Yunho's Dictionary

True Colours: One-shot Collection

True Colours

Written by cookiesandcream




Oneshot #1:

Title: Yunho’s Dictionary

Summary: Yunho decided to have his own dictionary.

Pairing: Jung Yunho / Kim Jaejoong

Word count: 1,040

Genre: Crack/Humour | Romance

Rating: G


Yunho stared at the screen in-front of him, where he could see a plain white sheet like a bond paper and a line (he doesn’t know what it is) that was stupidly blinking repeatedly. It was already ten in the evening and yet, he still doesn’t have an idea of what to write in his advocacy speech. Hell, he doesn’t even know what advocacy means!

He opened a browser and searched the meaning of advocacy. He found one and clicked it. 

An idea struck in his mind, Yunho knew it will save him away from boredom. His advocacy speech could wait right? It won't hurt to procrastinate a little...

He decided to have his own version of a dictionary.




It was about one in the morning when Jaejoong went to his boyfriend’s room to check if he’s done with his advocacy speech. He saw Yunho in-front of his laptop, head resting over his arms, obviously asleep. He walked over to him and stared at his sleeping face. A gentle smile formed his lips as he tranquilly caressed Yunho’s cheek. His Yunho must’ve been so tired.

He couldn’t help but worry, his Yunnie’s sleeping position might cause body-ache tomorrow morning, but he couldn’t lift him up, could he? Everyone knows that Yunho’s stronger than Jaejoong. The latter just sighed and went to his boyfriend’s bedroom to get a blanket before he used it to cover Yunho’s body. He then pecked his cheek, causing him to stir lightly, but it didn’t wake him.

Jaejoong was about to leave when he noticed that Yunho forgot to turn off his laptop. He placed it in-front of him so he could turn it off properly, when he noticed an unsaved file that caused his eyes sparkle with amusement.

Yunho never fails to amaze him.




Jung Yunho’s Dictionary



Best friend (n.) A person who eats like a pig. The only thing that can make him happy is food. A person who’s sharp-tongued (really really sharp it could cut you), witty and sarcastic that you can call him Lord Voldemin, a term which derived from Voldemort.  (See also: Shim Changmin)

Fan girls (n.) – RUN AND HIDE! (See also: Cassiopeia)

S.M. University (n.) school for gifted, awesome, cool & handsome people (like me), but can also be considered as hell—with all those requirements, busy schedules and stuff. You know. 

Boyfriend (n.)- a boy or man (duh) who’s always there for you; someone who's caring, clumsy, innocent, mushy and a cry baby, definitely better than any other girls.

Love (n.) – An overwhelming feeling when you have an awesome partner. (See also: my Boo)

Dong Bang Shin Ki (n.) – Best family ever. Enough said.

Side Note: According to some sources, we (ehem) are the closest thing to perfection. Not my words though. (See also: Rising Gods of the East, Tohoshinki, Tong Vfang Xien Qi, TVXQ, THSK, DBSK)

Lee Sooman (n.) - The greedy selfish principal of our ing school. (See also: bastard, demon in disguise)

Chunface (n.) A dork’s way of expressing his facial expressions. Cassies find it cute, but hell! It’s not totally amusing, it disturbs the hell out of me.  (See also: Park Yoochun)

Eu Kyang Kyang (n.) A sound emitted from a dolphin or a duck when he finds something extremely funny. Annoying, I tell you. But again, the Cassies think otherwise. (See also: Kim Junsu)

Dancing(adj.) passion, one of the best discoveries in the world.

Cassiopeia (n.) – so-called “fans” of DBSK in SM University. Scariest fan club in the world (they are known as the bullies in our school). Those girls are literally an army and will do whatever it takes to make sure we are not bashed or any negative like that.** (See also: Cassies)

Yunjae (n.) – Well, the actual meaning of it is it’s the combination of our two names, Yunho plus Jaejoong. But for me, honestly, it’s real everlasting love that no one could ever beat. (See also: Real love, Hottest couple)

Kim Jaejoong (n.) – An angel in a human form. He’s the one you see smiling beautifully along the corridors, causing Cassies’ ovaries explode (much to my liking). The only one who can make my heart doki-doki. Has a voice like an angel. Soon to be Jung Jaejoong. A -god. (See also: Boyfriend, My boo, Mine, Will be always mine, Boojae, Just mine, Fiancé, Husband, Mother of my children, Jung Yunho’s, Just mine so back the hell off.)




August 13, 2011

Author's Note: OHAI guys! :D  the story's plot isn't mine! T_T 


(not to mention Jae's new song, which is obviously dedicated to Yunnie) 


 Thank you so much for subscribing! XD

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BeeCher #1
Chapter 3: Love it ❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 3: "Just mine so back the hell off" xD
i just found this's really good and funny too...cute...but you haven't updated for quite sometimes....please do because i have a high expectation on u...

thanks ^^
Lol~ I love the Yunjae one~ 'hottest couple' damn right it is~!!!!!
FOR THE WIN. :)) Kim Jaejoong's definition..GOLD. This is so daebak. XD
you really are the best crack-ish author...
Axiela #7
Yunnie is so cute in a possessive-but-not-too-stalkerish way lol Hope to see more of these cute oneshots! Really like your writing style and how ou depict the Yunjae =)<br />
Thanks for the hard work!
Hey , I read this and find Yunnie weird but CUTE~~ But seriously his character is weird but I like it . It's refreshing ^3^ Update soon ~
hi new reader here!!! just finished the first reminds me of 7 THINGS I HATE ABOUT MINHO HYUNG...2min fic in livejournal...<br />
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nyweiz, its CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...<br />
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and i heard you're the real and true author of Yunho's Dictionary..i think you deserve the words of praises, of course you do..that fic is simply AMAZING... so sweet~ <br />
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well i'm off to read your other stories<br />
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*ipagalakianggalingngpinoy*<br />
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