, Cinderella

Because I feel you, the one person that makes my heart beat My two eyes shine


I’m going to look for you Tinker bell that the memories sent Neverland that followed through

at that place While looking at each other, were we smiling

Forever your peter pan. Your man that stopped the that time

Although I’m lacking, I’m running to my you that I loved so much


The face that shows the pinkish color The feeling of walking on the clouds (Although we were together)

Baby boo! The picture like You that my heart beated to! (Although I wanted to hold on)

That time like when your eyes that gently smiled (Although I put out my hand Oh!)

If you were to fly to me right now through the open window in the part of my heart (You get farther Away)


You that i bottled in my fairy tale, as always, lingering around sweety girl (Don’t leave)

I’m still trembling the part of my heart that you’re not in this place is a lonely island (The me from that time)

You that is written in my memories pretty girl that won’t get erased! (is here right now Oh!)

My heart is still beating the one part of my heart that you’re not in (Where could you be)


Our relationship that shows of a watch spring How much would it have changed

Although I e page that I lastly wrote about you in, no longer

Do I have the strength to read on I’m going to erase the sad writings

It’s not going to be the end of our story

Because I’m going to meet you again


After he finishes singing, the stadium goes dark and without second thoughts, with a lump on my throat I ran out of the stadium and I cried myself outside.

He remembered. It's impossible. He doesn't have Luhan's powers and my immunity to their powers. I suddenly had no strength to go back inside so I text my bestfriend that I was sick so I had to home early.

"Leaving so soon ________?"

My heart dropped when I heard a very familiar voice, I looked behind and saw a sweaty and panting baozi.

"You didn't love the song ______?" He said with a hint of sadness.

As my heart gone jolly, I ran to Minseok's arms and he circled me around as he hugged and carried me at the same time.

"M-Minseok, you're alive." I sobbed on his chest.

"Shh, I'm here now. I won't leave you this time."

I didn't care if I changed history. What matters to me is that he's here with me again.

"Even if I die, even if I'm lost, even after a million years, I'll still love you."


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Chapter 1: One of the most awesome stories I have read!! I feel them TT^TT I just can't contain my feels because they are back together :')
Jess_jane143 #3
Chapter 1: That was amazing!! I loved it ^^
I started to cry :')
Chapter 1: Xiumin<33 omgz He remebered!! *^* Good job author-nim the story is magnificent!